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As part of the broader Closing the Gap agenda, sport can help break down barriers and assist with entry into First Nations communities. 1, 2

The diversity of sports and sporting activities (including social sport and physical recreation) make sport an ideal medium to reach individuals from every age-group, culture, and socio-economic background. 2, 3, 4

“Sport can transcend the perceived differences between race, religion and origin, and unite us through shared dreams and connections.” 5

Patrick Johnson, former Olympian and proud Kaanju man, (September 2022)


Role of sport

Sport can be a positive vehicle for community and cultural connectedness and individual education, health, social, emotional wellbeing, and life skills.


Sport can contribute to improved educational outcomes and increased physical and mental wellbeing which can positively impact the ability to learn.

Health and wellbeing

Sport—particularly team-based—can support resilience and mental health, social connectedness, and the likelihood of continuing physical activity long term.

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  2. Sport’s important role in helping to Close the Gap. Dr Paul Oliver, Oliver and Thompson Consultancy, LinkedIn, (19 February 2016).
  3. Sport - More Than Just A Game: Contribution of sport to Indigenous wellbeing and mentoring, House of Representatives Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, Commonwealth of Australia, (June 2013).
  4. What's the Score? A survey of Cultural Diversity and Racism in Australian Sport, Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, (2007).
  5. Games changers, Domini Stuart, Australian Institute of Company Directors, (1 September 2022)
  6. Indigenous Australians' Participation in Sports and Physical Activities: Part 1, Literature and AusPlay data review, ORC International for the Australian Sports Commission, (March 2017).
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  8. Expecting too much? Can Indigenous sport programmes in Australia deliver development and social outcomes? Tony Rossi, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 7(2), pp.181-195, (2015).
  9. What makes us different? The role of Rumbalara Football and Netball Club in promoting Indigenous wellbeing, Joyce Doyle, Bradley Firebrace, Rachel Reilly,, The Australian Community Psychologist, Volume 25(2), pp.7-21, (2013).
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  11. A new game. Stuart Rintoul, The Age, (17 May 2014).
  12. After the Siren: The community benefits of Indigenous participation in Australia Rules Football. Michael Dockery and Sean Gorman, Bankwest Curtin Economics Centre, (September 2017).
  13. Football's Indigenous Engagement: State of Play, Professional Footballers Australia on behalf of John Moriarty Football, (November 2018).
  14. The Impact of Indigenous Community Sports Programs: The Case of Surfing, The University of Queensland, (June 2012).
  15. Evaluation of the AFL Remote Regional Development Program - Wadeye, Colmar Brunton for the Department of Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs, (20 February 2012).
  16. The impact of physical activity and sport on social outcomes among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people: A systematic scoping review, Rona Macniven, Karla Canuto, Rachel Wilson, et al., Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Volume 22(11), pp.1232-1242, (2019).
  17. The community network: an Aboriginal community football club bringing people together, Alister Thorpe, Wendy Anders, Kevin Rowley, Australian Journal of Primary Health, Volume 20(4), pp.356-364, (2014).
  18. Indigenous Australians' Participation in Sports and Physical Activities: Part 2, Qualitative research, ORC International for the Australian Sports Commission, (March 2018).
  19. The future of sport in Australia [Crawford Report]. David Crawford, Australian Government, Independent Sport Panel, (2009).
  20. An evaluation of an Australian Aboriginal controlled-community organization’s remote sports-based programme: a qualitative investigation, Louisa Peralta, Renata Cinelli, Sport in Society: Cultures, Commerce, Media, Politics, Volume 19(7), pp.973-989, (2016).
  21. Decolonising qualitative research with respectful, reciprocal, and responsible research practice: a narrative review of the application of Yarning method in qualitative Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research Michelle Kennedy, Raglan Maddox, Kade Booth, et al., International Journal for Equity in Health, Volume 21, (September 2022).
  22. Community co-selection of measures to evaluate the health and wellbeing impact of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community running groups, Rona Macniven, Kim Delbaere, Ebony Lewis, et al., Health Promotion Journal of Australia, Volume 34(1), pp.17-23, (January 2023).
  23. Indigenous Participation in Australian Sport: The Perils of the ‘Panacea’ Proposition, John Robert Evans, Rachel Wilson, Bronwen Dalton, et al., Cosmopolitan Civil Societies: An Interdisciplinary Journal, Volume 7(1), (2015).
  24. On and off the field: a Bourdieuian perspective on the significance of sport to urban Aboriginal Australians, Kathryn Browne-Yung, Anna Ziersch, Fran Baum, et al., Sport in Society, Volume 18(6), pp.717-733, (2015).
  25. The power of sport: Building social bridges and breaking down cultural barriers [thesis], Dr Paul Oliver, Curtin University, (September 2015).
  26. The numbers highlighting Indigenous players' immense impact on Australian rules football, Cody Atkinson and Sean Lawson, ABC News, (20 August 2020).
  27. Do Better - Independent review into Collingwood Football Club’s responses to Incidents of Racism and Cultural Safety in the Workplace, UTS for Collingwood Football Club, (2021).
  28. Racial Equality Review of Basketball Australia, Australian Human Rights Commission, (2021).
  29. To play Papunya: the problematic interface between a remote Aboriginal community and the organization of Australian Football in Central Australia, Judd, Barry, Butcher, Tim, Sport in Society, Volume 18(5), pp.543-551, (2015).
  30. The Challenge: Employment, National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy, (accessed 11 May 2023).
  31. Sport, Educational Engagement and Positive Youth Development: Reflections of Aboriginal Former Youth Sports Participants. Fitch, N., Ma'ayah, F., Harms, C., et al., The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, Volume 46(1), pp.23-33, (2017).
  32. Intergenerational review of Australian sport, BCG Consulting for the Australian Sports Commission, (2017).
  33. The Challenge: Education, National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy, (accessed 11 May 2023).
  34. Aboriginal Power Cup, Port Adelaide Football Club, (accessed 10 May 2023).
  35. ‘ … if my family didn’t play football … we would literally have pretty much nothing’: how high school Aboriginal students continue culture through rugby league and Australian football, John Williams, Shane Pill, John Evans, et al., Sport, Education and Society, Volume 27(1), pp.57-71, (2022).
  36. Yarning with the Stars Project: An Indigenous evaluation protocol for a sport for development and peace program, Rose Whitau, Helen Ockerby, Journal of Sport for Development, Volume 7(13), pp.46-54, (September 2019).
  37. Indigenous Youth Sports Program - Widening participation for higher education, Macgregor, Campbell; Mann-Yasso, Melinda; Wallace, Stacey; et al., Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, Volume 17(1), pp.86-102, (2015).
  38. Indigenous Secondary Education in the Northern Territory: Building for the Future, Jeannie Herbert, Dennis McInerney, Lyn Fasoli, et al., The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, Volume 43(2), pp.85-95, (2014).
  39. Sport and academic performance in Australian Indigenous children, Dorothea Dumuid, Rachel Wilson, Timothy Olds, et al., Australian Journal of Education, Volume 65(1), pp.103-116, (2021).
  40. A Kickstart to Life: Australian Football League as a Medium for Promoting Lifeskills in Cape York Indigenous Communities, Maree Dinanthompson, Juanita Sellwood, Felicity Carless, The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, Volume 37(1), pp.152-164, (2015).
  41. The Effects of a Community and School Sport-Based Program on Urban Indigenous Adolescents’ Life Skills and Physical Activity Levels: The SCP Case Study, Louisa Peralta, Donna O’Connor, Wayne Cotton, et al., Health, Volume 6(18), (2014).
  42. Evaluation of the Sporting Chance Program, Lonsdale, M., Wilkinson, J., Armstrong, S., McClay, D.,, for the Australian Council for Educational Research, (2011).
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  55. The impact of sport and physical activity programs on the mental health and social and emotional wellbeing of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians: A systematic review, Madeleine English, Lee Wallace, John Evans, et al., Preventive Medicine Reports, Volume 25, (February 2022).
  56. How community sport facilitates the biopsychosocial health of Indigenous communities: a qualitative systematic review and meta-synthesis [thesis], Ella Mansell, University of Adelaide, (2021).
  57. The “ripple effect”: Health and community perceptions of the Indigenous Marathon Program on Thursday Island in the Torres Strait, Australia, Rona Macniven, Suzanne Plater, Karla Canuto, et al., Health Promotion Journal of Australia, Volume 29(3), pp.304-313, (2018).
  58. A 12-week sports-based exercise programme for inactive Indigenous Australian men improved clinical risk factors associated with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Mendham AE, Duffield R, Marino F, et al., Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport, Volume 18(4), pp.438-443, (2015).
  59. Factors Associated with Thoughts of Self-Harm or Suicide among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Presenting to Urban Primary Care: An Analysis of De-Identified Clinical Data, Neha Pandeya, Philip Schluter, Geoffrey Spurling, et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 19(1), (2022).
  60. Australian Indigenous youth's participation in sport and associated health outcomes: Empirical analysis and implications, Dalton B, Wilson R, Evans J, and Cochrane S, Sport Management Review, Volume 18(1), pp.57-68, (2015).
  61. Physical activity and the social and emotional wellbeing of First Nations people, Macniven R, Tishler X, McKeon G, et al., Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, catalogue number IMH 021, (December 2023).
  62. The Impact of Sport and Active Recreation Programs in an Indigenous Men’s Shed, Cavanagh, Jillian, Shaw, Amie, Bartram, Timothy, et al., Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, Volume 18(2), pp.17-33, (2015).
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  64. The Social Value of an Aboriginal Run Sporting Club, La Trobe University, Centre for Sport and Social Impact, (2016).


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