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National Sport Research Agenda



The Register of Sport Research (Register) lists planned, current and completed Australian sport research.

It provides an opportunity for those commissioning or completing research to share project details with the sector, and for the sector to search for emerging research to help expand the evidence base for sport.

Research projects included are not representative views or endorsements of the Clearinghouse’s partner agencies.

Please note the Register is in BETA development. New projects and elements are still being included.


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140 results found:
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Title Year Commenced Organisation name
Defining success: a coach's perspective
1. Form a clearer picture of how Australian coaches define success within the coaching context.  2. Determine if success is perceived differently amongst coaches of differing backgrounds. 
2025 Australian Sports Commission
More Than Sport
Life transitions can be stressful, but this online program can help athletes manage the identity changes that take place during or after the transition out of elite sport. More Than Sport (MTS) harnesses social identity theory to provide athletes with...
2024 The University of Queensland
Neurofeedback for Sports Performance Enhancement
To explore the effect of playing neurofeedback games on athletes sports performance.
2024 Cortex Technologies IP Pty. Ltd.
(Re)defining Youth Sport Participation
Youth sport participation, retention, and dropout are well-established areas of academic interest in the interdisciplinary field of sport. However, terminology, definitions, and conceptualisations of participation vary significantly within the literature. This variation can potentially lead to inadvertent misreporting or deliberate...
2024 Flinders University
Menstruation matters for participation in sport and active recreation
This project will: i) conduct a survey exploring the influence of menstruation on participation in sport and active recreation; ii) facilitate a stakeholder working group to co-design strategies to support participation during menstruation; and iii) trial strategies in a community...
2024 Deakin University
Implementation of a physical activity and physical literacy tool in schools
The main aim is to test the implementation of a physical activity and physical literacy measurement reporting tool into schools. This project aims to explore implementation of the online measurement tool and develop a toolkit to help schools use the...
2024 Deakin University
Engaging Outsiders in Sport: Co-Creating Inclusive Legacies for the 2032 Games
This project aims to address inequities in sport participation for girls, women and non-binary people in Queensland. With planning underway for the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games, this project aims to influence and guide equitable and inclusive sport participation...
2023 Griffith University
The Value of You Can Be What You Can See Report
To quantify the opportunity of investing into the visibility of women’s elite sport, the Victorian Government’s Office for Women in Sport and Recreation (OWSR) commissioned a study delivered by Gemba in 2023. This analysis forms part of the Change Our...
2023 Office for Women in Sport and Recreation
Adult sport participation across the life course
This study forms part of a PhD program of research, and has two distinct objectives. Firstly, to determine the multi-layered factors that influence adults’ (25-64 years) decisions to engage in sport at various life stages. Secondly, to understand the role...
2023 Flinders University
The 'HER_TRI' project: Training and Performance health of developing and elite female triathletes
To provide the QAS with applied evidence-based recommendations to enhance the quality, delivery and effectiveness of female talent development and elite programs. To promote critical performance health habits and adequate exercise prescription to support female developing triathletes through adolescent years...
2023 University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise

The Register is part of activating the National Sport Research Agenda, and enabling a more coordinated and aligned sport research effort for sporting organisations, academics, researchers, research funding bodies, and governments across Australia.

If you have any questions about the Register of Sport Research or adding a research project please contact the Clearinghouse team.

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