Men in Sport
In 2022 Australia’s estimated resident population was 26,315,575 people, 49.6% (13,060,220) were men and boys and around 49% of the male population participated in a sport-related activity at least once a week. 1, 10
Estimated sport-related participation by age group 1
Estimated sport-related participation at least once a week by State/Territory, Men [15+] 1
- Australian Capital Territory - 56%
- New South Wales - 51%
- Northern Territory - 49%
- Queensland - 48%
- South Australia - 44%
- Tasmania - 44%
- Victoria - 50%
- Western Australia - 52%
An estimated 548,000 [32% of] Australian men [aged 18+] with a disability participated in a sport-related activity at least once a week. 1
An estimated 104,000 [40% of] First Nations' men [aged 18+] participated in a sport-related activity at least once a week. 1

An estimated 899,000 [49% of] Australian men [aged 18+] who speak a language other than English (LOTE) at home participated in a sport-related activity at least once a week. 1
Most popular sport-related activities with estimated participants 12
Boys aged 0-14

Swimming - 868,000

Football/Soccer - 511,000

Australian Football - 342,000

Basketball - 325,000

Cricket - 195,000

Gymnastics - 179,000

Tennis - 156,000

Rugby League - 133,000

Running/Athletics - 127,000

Rugby Union - 80,000
Young Adult aged 15-24

Running/Athletics - 429,000

Basketball - 367,000

Football/Soccer - 362,000

Swimming - 220,000

Australian Football - 189,000

Cycling - 173,000

Cricket - 122,000

Tennis - 111,000

Volleyball - 109,000

Rugby League - 104,000
Adult aged 25-54

Running/Athletics - 1,440,000

Cycling - 1,052,000

Swimming - 918,000

Football/Soccer - 593,000

Golf - 476,000

Basketball - 433,000

Tennis - 285,000

Cricket - 360,000

Surfing - 294,000

Australian Football - 266,000
Mature Adult aged 55+

Cycling - 623,000

Swimming - 524,000

Golf - 523,000

Running/Athletics - 249,000

Tennis - 187,000

Bowls - 135,000

Surfing - 115,000

Canoeing/Kayaking - 99,000

Sailing - 82,000

Mountain Bike - 69,000
References +
- AusPlay Data Portal: Sport-related participation – frequency of participation, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 1 May 2023).
- AusPlay National Sport and Physical Activity Participation Report, Australian Sports Commission, (November 2022)
- Sons of the West [program], Western Bulldogs, (accessed 15 August 2023).
- The community network: an Aboriginal community football club bringing people together, Alister Thorpe, Wendy Anders, Kevin Rowley, Australian Journal of Primary Health, Volume 20(4), pp.356-364, (August 2014).
- The longitudinal study of Australian children: 2015 Annual report: Chapter 5, Australian children’s screen time and participation in extracurricular activities, Maggie Yu and Jennifer Baxter, Growing up in Australia, Australian Institute of Family Studies, (September 2016).
- Sport participation and academic performance in children and adolescents: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Katherine Owen, Bridget Foley, Katrina Wilhite, et al., Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise, Volume 54(2), pp.299-306, (February 2022).
- Overweight and obese men’s experiences in a sport-based weight loss intervention for men, Timothy Budden, James A. Dimmock, Brett Smith, et.al., Psychology of Sport and Exercise, Volume 50, 101750, (2020).
- Effectiveness of Adult Health Promotion Interventions Delivered Through Professional Sport: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis, Emma George, Aymen El Masri, Dominika Kwasnicka, Sports Medicine, Volume 52, pp.2637-2655, (June 2022).
- Value and Benefits of Sport: Social and mental wellbeing, Clearinghouse for Sport, (accessed 15 August 2023).
- National, state and territory population: December 2023, Australian Bureau of Statistics, (13 June 2024)
- AusPlay Data Portal: non-playing roles, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 13 July 2023)
- AusPlay Data Portal: Participation by activity, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 1 May 2023)
Last updated: 28 June 2023
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