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National Sport Research Agenda



The Register of Sport Research (Register) lists planned, current and completed Australian sport research.

It provides an opportunity for those commissioning or completing research to share project details with the sector, and for the sector to search for emerging research to help expand the evidence base for sport.

Research projects included are not representative views or endorsements of the Clearinghouse’s partner agencies.

Please note the Register is in BETA development. New projects and elements are still being included.


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134 results found:
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Title Year Commenced Organisation name
An Ecological Analysis of Return to Sport Following Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury (ACL) of the Knee
The purpose of this research is help identify key risk predictors for poor outcomes following ACL injury of the knee. These outcomes are defined as an inability to return to the participant’s pre-injury level of activity, and/or further injury to...
2023 Pitch Ready
Analysis of training load for junior endurance cyclists
This project will gather training data from junior endurance cyclists. The data will be analysed to ascertain periodised training volume and intensity; and compared with results in national competition to identify training characteristics of successful junior endurance cyclists.
2023 University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
Exploring racial literacy and anti-racism in University campus sport
This exploratory research will utilise mixed methods to assess racial literacy and anti-racist sentiment and action within Campus Sport, conducted across two universities. An intersectional lens will be applied to further explore this issue in the context of University commitment...
2023 University of Melbourne
Optimising heat acclimation across the High-Performance Sport System
This project will determine the timeframe and magnitude of adaptation induced by heat acclimation in athletes training in the heat across the high-performance system. The aim of the project is to inform on the best approach to heat acclimate athletes...
2023 University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
Influence of post-exercise hot water immersion heat acclimation onm endurance and neuromuscular performance in female athletes
The primary objective of the project is to determine the time frame and magnitude of heat acclimation in female athletes using post-exercise hot water immersion, a method demonstrated to be effective in males (11-13). The second objective is to determine...
2023 University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
Building an Online Statistics Learning Platform for Sport Scientists
The objectives of this project are to: 1. Curate, clean, and prepare documentation for a repository of canonical, sport science specific datasets that can be used for sports data science educational purposes. 2. Create AIS best practice guidelines and self-paced,...
2023 La Trobe University
Talent identification, anthropometry, and Performance analytics in NRLW & NRL
The project will support a PhD scholar to complete a doctoral research program that will determine the perceptual neuroscience measures that underlie early talent identification in female football athletes.
2023 University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
Beyond balanced boards: Improving community sport clubs' gender diversity management
The aim of this research is to examine how Victorian Community Sport Club leadership and participation have been impacted by the Balancing the Board Policy and how Community Sport Clubs are managing these impacts.
2023 Deakin University
Developing Coaches
In our sport (volleyball) we are always short of coaches, and many who do coach have limited understanding of the game and/or athlete development. In this action research project we are hoping to intentionally grow the quality and quantity of...
2023 Griffith Institute For Educational Research
Protocol for national mental health guidelines for community sport in Australia
Organised sports are the most common settings for sports participation. Despite a range of documented benefits from participation, these positive outcomes are not always guaranteed. Emotional distress from pressure and injuries can mean some participants experience negative outcomes. To ensure...
2022 Global Alliance for Mental Health and Sport, School of Psychology, University of Wollongong

The Register is part of activating the National Sport Research Agenda, and enabling a more coordinated and aligned sport research effort for sporting organisations, academics, researchers, research funding bodies, and governments across Australia.

If you have any questions about the Register of Sport Research or adding a research project please contact the Clearinghouse team.

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