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XIIth International Symposium on Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming

Upper limb kinematic differences between breathing and non-breathing conditions in front crawl sprint swimming


29 Apr 2014


Carla McCabe, University of Edinburgh


Dr Carla McCabe graduated from the University of Limerick (2003) with a first class honours in Sport and Exercise Science. Under the supervision of Prof Ross Sanders, Carla completed her PhD at the University of Edinburgh (2008). During her time in Edinburgh Carla has worked at the Centre of Aquatics Research and Education (CARE) providing biomechanical support to elite and non-elite swimmers and producing research publications. Carla is currently a lecturer in Biomechanics at the University of Edinburgh and is still an active aquatic researcher.


Due to conflicting evidence (Payton et al., 1999; Vezos et al., 2007), the purpose of this study was to determine whether the breathing action in front crawl (FC) sprint swimming affects upper limb kinematics relative to a non-breathing stroke cycle (SC).

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