02 May 2014
Dr Joseph Banks, University of Southampton, UK
Dr Joseph Banks graduated with a Master in Ship Science from the University of Southampton in 2009 . Joseph has successfully received his PhD prize in the summer 2013 and is now pursuing post-doctoral studies in the same department.
Passive resistance of a swimmer on the free surface has first been researched experimentally. Contribution of wave resistance to total drag for a swimmer with a velocity around 2.0 m.s-1 was found to vary from 5% for Vorontsov and Rumyantsev (2000), to 21% for Toussaint et al. (2002) and up to 60% according to Vennell et al. (2006). The exact resistance breakdown of a swimmer remains unknown due to difficulties in the measurement of wave resistance. As noted by Sato and Hino (2010), this lack of experimental data makes it difficult to validate numerical simulations.