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National Sport Research Agenda



The Register of Sport Research (Register) lists planned, current and completed Australian sport research.

It provides an opportunity for those commissioning or completing research to share project details with the sector, and for the sector to search for emerging research to help expand the evidence base for sport.

Research projects included are not representative views or endorsements of the Clearinghouse’s partner agencies.

Please note the Register is in BETA development. New projects and elements are still being included.


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134 results found:
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Title Year Commenced Organisation name
What uniforms would assist adolescent girls and women feel comfortable and confident in if they were an umpire/referee/official
Sport uniforms play a key role to encourage active girls to continue playing sport and some inactive girls to begin playing sport. It is unclear if uniforms could also be a barrier for adolescent girls (aged 15+) and women when...
2023 Victoria University
Effective anti-racism approaches for women and girls in community sport
The project will consider the impacts of reporting racism and will create culturally relevant and gender-sensitive anti-racism resources. This project complements research funded in last year’s program on enabling Muslim girls in physical activity and sport, which explored parental attitudes...
2023 Deakin University
Surfing Economics: understanding the value of surfing to Australian economy and society
Surfing is among the top-five nature-based activities in Australia, and the second most practiced water-based sport, only after swimming. Current participation is 3.3% of the adult population, up from 2.1% in 2018. Surfing has been found to attract faster economic...
2023 Australian National University
Lower limb biomechanics and performance in female snow sports athletes
Variation in lower limb biomechanics, including increased knee valgus angle, is commonly observed in both developing and elite athletes across a range of snow sports disciplines, and particularly amongst female athletes. Once detected during standard physical screening undertaken across all...
2023 University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
Evaluating the physical demands of women's rugby union
This project is intended to quantify the physical demands placed on Rugby Union players. Rugby union is a field-based invasion sport that incorporates a series of intermittent bouts of high intensity activity, interspersed with longer periods of low intensity transitional...
2023 University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
Developing educational exercise resources to improve awareness and knowledge of Type 1 Diabetes within community sport settings
Community sport is one of the most common settings in which youth exercise. However, there are a lack of educational exercise resources available in Western Australia currently, therefore, community sport coaches feel they lack the knowledge, confidence and understanding to...
2023 Telethon Kids Institute
Redesigning Volunteer Roles within Community Sport Clubs: Development of a Role Co-Crafting Plan for Volunteer Engagement and Club/Community Capacity
The project aims to address challenges faced by community sports clubs in attracting and retaining volunteers. With a focus on the job crafting approach, the research team plans to explore how volunteers informally reshape their roles based on personal interests...
2023 Griffith University
Performance, profiling and tapering in elite female swimmers
Research will address the interpretability and practical application of sports science support particularly automated analyses of training load data. The project would be cross-disciplinary in nature including the areas of sports performance, physiology, performance analysis, coaching science, athlete health, and...
2023 University of Canberra Research Institute for Sport and Exercise
Engaging Outsiders in Sport: Co-Creating Inclusive Legacies for the 2032 Games
This project aims to address inequities in sport participation for girls, women and non-binary people in Queensland. With planning underway for the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Games, this project aims to influence and guide equitable and inclusive sport participation...
2023 Griffith University
Adult sport participation across the life course
This study forms part of a PhD program of research, and has two distinct objectives. Firstly, to determine the multi-layered factors that influence adults’ (25-64 years) decisions to engage in sport at various life stages. Secondly, to understand the role...
2023 Flinders University

The Register is part of activating the National Sport Research Agenda, and enabling a more coordinated and aligned sport research effort for sporting organisations, academics, researchers, research funding bodies, and governments across Australia.

If you have any questions about the Register of Sport Research or adding a research project please contact the Clearinghouse team.

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