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The Australian sport and physical activity participation survey

AusPlay is a large scale national population tracking survey funded and led by the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) that:

  • INFORMS Government investment, policy and programs
  • HELPS sports to better understand the sport and physical activity participation landscape and track trends over time
  • EXPLORES the links between participation and other influential factors.

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AusPlay data

In July 2023, AusPlay transitioned from phone to online data collection. This change in methodology is a discontinuity, meaning that the phone time series has ended and participation trends re-start with the 2023-24 data.

A new baseline has been established with the 2023-24 data. It cannot be directly compared with figures from 2015-2023.

AusPlay has changed

After almost eight years of phone interviewing, data collection shifted to online in July 2023 as phone interviewing had become unsustainable. A comparison of the differences between the two methods for AusPlay is provided below:

Data collected from October 2015 to June 2023
Data collected from July 2023 onwards


Phone (Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing (CATI)


Random digit dialling (landline or mobile)

Use of multi-panel sample source

Interviewer administered




The methodology change was also an opportunity to reset and improve the survey where possible:

  • Larger sample size: A more cost-effective survey enabled the doubling of the national sample size from 20,000 to 40,000.
  • More activities: A broader and searchable activity list was created, which now includes emerging and virtual versions of sports.
  • Optimised content: Some questions have been optimised to capture better and/or more granular data.
  • New content: A shorter average completion time for similar content allowed the inclusion of new questions.
  • Links to further research: The new data collection platform has the potential to be used as a recruitment tool for further targeted research.
Evolution of national sport and physical activity participation surveys

Since 2001, government initiatives have used sport and physical recreation participation estimates as performance indicators, initially from the Exercise, Recreation and Sport Survey (ERASS) and later by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). After the ABS ceased funding in June 2014, the ASC filled this significant data gap through AusPlay.

  • 2001-2010

    Data collection:
    Four data periods
    Phone (landline)
    Sample size:
    13,600 p.a.

  • 2011/12 & 2013/14

    ABS Multipurpose Household Survey
    Data collection:
    Face-to-face & phone
    Sample size:
    13,600 p.a.

  • 2015-2018/19

    Data collection:
    Phone (landline and mobile)
    Sample size:
    20,000 p.a.

  • 2019/20-2022/23

    Data collection: Continuous
    Phone (mobile only)
    Sample size:
    20,000 p.a.

  • 2023/24 onwards

    Data collection: Continuous
    Methodology: Multi-panel online
    Sample size: 40,000 p.a.

further information

Any questions or requests for further information about AusPlay can be directed to the Insights team at the Australian Sports Commission.

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