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Sports Technology and Applied Research Symposium

'Why?', 'How?' and 'Where to?' of Sleep Assessment for Elite Athletes


23 Nov 2020


Professor Greg Roach, Professor of the School of Health, Medial and Applied Science (Central Queensland University)

In this session, Professor Greg Roach — from CQUniversity’s Appleton Institute for Behavioural Science — talks about the ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘where to’ of sleep assessment for elite athletes. In ‘why’, Greg discusses the benefits of sleep for the athlete’s brain and body. In ‘how’, Greg discusses the pros and cons of various techniques for assessing athletes’ sleep, including PSG, wearables and self-report.

In ‘where to’, Greg discusses ways in which sleep assessment could be used to optimise the performance of elite athletes in the future. Greg also provides an update on a project that his research team is currently conducting with the AIS to assess the validity of wearable technologies for assessing physiological and/or psychological measures relevant to optimising athletic performance.

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