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XIIth International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming

Comparisons of four competitive jammers by biomechanics and physiological parameters in expert male crawl swimmers


29 Apr 2014


Didier Chollet, University of Rouen, France


Didier Chollet is the Vice-President of the University of Rouen, France. He has been head coach of National French University Swimming Team for 22 years. His primary research interests are Motor Control and Applied Biomechanics on Performance, with main themes concerning Swimming Coordination, Skill Acquisition and Feed-back. He has published five books in French, Spanish and English and more than 70 articles on motor control, biomechanics, coaching and sports science.


The evolution of rules about competitive swimsuits require updating the scientific data: for example, the biomechanics or physiological consequences of compressive character are not homogeneous (Benjanuvatra et al, 2002, Chollet et al, 2010, Marinho et al 2011, Tomikawa et al, 2009). The aim of this study was to compare four different competitive jammers relative to the personal usual training swimsuit in well-trained swimmers.

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