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A community-based modified sport program for rural community dwelling older adults: A pilot study

The primary objectives of this study were to identify the factors influencing participation in a modified sport program for community-dwelling adults aged 60 years or over who live in a rural town in Vicotria, Australia and assess participant satisfaction with a pilot modified sport program. The secondary objectives were to: examine any changes in self-reported social connectedness and physical activity after participating in a modified sport program; and explore the feasibility of a modified sport program for community-dwelling older adults in a rural community.

Project Owner: East Grampians Health Service
Year commenced: 2022
Year completed: 2024
Status: Completed
Project ID: ID-240501-2826


Title: A community-based modified sport program for rural community dwelling older adults: A pilot study
Type Academic Article
Details: Australian Journal of Rural Health Citation: Romein J, Hutchins G, Ottrey E, Talpey S, Bishop J. A community‐based modified sport program for rural community‐dwelling older adults: A pilot study. Australian journal of rural health. 2024 Mar 20. DOI: 10.1111/ajr.13108
Access/Audience: Open
Date: March 2024

Project owner

Contact Name: Jake Romein
Contact Information:
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