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Shaping attitudes: Exposure to women coaches and officials influences children and parent perceptions

The aims of this project were to investigate: 1. Existing attitudes: towards women as coaches and officials 2. Factors influencing attitudes: towards women as coaches and officials 3. Differences in attitudes: towards women as coaches and officials between children and their parents who have and have not been exposed to women in these roles

Project Owner: Victoria University
Year commenced: 2023
Year completed: 2024
Status: Completed
Project ID: ID-240404-8096


Title: Shaping attitudes: Exposure to women coaches and officials influences children and parent perceptions
Type Report
Details: Key findings reveal: -previous experiences with having a woman coach positively influenced children’s belief that women can be great coaches -parental attitudes significantly influence their children's attitudes -girls' satisfaction levels with having a woman coach and/or official was higher than boys. The report offers a number of recommendations for community sporting clubs to help address the lack of representation of women in coaching and official roles, including: -create targeted plans to attract, develop and retain women as coaches and officials -enlisting the assistance of parents to voice their positive support for women in these roles -supporting the representation of women from diverse backgrounds as coaches and officials.
Access/Audience: Open
Date: 2024

Project owner

Contact Name: Frances Atkinson
Contact Information:
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