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Women in Sport

Benefits of sport

The benefits of participation in sport and physical activity for women and girls are consistent with those experienced by other groups and individuals, including benefits to physical, mental, and social wellbeing, education, workforce outcomes, and more. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

Sports organisations can also gain from including women and girls, including greater diversity in viewpoints, decision making and leadership, new ideas for strategies and programs, and increased membership, volunteer, and fan bases. 9, 10, 11


Role of sport

Sport can play a positive role in the development, health, and wellbeing of women and girls.

Physical, mental, and social wellbeing

Sport and physical activity participation can support physical, social, and mental wellbeing for women and girls.

Careers and education

Sport participation can have a positive relationship to success in academic or professional pursuits.

  1. Chapter 16: Physical activity, exercise, and sport, Nankervis, Karen, Cousins, Wendy, Válková, Hana and MacIntyre, Tadhg, in ‘Health Promotion for People with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities’, Laurence Taggart, Wendy Cousins (eds.), McGraw Hill/Open University Press, pp. 174-182, (2014).
  2. Physical Activity and Sports—Real Health Benefits: A Review with Insight into the Public Health of Sweden, Christer Malm, Johan Jakobsson, Andreas Isaksson, sports, Volume 7(5), 127, (May 2019).
  3. Women, Sports, and Development: Does It Pay to Let Girls Play? Barbara Kotschwar, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Policy Briefs 14-8, (March 2014).
  4. Physical activity in European adolescents and associations with anxiety, depression and well-being, Elaine McMahon, Paul Corcoran, Grace O’Regan, et al., European Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Volume 26, pp.111–122, (2017).
  5. The Effect of Sport on the Level of Positivity and Well-Being in Adolescents Engaged in Sport Regularly, Yakup Bakir, Murat Kangalgil, Journal of Education and Training Studies, Volume 5(11), pp.98-104, (2017).
  6. Evaluation of the Sporting Chance Program, Lonsdale, M., Wilkinson, J., Armstrong, S., et al., Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) for the Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations, (2011).
  7. A systematic review of the psychological and social benefits of participation in sport for children and adolescents: informing development of a conceptual model of health through sport, Rochelle Eime, Janet Young, Jack Harvey, et al., International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Volume 10, Article 98, (August 2013).
  8. The value and benefits of sport, Clearinghouse for Sport, (accessed 29 May 2024).
  9. Where are the Moms? Strategies to Recruit Female Youth-Sport Coaches, Krista Diedrich, Strategies: A Journal for physical and sport educators, Volume 33, pp12-17, (2020).
  10. Evaluation of Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa’s National Policy for Gender Equity in Governance, Dr Jo Cribb, Sport NZ, (September 2022).
  11. Five Ways Men Can Improve Gender Diversity at Work, Matt Krentz, Olivier Wierzba, Katie Abouzahr, et al., BCG, (10 October 2017).
  12. Benefits – Why Sports Participation for Girls and Women, Women’s Sports Foundation (30 August 2016).
  13. Chasing Equity: The Triumphs, Challenges, and Opportunities in Sports for Girls and Women, Women’s Sports Foundation, (January 2020).
  14. Her Life Depends On It III: Sport, Physical Activity, and the Health and Well-Being of American Girls and Women, Staurowsky, E. J., DeSousa, M. J., Miller, K. E., et al., Women’s Sports Foundation, (May 2015).
  15. Barriers to Physical Activity for Women with Physical Disabilities: A Systematic Review, Jurgi Olasagasti-Ibargoien, Arkaitz Castañeda-Babarro, Patxi León-Guereño, et al., Journal of Functional Morphology and Kinesiology, Volume 8(2), 82, (June 2023).
  16. How Can Sport-Based Interventions Improve Health among Women and Girls? A Scoping Review, Maja Pedersen, Abby King, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 20(6), 4818, (March 2023).
  17. Yarning with the Stars Project: An Indigenous evaluation protocol for a sport for development and peace program, Rose Whitau, Helen Ockerby, Journal of Sport for Development, Volume 7(13), pp.46-54, (September 2019).
  18. Girls on the Run: Impact of a Physical Activity Youth Development: Program on Psychosocial and Behavioral Outcomes, Maureen Weiss, Lindsay Kipp, Alison Phillips Reichter, et al., Pediatric Exercise Science, Volume 31, pp.330-340, (2019).
  19. Suncorp Australian Youth and Confidence Research 2019, Suncorp Australia, (May 2019).
  20. HSBC Women in Sports Survey, HSBC, (2018).
  21. Afterschool school triathlon training for 11- to 14-year old girls: Influences on academic motivation and achievement, Jennifer Gatz, Angela Kelly, Health Education Journal, Volume 77(2), pp.156-168, (2018).
  22. Feeling more confident, active and happier: What the World Dwarf Games mean to the Australian women's basketball team, Julie Dickson, Siren Sport/ABC, (5 November 2023).
  23. Why Equitable Opportunity Matters: What a Life in Sport Provides Women and Girls Beyond the Game, Mim Haigh, Athlete Assessments, (2020).
  24. Why female athletes make winning entrepreneurs, EY and espnW, (2017).
  25. Taking a Health Perspective on Roller Derby: A Qualitative Exploration of Women’s Experiences, Jane Scullion, Cathy Bulley, women, Volume 2(1), (January 2022).
  26. Where will you find your next leader? EY and espnW, (2015).
  27. Promoting the Leadership Development of Girls through Physical Education and Sport, Dana Voelker, Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, Volume 87(3), pp. 9-15, (2016).
  28. Sport Participation for Academic Success: Evidence From the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, Katherine Owen, Bridget Foley, Ben Smith, et al., Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 21(3), pp.238-246, (2024).
  29. Gender, Academics, and Interscholastic Sports Participation at the School Level: A Gender-specific Analysis of the Relationship between Interscholastic Sports Participation and AP Enrollment, Philip Veliz, Sohaila Shakib, Sociological Focus, Volume 47(2), pp.101-120, (2014).
  30. AusPlay Data Portal, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 8 February 2023).
  31. Why Girls Play Sports: Are Girls Motivated Differently in Various Parts of the World?, Global Nomads World, (26 November 2019).
  32. Women and Sport: insights into the growing rise and importance of female fans and female athletes. Repucom, (2014).
  33. Factors relating to women and girls' participation (retention and dropout) in sport, Institute for Health and Sport, Victoria University, (February 2023).
  34. What sways women to play sport? Using influencers to unlock opportunities that positively impact women’s sporting behaviours, Women in Sport (2015).
  35. Why the fight for gender equality can be won on the footy field, Marlee Silva, Body+Soul, (4 October 2021).
  36. Why a female athlete should be your next leader, Ernst & Young (EY) Global, (23 September 2020).
  37. Sex Differences in Association of Physical Activity With All-Cause and Cardiovascular Mortality, Hongwei Ji, Martha Gulati, Tzu Yu Huang, et al., Journal of the American College of Cardiology, Volume 83(8), pp.783-793, (2024).
  38. Participation in Vigorous Sports, Not Moderate Sports, Is Positively Associated With Cardiorespiratory Fitness Among Adolescent Girls, Daniel R. Taber, Charlotte Pratt, Eileen Y. Charneco, et al., Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 11(3), pp.596-603, (2014).
  39. Value of Sport: Preventive health, Clearinghouse for Sport, (accessed 11 May 2023).
  40. Physical activity across the life stages, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, (2018).
  41. Detrimental Changes in Health during Menopause: The Role of Physical Activity, Ryan Hulteen , Kara Marlatt, Timothy Allerton, et al., International Journal of Sports Medicine, Volume 44(6), pp.389-396, (2023).
  42. The longitudinal study of Australian children: 2015 Annual Report: Chapter 5, Australian children’s screen time and participation in extracurricular activities, Maggie Yu and Jennifer Baxter, Growing up in Australia, Australian Institute of Family Studies, (September 2016).
  43. Multicomponent recreational team handball training improves global health status in postmenopausal women at the long term – A randomised controlled trial, Rita Pereira, Peter Krustrup, Carlo Castagna, et al., European Journal of Sport Science, Volume 23(8), pp.1789-1799, (2023).
  44. More opportunities, same challenges: adolescent girls in sports that are traditionally constructed as masculine, Nadia Bevan, Claire Drummond, Liz Abery, et al., Sport, Education and Society, Volume 26(6), pp.592-605, (2021).
  45. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun: Understanding perceptions of effective strategies and outcomes in a female youth-driven physical activity-based life skills programme, Bean C, Forneris T, Fortier M, Journal of Sport for Development, Volume 3(4), (2015).
  46. This Girl Can: The Enjoyment Gap, Sport England, (2023).
  47. Active Lives Children and Young People Survey: attitudes towards sport and physical activity academic year 2017/18, Sport England, (March 2019).
  48. An Evaluation of the Wheelchair Tennis Development Fund, Richardson E and Papathomas A, Loughborough University, (2013).
  49. How can winning on the playing field prepare you for success in the boardroom? Janelle Sasaki, EY Global, (6 March 2020).
  50. Sport Participation and Academic Performance in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis, Katherine Owen, Bridget Foley, Katrina Wilhite, et al., Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Volume 54(2), pp.299-306, (February 2022).
  51. The role of sports volunteering as a signal in the job application process, Sören Wallrodt, Lutz Thieme, European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 20(3), pp.255-275, (2020).
  52. Does Athletic Participation Signal Employability? An Experimental Analysis of Male and Female Athlete Job Applicants, Brendan Dwyer, Jennifer Gellock, Journal of Intercollegiate Sport, Volume 11, pp.40-64, (2018).
  53. Ernst & Young Studies The Connection Between Female Executives And Sports, Alana Glass, Forbes, (24 June 2013).
  54. Lessons in women’s leadership from lacrosse and basketball, Beth A. Brooke-Marciniak, EY/World Economic Forum, (4 March 2015).


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