The Market Segmentation Study for Volunteers helps identify segments in the Australian community with the greatest potential for recruitment of new sport volunteers, and practices and strategies for the retention of current sport volunteers.
This research tells us that we are doing some things really well, with nearly all club volunteers reporting they were satisfied with their experience (89% extremely or somewhat satisfied) while 92% of club sport volunteers are likely to continue volunteering in club sport in the next 12 months.
The study also provides key insights for the sport sector to better understand their volunteer workforce and how they might need to manage them into the future, such as:
- distinguishing the main motivations and barriers for volunteering in sport as compared to those who might consider volunteering in other more charity based activities;
- recognising that people who volunteer in sport generally have a direct connection to the sport either through themselves, their children or other family members and friends;
- reaffirming the retention of current volunteers as being the most cost effective means to maintain your 'sport delivery workforce';
- understanding the biggest challenge for sports is engaging with individuals and providing volunteering opportunities that match their life-stage - from being a teen, to a young adult starting university or work, to starting a family right through their retirement years; and
- other key insights on the structure of sport and club sport volunteering in Australia.