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STARS: Standing Together Against Racism in Sport

Professional and community sports clubs frequently display anti-racism messaging such as 'Racism stops with me' but evidence is limited for effective, practical and scalable interventions to increase action against racism and discrimination in community sports settings. We developed an evidence-based, co-designed intervention and survey tool in partnership with Welcoming Clubs, local sports clubs and an advisory group consisting of community organisations, local government and community health. The STARS intervention consists of: - A survey tool to assess racial literacy, experiences of racism and upstander actions in sports clubs; - Active Inclusion and anti-racism workshops which draw on value-based messaging and participatory activities to discuss core club values to promote welcoming and inclusion; - Tools to promote and improve active bystander/upstander action against racism; - Ongoing support to embed action in club policy and practice.

Project Owner: The University of Melbourne
Year commenced: 2020
Anticipated completion: 2023
Status: Ongoing
Project ID: ID-230417-5396


Title: STARS: Standing Together Against Racism in Sport Website
Type Published (on website)
Details: Future publications will be hosted on the STARS website.
Access/Audience: Open
Title: STARS: Standing Together Against Racism in Sport
Type: Presentation
Details: Block, K; Young, D; Wells, M. STARS: Standing Together Against Racism in Sport – a community sports club anti-racism intervention. Conference Presentation at The Australian Sociological Association (TASA), Melbourne, 30th Nov 2022.
Access/Audience: Restricted (contact owner for more information)
Date: 30/11/2022

Project owner

Contact Name: A/Prof Karen Block
Contact Information:

Project Partner

Organisation Welcoming Clubs
Organisation Merri-bek City Council
Organisation Merri Health
Organisation CMSport
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