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More Than Sport

Life transitions can be stressful, but this online program can help athletes manage the identity changes that take place during or after the transition out of elite sport. More Than Sport (MTS) harnesses social identity theory to provide athletes with the knowledge and tools they need to manage identity changes and social group connections. The program empowers athletes to take control of the identity changes that are inevitable in their retirement, paving the way for greater fulfilment in life after elite sport.

Project Owner: The University of Queensland
Year commenced: 2024
Anticipated completion:
Status: Active
Project ID: ID-240830-8749


Title: More than sport: A social-identity intervention to support transitions out of elite sport
Type Academic Article
Details: Young, T., Haslam, C., Coffee, P., Cooper, D., McAulay, C., Hartley, C., Mertens, N., Luong, M., La Rue, C., Haslam, S. A., Steffens, N. K., Cruwys, T., Bentley, S., Mallett, C. J., McGregor, M., Williams, D., & Fransen, K. (2024). More than sport: A social-identity intervention to support transitions out of elite sport. Psychology of Sport and Exercise, 75, 102697.
Access/Audience: Open
Date: 07/2024
Title: Helping elite athletes adjust to life away from the spotlight
Type: Media release
Details: UQ News
Access/Audience: Open
Date: 27/08/2024

Project owner

Contact Name: Dr. Tarli Young
Contact Information:
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