Programs, policies and supporting structures
Australian and international initiatives to support and encourage First Nations peoples participation and leadership in all aspects of sport.
Federal Government
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) has committed to creating positive and lasting change to reduce inequality between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians.
The ASC funds and supports national sporting organisations (NSOs) to coordinate and deliver sport participation and development programs to increase the participation and quality of sport for all. Current practice reflects the move from a targeted programs approach to a more inclusive approach to developing sporting opportunities for under-represented population groups including First Nations Australians.
- Share a Yarn, (accessed 2 May 2023). This initiative aims to provide Australian Elite Athletes with meaningful opportunities to connect and build relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities, and learn more about the differing cultures, lands, histories, and people within them.
- Share a Yarn Map, (accessed 2 May 2023). A resource for high performance sport; to facilitate learning, and a respect for the Traditional Owners of the land in which the system operates and athletes train and compete. The map aids connection to land, community, sport and one another, for performance and wellbeing outcomes.
- Yulunga: Traditional Indigenous Games. An activity resource of over 100 traditional Indigenous games created to provide all Australians with an opportunity to learn about, appreciate, and experience aspects of Indigenous culture.
- First Nations Australians, (accessed 26 June 2023). To promote more inclusive sport practices in our community, the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) have identified a variety of easy-to-use tools and resources to help sports and clubs understand, recognise, and celebrate inclusion and diversity.
- Anti-racism, (accessed 26 June 2023). Explore a range of resources, courses, videos and podcasts and learn from the experiences of organisations who are leading the charge to remove racism from sport.
- Connection to Country Action Plan. Our aspiration is that in implementing Australia’s High Performance 2032+ Sport Strategy, the Australian HP Sport System will come to be characterised by environments and people that are connected to and deliberately include Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and their cultures, histories, and communities. Our people will have learnt from storytelling, be culturally aware, behave with integrity, and be accountable to enhance their Connection to Country.
Research projects
- The AusPlay Survey (AusPlay) is a large scale national population tracking survey funded and led by the Australian Sports Commission that tracks Australian sport and physical recreation participation behaviours to help inform investment, policy and sport delivery. Updated data is released twice per year (April and October). AusPlay collects data on Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander origin for survey participants over 18 years of age. For children the survey includes the Aboriginal or Torres Straight Islander origin of the parent interviewed.
- Indigenous Australians' Participation in Sports and Physical Activities: Part 2, Qualitative research, ORC International for the Australian Sports Commission, (March 2018).The research affirms the central role of sport and physical activity within Indigenous communities and the importance of sporting clubs and organisations to facilitate these opportunities. Increasing participation and overcoming barriers to sports and physical activities, for both adults and children was a priority amongst Indigenous people. The encouragement and facilitation of physically active traditional cultural practices can drive engagement and participation amongst Indigenous people of all ages – this was particularly evident in remote locations. Recommendations include ensuring that programs are culturally inclusive and respectful of Indigenous people, reducing costs, and increasing opportunities which are available within remote and some regional areas. While many issues related to sporting infrastructure, public transport and economic factors are beyond the remit of sporting clubs to solve, clubs can take some practical measures to improve participation amongst Indigenous Australians.
- Indigenous Australians' Participation in Sports and Physical Activities: Part 1, Literature and AusPlay data review, ORC International for the Australian Sports Commission, (March 2017). The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) engaged ORC International to conduct a research project on Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s participation in sport and physical activities. The study was designed to explore Indigenous Australians’ sports participation behaviour and provide the ASC with a deeper understanding of the drivers of that behaviour. Analyses were performed on data produced by the AusPlay survey and recent literature.
- The Impact of Indigenous community sports programs: the case of surfing: research report, Dr. Steven Rynne, Dr. Tony Rossi, Australian Sports Commission and University of Queensland, (2012). The objective of this research project was to consider the social impact of sport and physical activity on the lives of Indigenous Australians and their communities. Indigenous groups cannot be considered to be homogenous as there is much diversity between and within groups. It is therefore important this report is not viewed as taking an essentialist view of who Indigenous people are and how they develop. Rather, this paper attempts to describe and discuss the experiences of some individuals and their communities in site-specific surfing programs. The most significant finding of this research related to the potential for surfing programs to connect participants so they could learn and develop in a variety of meaningful ways. Surf programs provided a way for Indigenous people to (re)connect with country, foster connections between participants and program providers, form bonds with other Indigenous children and unite community members to reinforce and pass on aspects of culture.
- Recommendations for the development and transition of Indigenous athletes into high performance programs, Australian Sports Commission, (2011). The review presented in this document was conducted to detail and critique the Indigenous sport programs supported and delivered through the NTID program. Aims included to evaluate the effectiveness of these Indigenous-centric programs in identifying and supporting the development of Indigenous athletes, as well as to provide recommendations to improve high performance Indigenous programs. In addition, a comparative analysis was conducted with the AFL to identify what it does in relation to the identification and development of Indigenous athletes. The sport of AFL was chosen due to its extensive work in this area. It is envisaged that the insights gained from this comprehensive review will inform practical and meaningful recommendations for supporting current and future Indigenous athletes. This information is of critical importance for NSOs and other key stakeholders such as the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) and Australian Institute of Sport (AIS).
- Indigenous Sport Program – Evaluation Report, Small Candle Consulting, (August 2009). The Australian Sports Commission managed and administered the Indigenous Sport Program (ISP), in financial partnership with other Commonwealth agencies, State and Territory Departments of Sport and Recreation (SDSR), and the mainstream sporting industry from 1993 until 2011.This evaluation sought to identify: the effectiveness of existing ISP partnerships with SDSR and the mainstream sporting industry; where sport for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples best fitted broader Australian Government policy agenda; and any improvements to the program for more effective service delivery and improved outcomes.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Sport Integrity Australia is the cornerstone of the Government's comprehensive sport integrity strategy: Safeguarding the Integrity of Sport. Their role is to provide advice and assistance to counter the: use of prohibited substances and methods in sport; abuse of children and other persons in a sporting environment; manipulation of sporting competitions; and failure to protect members of sporting organisations and other persons in a sporting environment from bullying, intimidation, discrimination or harassment.
- Safeguarding hotline. Sport Integrity Australia have implemented a range of policies, such as a confidential reporting hotline, aimed at safeguarding athletes at all levels from racial abuse. The hotline - 1800 161 361 - has been created for members to share their story about issues they have experienced in sport, which includes wider racial and cultural issues in sport. It operates from 7am-7pm, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare (AIHW) is the national agency established to provide information and statistics on Australia's health and welfare. Most general AIHW reports and products include information about First Nations Australians, where data quality permits, but some key population specific reports include:
- Profile of First Nations people, (2 July 2024). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people are the first peoples of Australia. They are not one group, but rather comprise hundreds of groups that have their own distinct set of languages, histories and cultural traditions (AIHW 2015). The health and welfare of First Nations people living in the big cities are different to those living in the Torres Strait, which are different again to those living on the outskirts of Alice Springs or those living in remote communities. This page provides demographic information on the First Nations population, including information on their languages and cultures. Information is also included on the Closing the Gap targets.
- Determinants of health for First Nations people, (2 July 2024). Health is related to an individual’s environment and circumstances such as where they live, their education level, income and living conditions along with their access to and use of health services (WHO 2017). For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people, factors such as cultural identity, family and kinship, country and caring for country, knowledge and beliefs, language and participation in cultural activities and access to traditional lands are also key determinants of health and wellbeing (AIHW 2023). These factors are interrelated and combine to affect the health of individuals and broader communities. An overview of determinants of health for First Nations people is provided on this page.
- Health and wellbeing of First Nations people, (2 July 2024). For Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (First Nations) people, good health is more than the absence of disease or illness; it is a holistic concept that includes physical, social, emotional, cultural, and spiritual wellbeing, for both the individual and the community. This page highlights some of the key issues in First Nations health and includes links to more detailed information.
- The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework (HPF), Australian Institute of Health and Welfare/National Indigenous Australians Agency, (accessed 2 May 2023). This website brings together information from numerous sources to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date view of the state of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health outcomes, health system performance, and the broader determinants of health. It is designed to inform policy, planning, program development, and research.
- Regional Insights for Indigenous Communities (RIFIC), (accessed 2 May 2023). This website brings together a range of regional statistics about the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and their communities. The aim of the website is to provide access to data at a local level, to help communities set their priorities and participate in joint planning with government and service providers. The Indigenous communities and Other locations referenced, are derived from the Australian Government Indigenous Programs and Policy Locations and Australian Bureau of Statistics’ State Suburbs data sets.
- Indigenous Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Clearinghouse, (accessed 2 May 2023). The Clearinghouse brings together information about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people's wellbeing, mental health and suicide prevention. It was established to enhance and improve access to the Indigenous mental health and suicide prevention evidence base. The Clearinghouse contributes to a series of actions supported by the Australian Government to improve mental health and suicide through the Fifth National Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Plan.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander adolescent and youth health and wellbeing 2018, (29 November 2018). Provides comprehensive data on the health and wellbeing of Indigenous people aged 10–24. Information on health and wellbeing outcomes, health determinants, risk factors, and health and welfare service use. The report also examines differences between young Indigenous and non-Indigenous people on key health and wellbeing measures.
The Department of Health works in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to develop and implement strategies, programs and initiatives to improve health and wellbeing.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health initiatives and programs. A list of Australian Government initiatives and programs relating to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. Many of these programs are funded through the Indigenous Australians' Health Programme.
- The Indigenous Australians’ Health Programme. The IAHP funds high-quality health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It funds Indigenous-led, culturally appropriate initiatives to increase access to health care and improve the health of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
- National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan 2021-2031. The Plan sets the policy direction for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and wellbeing. It will guide the development of all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health policies, programs and initiatives over the next 10 years.
- Review of physical activity among Indigenous people. Gray C, Macniven R, Thomson N, Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet, (2013). This review of physical activity among Indigenous Australians has been prepared by the Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet as a part of our contributions to ‘closing the gap’ in health between Indigenous people and other Australians by making relevant, high-quality knowledge and information easily accessible to policy makers, health service providers, program managers, clinicians, researchers, and the general community.
The National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) was established in 2019. The NIAA works in genuine partnership to enable the self-determination and aspirations of First Nations communities. We lead and influence change across government to ensure Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have a say in the decisions that affect them.
The NIAA has a number of functions, including:
- To lead and coordinate Commonwealth policy development, program design and implementation and service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- To provide advice to the Prime Minister and the Minister for Indigenous Australians on whole-of-government priorities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- To lead and coordinate the development and implementation of Australia’s Closing the Gap targets in partnership with Indigenous Australians.
- To lead Commonwealth activities to promote reconciliation.
One key focus area for the NIAA is health and wellbeing, working across governments to help reduce the health gap between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other Australians. Some key reports and policies in this space include:
- National Strategic Framework for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples’ Mental Health and Social and Emotional Wellbeing 2017-2023, Commonwealth of Australia, (2017). This Framework provides a dedicated focus on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander social and emotional wellbeing and mental health. It sets out a comprehensive and culturally appropriate stepped care model that is equally applicable to both Indigenous specific and mainstream health services. It will help guide and support Indigenous mental health policy and practice over the next five years and be an important resource for policy makers, advocates, service providers, clients, consumers and researchers.
- The Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Performance Framework (HPF), Australian Institute of Health and Welfare/National Indigenous Australians Agency, (accessed 2 May 2023). This website brings together information from numerous sources to provide a comprehensive, up-to-date view of the state of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health outcomes, health system performance, and the broader determinants of health. It is designed to inform policy, planning, program development, and research. The program is funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency (NIAA) in partnership with the AIHW and the Department of Health.
Indigenous Advancement Strategy
The Australian Government's Indigenous Advancement Strategy consolidates the many different Indigenous policies and programs that were delivered by Government into five overarching programs, making it easier for organisations delivering local services. The program streams are:
- Jobs, Land and Economy
- Children and Schooling
- Safety and Wellbeing
- Culture and Capability
- Remote Australia Strategies
The website is designed to connect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with Australian Government policies and programs and raise awareness about the initiatives that affect them most. The site shares news and events as well as stories from individuals, communities and organisations across Australia.
Ethical conduct in research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and communities, NHMRC, (accessed 22 May 2024). Guidelines for researchers and stakeholders provides a set of principles to ensure research is safe, respectful, responsible, high quality and of benefit to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities.
The Productivity Commission is the Australian Government's independent research and advisory body on a range of economic, social, and environmental issues affecting the welfare of Australians. In April 2002, the Council of Australian Governments commissioned the Steering Committee to produce a regular report against key indicators of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander disadvantage.
The Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage report measures the wellbeing of Australia's Indigenous peoples. It measures where things have improved (or not) against indicators across a range of areas including governance, leadership and culture, early childhood, education, economic participation, health, home environment and safe and supportive communities. The report includes case studies on governance, with a specific focus on identifying arrangements that support shared decision-making between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and Australian governments.
The Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage Report 2020, (3 December 2020). This is the eighth report in the Overcoming Indigenous Disadvantage (OID) series. The information in this report provides a high level view of the wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It identifies where progress is being made and draws attention to where more work is needed. Section 5.7 highlights some of the key data, outcomes, and areas for future research relating to sport and physical activity participation by Indigenous Australians.
- Participation in sport and recreational activities has beneficial effects on individuals, and contributes to community cohesion. About two in three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged 3 years or over participated in sporting and physical recreation activities in 2014-15.
- Playing in, or training for, organised sport was more common for Australian children overall than for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, and this pattern is observed across all remoteness areas other than major cities.
- Little research was found on facilitators for, and barriers to, improving participation by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in community activities. More research may be necessary to address this gap, and would contribute to building effective strategies into program design.
Indigenous Evaluation Strategy, Productivity Commission, Australian Government, (October 2020). The Strategy does not endorse particular evaluation approaches or methods, but rather acknowledges that different evaluation questions and contexts will require different approaches. There is also guidance material for Australian Government agencies to use when they are selecting, planning, conducting and using evaluations of policies and programs affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. The Strategy puts Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people at its centre. It recognises the need to draw on the perspectives, priorities and knowledges of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people if outcomes are to be improved.
The Closing the Gap Information Repository is produced by the Productivity Commission. The purpose of the information repository is to inform reporting on progress in Closing the Gap. The Information Repository includes a Dashboard and annual data compilation report:
- The Dashboard provides the most up-to-date information available on the targets and indicators in the Agreement. The data will be available in different formats including visual.
- The annual data compilation report (last published July 2022) provides a point-in-time snapshot of the Dashboard material.
- Information about the targets and indicators will be added over time and will include reporting against agreed Priority Reform and socioeconomic outcome targets and indicators.
- Evaluation of the Sporting Chance Program, Australian Council for Education Research (October 2011). The Sporting Chance Program - was an Australian Government initiative that started operations in secondary schools and colleges in 2007. The objective of the Sporting Chance Program was to encourage improved educational outcomes for Indigenous students (boys and girls) using sport and recreation. This review found that overall, the DEEWR Sporting Chance Program, despite some limitations, achieved what it has set out to do – that is to encourage improved educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students.
- Performance Audit of The Sporting Chance Program, Department of Finance and Deregulation, Office of Evaluation and Audit (Indigenous Programs), (July 2009). The objective of the performance audit was to assess the performance of academies funded under the Sporting Chance Program and DEEWR’s management of the program. The audit did not assess the performance of the program’s education engagement strategies component as this did not commence until 2008.
- Learn Earn Legend! An Australian Government message to young Indigenous Australians and their role models. The Learn Earn Legend! message encouraged and supported young Indigenous Australians to stay at school, get a job and be a legend for themselves, their family and their community.
- Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, (2001). Since this review, sport has been seen as an avenue to engage with Indigenous peoples in conjunction with deliberate programming to assist in delivering multiple policy outcomes. Examples of sporting programs that originated from the Commission's inquiry included: The Young Person's Sport and Recreation Development Program, the Far West Academy of Sport in Cobar, and the Aboriginal Sports Development Program.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Sport and Recreation supports programs to increase participation in social through to high performance sport in Canberra through infrastructure planning, athlete support, sector partnerships and capacity building programs to contribute to health, social and economic benefits.
- Wreck Bay Aboriginal Community Council administers the Indigenous Sports Grant Program on behalf of the ACT Government for ACT residents seeking support for their participation in sport and Recreation Activities.
Programs, resources, and reports
- Indigenous Australians’ participation in sports and physical activities - Qualitative Research Report ACT, ORC International, (2017). Sport and Recreation engaged ORC Intentional to conduct research on participation in sport and physical activity amongst Indigenous people in the ACT region (including Queanbeyan). The research explored current participation levels and behaviours, key drivers and barriers to participation and the role of sport and sporting clubs within communities. The research was qualitative, with focus groups and interviews being with Indigenous people age 15 years and over. Additionally, interviews were conducted with intermediaries who are engaged in the organisation development of sports and physical activity programs which target Indigenous participation. Respondents were recruited by local Indigenous organisations which ORC partnered with for the research. Full report and Executive summary available. Some key findings included:
- The key drivers for Indigenous participation in sports and physical activity included, desire for fun or enjoyment, a perceived (often health or fitness-driven) need, a lack of barriers, perceived suitability (to personal requirements and preferences), and the existence of external, social support or encouragement.
- The main barriers fell broadly under the categories of: other commitments, especially to family or community; personal illness or injury; financial constraints; access issues; safety or comfort concerns; a different cultural construct of sport and physical activity; and racism.
New South Wales (NSW)
The Office of Sport is the lead NSW Government agency for sport and active recreation. They aim to increase the levels of physical activity of the people of NSW by providing the leadership, policies, programs, funding and infrastructure necessary to enable higher rates of participation in sport and active recreation.
Programs, resources, and reports
- Traditional Indigenous Games, (accessed 2 May 2023). Here are some of the games that you could include when conducting a Traditional Indigenous Games event.
New planning framework to connect with Country, NSW Government, (accessed 22 May 2024). A new guide has been released by the NSW Government to help better recognise Indigenous culture in planning and design.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Northern Territory (NT)
Sport, recreation, and strategic infrastructure support the delivery of sport and active recreation services to the community through a suite of grant programs aimed at increasing the number of Territorians who participate in sport and active recreation, and in turn receive physical health, wellbeing, social and community benefits.
Programs, resources and reports
- Gone Too Soon: A Report into Youth Suicide in the Northern Territory. NT Select Committee on Youth Suicides in the NT, (March 2012). This report highlights a broad range of issues and factors that influence the high rate of suicide in the Northern Territory. The report demonstrates that sport in conjunction with a number of other interventions can be utilised as an effective tool in reducing the number of youth suicides.
Queensland (QLD)
The Department of Tourism, Innovation and Sport invests in the community to enrich the Queensland way of life through sport and active recreation.
Programs, resources and reports
- Activate! Queensland 2019-2029, Queensland Government, (2019). As part of the 'Activate Queenslanders' priority area the strategy identifies the goal of supporting delivery of quality, co-designed and culturally appropriate participation opportunities in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
- Torres Strait Community Sport and Recreation Program (applications currently closed). The Program provides funding to: enable culturally appropriate physical activities that address community-identified and prioritised needs; support appropriate physical activity participation; administer a small grants program to support travel to competitions. This program has been extended, with supported activities to be completed by 30 June 2025.
- First Nations Sport and Recreation Program (applications currently closed). The Program aims to increase the physical activity levels of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in non-discrete communities. The program provides funding to organisations in non-discrete communities to coordinate and facilitate the delivery of physical activity opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to increase physical activity participation.
- Deadly Active Sport and Recreation Program. The DASRP was targeted at 17 identified discrete local councils to coordinate and facilitate the delivery of physical activity opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Projects will support the delivery of quality and culturally appropriate physical activities to increase physical activity participation. Funding is now available to support the 17 discrete Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2025.
- Burragun Games Trail, Queensland Government, (accessed 2 May 2023). The Queensland Government and Nature Play Queensland have installed a traditional Indigenous games trail in Mayes Place Park, Kingston. The games and trail name were selected in consultation with the traditional owners of the area, the Yugambeh language group.
Respectful Language Guide, Queensland Government, (accessed 22 May 2024). This guide has been designed to assist staff to make respectful, conscious and insightful choice of words, terms and language.
South Australia (SA)
The Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing facilitates a range of programs and funding opportunities in the inclusion and physical activity space. The ORSR aims to:
- Encourage Indigenous people to be more active and to be involved in all aspects of sport.
- Increase opportunities for Indigenous people to learn the skills needed to organise, deliver and manage community-based sport.
Programs, resources, and reports
- Sport SA - Reconciliation Knowledge Centre. The Reconciliation Knowledge Centre provides information and resources for the use and benefit of our South Australian sporting clubs and organisations.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Tasmania (TAS)
Sport and Recreation works with the Aboriginal community, Aboriginal organisations and sporting organisations to provide opportunities for Tasmanian Aboriginal people to access and benefit from participation in sport, recreation and physical activity.
Victoria (VIC)
Sport and Recreation Victoria works with industry and the sport sector to support the development of world class infrastructure and facilities and to build inclusive participation in sport and recreation.
Programs, resources and reports
- Active Victoria: A strategic framework for sport and recreation 2022-2026, State of Victoria, Department of Jobs, Regions and Precincts, (2022). Under the Connecting Communities objective the plan aims to 'Target efforts towards individuals and communities who participate less' including Aboriginal Victorians. One identified key direction to achieve this is to 'Enable an Aboriginal community-led and self-determining approach to sport and active recreation'.
- The Indigenous Sport and Recreation Program (ISRP) aims to create a sport and recreation sector that is inclusive of and accessible to Indigenous Victorians. The program aims to:
- increase awareness within the sport and recreation industry of ways that it can be more inclusive of Indigenous people;
- increase access to sport and recreation opportunities by working with indigenous communities;
- increase the involvement of indigenous people in the sport and recreation industry; and
- facilitate links between sport and recreation organisations, indigenous communities and other relevant agencies.
- Aboriginal Sport Participation Grant Program, Sport and Recreation Victoria, (applications closed 17 March 2023). The Aboriginal Sport Participation Grant Program provides grants to assist Aboriginal Victorians to participate in Aboriginal sport carnivals, buy sports uniforms and equipment, as well as funding for travel and accommodation expenses for athletes to compete in state and national competitions.
- VicHealth provides funding for a range of initiatives that aim to improve the health and mental wellbeing of Aboriginal Victorians. These include mentoring programs for school students; projects to increase physical activity; employment and capacity building initiatives; and efforts tackling the devastating impact of family violence.
- Vicsport. This page has been developed by Vicsport in partnership with the Victorian State Government to provide you with practical information and resources in understanding the important role sport plays in creating safe and welcoming environments for Aboriginal people. Includes two videos highlighting how sport can be used as a vehicle to create social change, and how storytelling is at the heart of Aboriginal culture.
- Korin Korin Balit-Djak, Victorian Government, Familie, Fairness and Housing, (accessed 21 June 2023). The Korin Korin Balit-Djak plan details how the department will work with Aboriginal communities, community organisations, other government departments and mainstream service providers – now and into the future – to improve the health, wellbeing and safety of Aboriginal people in Victoria.
- Korin Korin Balit-Djak: Aboriginal health, wellbeing and safety strategic plan 2017–2027. Sport is mentioned as an enabling action in several places, but most directly in Strategic direction 5.2.3: Increase participation of Aboriginal people in sport and recreation activities. Includes reflections on good practice, plans for action in the next three years, and what success will look like in 10 years.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Western Australia (WA)
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries is focused on creating environments to increase Aboriginal participation in organised sport and active recreation as athletes, coaches, officials and administrators from grassroots programs through to elite competition.
Programs, resources, and reports
- WA Aboriginal Sports Council (WAASC). The WAASC was convened in November 2016 to oversee and advise on the development of a new sport and culture agenda for Aboriginal people in WA. The need for its establishment emerged through an extensive stakeholder engagement process which culminated in a discussion paper: 'Aboriginal Sport and Recreation Service Delivery: A Discussion Paper', WA Department of Sport and Recreation, (May 2016).
First Nations Led Organisations
The National Indigenous Sports Foundation (NISF) was launched in March 2022. The NISF was borne out of the National Indigenous Sports Summit held in Melbourne in 2017 where 80 black and white delegates from throughout Australia came together to discuss the problems confronting First Nations people in sport, and whether a national body would be a positive outcome.
The NISF will advocate for, and strive to achieve, better outcomes for Indigenous people within the sports industry, particularly in the area of health and well-being,
An immediate priority project for the NISF will be to conduct research into the status of Indigenous sport across metro, regional and remote communities. The project will identify what sport programs, facilities and resources are available and what the major barriers to participation are.
The NISF also wants to explore the possibility of creating a truly national, indigenous sports museum, and re-establishing the national aboriginal sports awards.
National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy (NASCA). NASCA aims to create a more equitable playing field. NASCA’s activities are aligned to the Australian Government’s ‘Closing the Gap’ strategy. The organisation initially focused on sport as a vehicle to achieve their aims as it reflects a number of values held in high esteem in the community, such as fair play, teamwork, cooperation, and inclusion. Sport also focuses on what’s possible to achieve while showcasing people’s capabilities, rather than dwelling on the negatives.
Ashleigh Gardner Foundation. The aim is to foster a culture of positivity and a healthy lifestyle, through sport, education and the arts, with the hope of breeding self belief and confidence at a young age. We believe by delivering a positive experience at school through providing breakfast, sports kits and unstructured play, it will encourage these kids to complete their education long term.
Evonne Goolagong Foundation. Uses tennis as a vehicle to attract Indigenous girls and boys in order to promote and help provide high quality education and better health through diet and exercise. Since 2005, the Evonne Goolagong Foundation has awarded school scholarships, produced tennis coaches, sports administrators, university scholars and has helped with employment placement.
Go Foundation. Indigenous AFL players Adam Goodes and Michael O'Loughlin created the The GO Foundation to provide Indigenous children with scholarships to quality schools, and to meet expenses for students attending these schools. It believes that education is the single most important factor in Indigenous Australians achieving a brighter future. Education is the cornerstone of a healthy, happy and productive life, and its benefits are immeasurable.
Nova Peris Foundation. A not for profit organisation that is committed to empowering Aboriginal people to achieve life excellence though healthy nutrition, clean water and opportunities to participate in sport, education, health, spiritual wellbeing and cultural activities.
Blackfit Fitness. BlackFit specialise in programs that empower children and communities to make healthy lifestyle choices and live quality healthy lives. We believe that education is key in closing the gap for Aboriginal people and the driving force behind improving the quality of life for all Australians.
Dreamtime Games. Delivers fun and educational traditional Indigenous games sessions to schools, OSHC services, Kindergartens, community organisations, events and corporate groups across both South East and South West Queensland.
Rumbalara Football Netball Club (Rumbalara FNC) is an Aboriginal community run sporting club located in Shepparton, Victoria. It is dedicated to strengthening the community and bringing families together through strong vibrant leadership. It is a place of belonging, a place that people of all ages and backgrounds can call their own.
- Academy of Sport, Health and Education (ASHE). In 2004 the Rumbalara Football Netball Club (RFNC) in partnership with the University of Melbourne’s Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences established The Academy of Sport Health and Education (ASHE). ASHE uses participation in sport to undertake education and training within a trusted, culturally appropriate environment, particularly for Indigenous students.
Garnduwa Amboorny Wirnan Aboriginal Corporation. As a culturally safe conduit for sport and recreation throughout the Kimberley, Garnduwa plays an extensive role in working with state and national sporting associations including the Australian Football League, WA Football Commission (WAFC), Netball WA, Softball Australia and Athletics WA to assist in the delivery of their development and talent programs into the Kimberley region. We believe that Aboriginal led programs are important because they can adapt to the needs of the community, particularly if they engage local mentors and role models. We respect that cultural obligations and community deaths or ‘Sorry Business’ may affect sporting attendance rates at certain times of the year. We acknowledge the value of these rituals in the healing of and cultural identity of communities.
Other Australian Organisations
Reconciliation Australia was established in 2001 and is the lead body for reconciliation in the nation. They are an independent not-for-profit organisation which promotes and facilitates reconciliation by building relationships, respect and trust between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Main areas of focus include: Working with organisations to develop Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPS, Reconciliation in Education, and Research and Policy development.
- RAP good practice guide: Demonstrating inclusive and respectful language, Reconciliation Australia, (October 2021). Using respectful and inclusive language and terminology is an essential component of reconciliation. The ways we speak about reconciliation are just as important as the ways we act: language is itself active, and can impact on attitudes, understandings and relationships in a very real and active sense. While they are guidelines only, below are some recommendations for using respectful and inclusive language and terminology throughout your RAP and other communications.
- Reconciliation Action Plans. Since 2006, Reconciliation Action Plans (RAPs) have enabled organisations to sustainably and strategically take meaningful action to advance reconciliation. Based around the core pillars of relationships, respect and opportunities, RAPs provide tangible and substantive benefits for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, increasing economic equity and supporting First Nations self-determination.
- Who has a RAP? Search using filters (including 'industry: sport) for organisations with current RAPS.
Sports system united in commitment to reconciliation, (20 May 2023). The Australian Sporting Network Joint Reconciliation Statement builds on the shared commitments made in 2021 and supports the vision of Australia’s High Performance 2032+ Sport Strategy to forge meaningful connection with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, histories, communities and cultures. “Through the HP 2032+ Strategy and this Joint Statement, the Australian high performance system is committed to creating culturally safe environments that support First Nations Peoples and maximises opportunities in sport, from the sporting field to all levels of sporting administration.” The 2023 Australian Sporting Network Joint Reconciliation Statement, in conjunction with the HP2032+ Strategy Connection to Country, commits to the following:
- Share learnings and resources relating to current and future initiatives
- Support the continued development of Reconciliation Action Plans within the sporting network
- Improve the procurement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander goods and services across the network
- Develop and deliver cultural enrichment programs for First Nations athletes, coaches, and administrators
- Create a more culturally aware, inclusive, and safe environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across all areas of our operation and performance
- Ensure our organisations are more reflective of the communities we represent, and
- Commit to reviewing our progress and sharing this year-on-year.
Australian Sporting Network: Joint Reconciliation Statement, (27 May 2021). The sporting network including – the Australian Institute of Sport, Sport Australia, the Australian Olympic Committee, Paralympics Australia, Commonwealth Games Australia, ACT Academy of Sport, NSW Institute of Sport, NT Institute of Sport, Queensland Academy of Sport, SA Sports Institute, Tasmanian Institute of Sport, Victorian Institute of Sport, WA Institute of Sport – have come together to unite sport and provide more substantive action on reconciliation moving forward. We hope through this shared statement, we can:
- Embrace the opportunity to learn about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories knowledges, and experiences, so we can effectively move forward as a sporting community.
- Pay true respect to Traditional Owners and Custodians of the lands and Waterways.
- Provide employment opportunities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples including current and past athletes across all sporting industries.
- Share learnings and resources relating to current and future initiatives.
- Support the continued development of Reconciliation Action Plans within this sporting network.
- Improve the procurement of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander goods and services across the network.
- Create a more culturally aware, inclusive, and safe environment for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples across all areas of our operation and performance.
- Ensure our organisations are more reflective of the communities we represent.
In May 2015 members at the AOC Annual General Meeting unanimously voted to amend the AOC Constitution to recognise Australia’s first people. Following consultation with the AOC’s Indigenous Advisory Committee the wording was updated again in 2024.
- "Constitutional Changes", (5 May 2024). Further celebrating and strengthening the AOC’s commitment to Indigenous reconciliation through sport, the Annual General Meeting also voted to amend the AOC’s Constitution, in particular, a small but significant change to Clause 6.6.
- AOC changes constitution to recognise indigenous heritage, (21 May 2015). Members at the Australian Olympic Committee Annual General Meeting in Sydney have unanimously voted to amend the Constitution to recognise the nation’s first people.
- Indigenous heritage recognised in AOC Constitution, (9 November 2014). The Australian Olympic Committee (AOC) has changed its constitution to recognise indigenous heritage.
Clause 6.6 reads: "To recognise and value the heritage, culture and contribution of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to Australia and the Olympic Movement, and to promote and give practical support to the journey of reconciliation through sport."
Additionally, the wording of the Team values—developed by the AOC Athletes’ Commission—were also amended, specifically the RESPECT value: "RESPECT - I respect sport, the efforts of my competitors, my team mates and officials. I respect Australia and its Indigenous heritage. I respect our nation’s past and the spirit of Olympism."
In 2021 the Constitution was further amended to require at least one Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander representative on the AOC Athletes' Commission.
Indigenous Australian Olympians, Australian Olympic Committee, (accessed 3 May 2023). Australia has been represented by 59 Indigenous athletes at the Summer Olympic Games and by one Indigenous athlete at the Winter Olympic Games.
- NAIDOC WEEK 2020: Always Was, Always Will Be - Australia's first Indigenous Olympians, Australian Olympic Committee, (8 November 2020). Sunday 8 November marks the first day of NAIDOC Week 2020 with its theme, 'Always Was, Always Will Be,' the perfect opportunity to remember our first Indigenous Olympians, who created history for their people and inspired Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to chase their dreams, whether they be Olympic or not.
'Where is the next Cathy?': AOC Indigenous committee searches for truth and talent, Phil Lutton, Sydney Morning Herald, (5 September 2020). Patrick Johnson means it when he says life is all about timing. The dual Olympian is the fastest Australian in history, having stopped the clock at 9.93 seconds for 100 metres in Japan in 2003. In his business, every fraction of a second counted. It's the same approach he has taken to his role at the head of a new Indigenous Advisory Committee (IAC) that has been set up to help recognise and celebrate the role of Indigenous Olympians, foster reconciliation through sport and put in place the pathways to try and unearth the next Cathy Freeman.
Indigenous Athlete Performance Grant. Grants of $5,000 will be awarded to eligible athletes to assist their Olympic journeys to Paris 2024 to athletes who meet the criteria approved by the AOC Indigenous Advisory Committee.
AOC Indigenous Coaching Scholarship holders learn crucial skills in Northern Territory, Australian Olympic Committee. Twelve Indigenous coaches have completed the first sessions of their coaching scholarship program, delivering a sports day for Indigenous children at RAAF Base Tindal in the Northern Territory.
Australian Olympic Committee program aims to increase number of Indigenous coaches in elite sport, ABC News, (17 November 2023). Despite a significant number of Australia's elite athletes being Indigenous, there has long been a shortage of Indigenous coaches. Now the Australian Olympic Committee is working to change that, through a program that offers scholarships for Indigenous Australians to become elite coaches.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
- Ron Clarke Griffith Futures Scholarship, (accessed 4 May 2021). A scholarship named in honour of a legend of Australian sport who was passionate about the Commonwealth Games and education provides financial support to two young Indigenous student athletes who are studying at Griffith University.
- Inaugural recipients in 2021 were swimmer Bianca Crisp and netballer Beryl Friday.
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Team Members History, Commonwealth Games Australia, (accessed 1 May 2023). It was in 1962 that we first saw Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander athletes compete at the British Empire and Commonwealth Games on home soil in Perth. Eddie Barney, Adrian Blair and Jeff Dynevor represented Australia in boxing and Percy Hobson in athletics (high jump).
- Reconciliation Action Plan Advisory Group Established, Commonwealth Games Australia, (9 February 2023). The establishment of the RAPAG follows the launch of the RAP in 2022, with the RAPAG to provide CGA with guidance and advice specific to its RAP deliverables and related initiatives across the sphere of reconciliation and areas of a cultural nature.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Indigenous PWD & Sport, (accessed 3 May 2023). This web-section provides information and resources to help reduce chronic disease and promote health and physical activity awareness and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people with disability.
Indigenous Health Education Program (2018-2020). This program featured a collaboration between Paralympics Australia and Outback Academy Australia, (a not-for-profit Aboriginal led organisation with a charter to increase participation of Indigenous Australians with disability across all areas of life, including sports and recreation. A grant was provided through the federal Department of Health’s Indigenous Australia’s Health Programme enabled Paralympic Australia to undertake a range of activities from 2018-20 developing targeted evidence based chronic disease prevention, health promotion and physical activity education resources and community events to address the increasing incidence of chronic disease in Indigenous people with disability in a culturally acceptable manner. The collaboration between these organisations has enabled Indigenous Australians with disability, alongside their peers with disability, including Paralympians, to deliver the community engagement programs across Australia.
The program engaged seven Community Controlled Organisations, and an estimated 273 Indigenous Australians, including people with disability (42), their family members and/or carers, and community members working in the education, health and disability sectors, who contributed to the following grant activity deliverables:
- Research to gain a greater understanding about the health and other barriers to participation in physical activity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with disability.
- Online information and resources about chronic disease prevention and health and physical activity awareness to engage Indigenous Australians.
- Five community engagement events nationally to work with Indigenous Australians with disability to focus on chronic diseases prevention and health and physical activity awareness and Paralympic pathway opportunities.
- Evaluation and review of online resources to refine these activities and future projects that target Indigenous Australians.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
The Clontarf Foundation works to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem, and employment prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so equips them to participate meaningfully in society. Using the existing passion that these boys have for sport allows Clontarf to initially attract them to school, and then keep them coming. It is however, not a sporting programme – it’s about developing the values, skills, and abilities that will assist the boys to transition into meaningful employment and achieve better life outcomes.
Indigenous Marathon Project. This initiative uses training for the New York Marathon as a vehicle for promoting healthy and active lifestyles throughout Australian Indigenous communities. This project aims to create indigenous role models, inspire Indigenous people, and reduce the incidence of disease of Indigenous men and women.
- FrontRunners program provides the opportunity for IMP Graduates to access grants to establish running and fitness groups, establish their own business, and/or undertake personal, professional, and career development courses.
- I-CAN program works in remote Indigenous primary schools and communities across Australia to provide children with access to fun and educational health and fitness programs that encourages school attendance and addresses childhood obesity and inactivity.
- IMF RAW was established in 2011 as the Deadly Fun Runs and driven by IMP Graduates and Community Members, The program addresses chronic disease by normalising running and walking within Indigenous Communities and provides a free, inclusive and safe environment for individuals to flourish and feel supported.
Korin Gamadji Institute (KGI). A centre of cultural strength and learning for Indigenous youth within the Richmond Football Club. Established in 2011 they offer leadership and sport programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth in any sport.
Stars Foundation. Stars provides a holistic program that supports Indigenous girls and young women to attend and remain engaged at school, complete Year 12 and move into work or further study. The program is based on strong, trusting relationships. The Stars Room provides a culturally safe, warm environment – a place where the girls and young women in the program feel nurtured and inspired. Full-time Mentors provide a diverse range of activities to support Stars participants to develop the self-esteem, confidence and life skills they need to successfully participate in school and transition into a positive and independent future.
First Nations Programs, Athletics Australia, (accessed 1 May 2023). Athletics Australia is committed to providing participation and development opportunities to all First Nations communities. Athletics Australia is investing in Member Associations to provide opportunities for the expansion of our programs in each state and territory, increasing access to Athletics for all.
- Athletics for the Outback. Aims to create relevant programs through a consultation process prior to delivery.
- Raise the Bar. A 5-day residential camp open to First Nations school students aged 16 - 18. Raise the Bar creates meaningful pathways by engaging students in education and career opportunities, leadership development, cultural connections, team building and daily training sessions with some of Australia’s elite Track and Field athletes and coaches.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander History in Athletics, Athletics Australia, (accessed 1 May 2023). Australian athletics has a rich history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders not just competing but succeeding in the sport dating back well over 100 years. This is only the start of the story, and Athletics Australia will continue to add to this story, as we look forward to seeing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders create new chapters.
Athletics First Nations and RAP Advisory Group, Athletics Australia, (accessed 1 May 2023). As we look to develop a second Innovate RAP to follow on from our inaugural Innovate RAP launched in 2019, we are seeking to establish a new advisory group - open to both Indigenous and non-Indigenous people.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Australian Football
Australian Football League (AFL). The AFL Indigenous programs focus on engagement, talent and education outcomes. The objective of these programs is to develop Indigenous participant’s football and leadership skills whilst also exploring their cultural identity. This is achieved through education on the AFL Indigenous Programs Leadership curriculum – resilience, decision making, communication and identity. Programs and resources include:
- Sir Doug Nicholls Indigenous Round. All 18 teams engage artists to create an Indigenous guernsey that helps celebrate and educate the broader community about First Nations Australians.
- Next Generation Academies. A joint initiative between the AFL and AFL Clubs, aimed at increasing the opportunities for young people to learn about and play the game of Australian Rules football. The program is targeted at Multicultural and Indigenous communities who may not have as much opportunity to be involved in football programs, or who have limited understanding of the game and how it is played. While the programs focus is on these non-traditional football communities, it is a program that is available to all young players of any skill level aged 11 – 18 years old.
- Making your club culturally inclusive for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People, AFL, (March 2022). This document will guide your club through ideas and initiatives to ensure that you are working with best practice in inclusion of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. Building a relationship with your local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community is imperative to this process. Families, Elders, Land councils, co-ops and community groups. Ensuring that you have consulted with them and are working to build and maintain trusting relationships. This will also assist you when you have any issues arise or you are seeking support to be able to leverage off this relationship.
- Community Football Indigenous Round guide 2022, AFL, (March 2022). To celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture throughout our game we would like to extend our Sir Doug Nicholls Round celebrations and content to our AFL Community Football Leagues.
- Increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Auskick participation, AFL, (March 2022). Tailoring programs or developing bespoke opportunities that are suited to a specific demographic is a great way to increase participation within your Auskick program. Throughout this document you will find a range of opportunities that you are able to adapt to suit the needs of the communities you are hoping to engage.
Northern Territory (NT)
AFL Northern Territory - Remote projects. By harnessing the passion for Australian Rules Football, remote-based football initiatives are delivered by AFLNT to save extensive and dangerous travel time to access structured and supported sporting environments. Remote based football programs allow people to play their sport of preference on country of significance without the potential distractions of urban locations. All football initiatives are participatory driven to include; children, youth and adults (males and female) in various programs. Football activities involve targeted messaging and specific programs based on advice from community elders, funding bodies and service providers. The remote projects are delivered in a culturally sensitive manner with consideration for local customs, traditions and cultural practices.
Michael Long Foundation. Funds education and football programs for Indigenous people. This is achieved primarily through the Michael Long Learning and Leadership Centre (MLLLC) managed by AFLNT. The Foundation aims to enhance young Indigenous lives with unique and dedicated education programs that focus on cultural connections, health, wellbeing, employment and leadership through harnessing the power of AFL football in the Northern Territory
Queensland (QLD)
AFL Cape York. The purpose of AFL Cape York Ltd is to enhance the life skills of Indigenous Australians and increase the participation in sport through the AFL Game. The program has grown from not just encouraging AFL participation but more importantly offering AFL as a vehicle to create personal and community change. AFL Cape York staff encourage participants to go to school, say no to substance abuse and other drugs and discuss the negative affect violence is having on communities. Annually, AFL Cape York engages over 12,000 Participants face-to-face through our Game Development Team via Sport Education (In-School), Auskick (After-School), Kick and Catch, Crusader Cups (Development and Representative Pathways), Community Engagement Sessions and Coach Education Programs.
South Australia (SA)
Aboriginal Power Cup, Port Adelaide Football Club, (accessed 10 May 2023). The SANTOS Aboriginal Power Cup is run in partnership with the South Australian Aboriginal Secondary Training Academy (SAASTA). It was established in 2008 with funding from the Government of South Australia and grew significantly with the support of SANTOS since 2009. In the first two years the SANTOS Aboriginal Power Cup met its objectives of improving the school attendance rates for Aboriginal students, using football as a vehicle to engage and motivate students at school. In successfully engaging students and attaining high attendance rates through APC our KPI’s continued to evolve from attendance to retention, completion and now transition into higher education or meaningful employment. The grand finals of the SANTOS Aboriginal Power Cup are played as a curtain-raiser to a Port Adelaide game at Adelaide Oval during Reconciliation week. To reach the final, teams must;
- Meet the 80% minimum school attendance requirement,
- Rank highly in both the academic and behavioural components of the program.
Victoria (VIC)
AFL Victoria. AFL Victoria’s Indigenous Programs have an ongoing commitment to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities throughout the state of Victoria. Using Australian Football as the vehicle to promote healthy lifestyles/ wellbeing, education, employment, leadership including talent pathways, skill and game development. Programs include Indigenous talent programs (male and female); Sir Doug Nicholls Round; Koorie NAB AFL AusKick.
Rumbalara Football Netball Club (Rumbalara FNC) is an Aboriginal community run sporting club located in Shepparton, Victoria. It is dedicated to strengthening the community and bringing families together through strong vibrant leadership. It is a place of belonging, a place that people of all ages and backgrounds can call their own.
Korin Gamadji Institute (KGI). A centre of cultural strength and learning for Indigenous youth within the Richmond Football Club. Established in 2011 they offer leadership and sport programs for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth.
Western Australia
Nicky Winmar Carnival is an annual round robin tournament targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander male youth aged 13 to 15. The tournament features teams representing both metropolitan and regional WA. The carnival provides members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community with a direct opportunity to: Participate in a structured WA football marquee event; Achieve coaching and umpiring accreditation; Re-engage with educational and sport participation programs; Connect with AFL/WAFL mentors and role models; Potentially be identified for WAFL development pathways.
Kirby Bentley Cup (WA) is a 12-a-side round robin tournament for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls aged 13-15 years old. The Kirby Bentley Cup provides young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls with a great opportunity to put their skills on display, be linked to local female football clubs and be identified for the state talent pathway.
AFL Players Association strives to support the industry to provide an inclusive environment for all AFL and AFLW players to thrive within. Over many years, the PA has worked with Indigenous people to help educate the AFL industry on the unique challenges faced by Indigenous players and put support mechanisms in place to help them develop as both footballers and people. Central to that support is the AFLPA’s Indigenous Relationships Manager, Jamie Bennell, whose role is to connect Indigenous players with the services available to them through the AFLPA. In addition to Jamie, the AFLPA’s Indigenous Advisory Board (IAB), represents all Indigenous players by using the power in the voice of the collective to influence key issues. The IAB was born out of the AFLPA/AFL Indigenous Camp, which is a bi-annual event first held in 2000 where players from across the league come together on country to connect, learn and strategise ways to improve AFL experience for Indigenous players.
- Many Stories, One Goal – Supporting Indigenous Footballers, AFL Players Association, (updated 2016). Resource was developed by the nine-member Indigenous Advisory Board and built from the stories and experiences of every Indigenous player in the game and key stakeholders within the industry. The policy is built around four key pillars; Induction, Professional Development, Personal Support and Our Culture – areas identified as vital to developing an environment that best supports Indigenous footballers throughout every stage of their playing career and beyond.
SportsReady. The organisation works with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and communities to develop sustainable employment pathways. It believes that education and employment are vital for people to participate fully in society.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
- Carlton Football Club Reconciliation Action Plan March 2023 - March 2025 [Innovate]
- AFL Players Association Reconciliation Action Plan August 2022 - August 2024 [Innovate]
- Melbourne Football Club Reconciliation Action Plan February 2022 - January 2024 [Innovate]
- West Australian Football Commission Reconciliation Action Plan January 2022 - December 2023 [Innovate]
- AFL - Reconciliation Action Plan April 2021-March 2023 [Innovate]
- Geelong Football Club Reconciliation Action Plan January 2021-January 2023 [Innovate]
- Richmond Football Club Interim Reconciliation Action Plan January 2021-May 2022 [Elevate]
- Adelaide Crows 2nd Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan December 2020-December 2022 [Innovate]
- Fremantle Dockers Reconciliation Action Plan March 2020-February 2023 [Stretch]
- AFL NSW/ACT - Reconciliation Action Plan March 2019-March 2021 [Innovate]
Team Australia unveils Indigenous recognition symbol, Baseball Australia, (7 July 2021). Team Australia will acknowledge the rich history and culture of the country’s First Nations people after adding an indigenous symbol to its uniforms. The symbol, designed by proud Whadjuk Noongar woman and Perth artist Jarni McGuire, was revealed today to coincide with NAIDOC Week. It symbolises the contribution of each player to the game and the champions of the sport, also representing the Southern Cross and half of a baseball diamond.
Indigenous Basketball Australia (IBA). IBA has designed a new and exciting basketball program for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people which is designed to inspire and motivate them to be proud of their culture and identity. The IBA will support these participants in realising their dreams, whether it’s on or off the basketball court including fulfilling their dreams of higher education or seeking opportunities to advance in a range of careers, or becoming community leaders and role models of the future.
- AOC, Indigenous Basketball Australia and Toyota Announce Indigenous Coaching Scholarships, Australian Olympic Committee, (April 2022). The AOC has today announced a partnership with Olympian Patty Mills' Indigenous Basketball Australia (IBA) and Toyota Australia to create scholarships for Indigenous coaches, using Olympic sport to power positive change in communities.
- Indigenous Community Basketball League, Indigenous Basketball Australia, (accessed 3 May 2023). The ICBL has targeted regions based on participation and the capacity to commit to coordinating ICBL was also a high priority in selecting regions. Each year it is expected that more regions and locations will be added to the program.
- National Indigenous Basketball Tournament. Each player competing in the ICBL has the opportunity to be selected to represent their region at the National Indigenous Basketball Tournament (NIBT). This may be the first time many Indigenous young people will compete at a national tournament and proudly wear their state colours.
Racial Equality Review of Basketball Australia, Australian Human Rights Commission, (2021). In August 2020, the Australian Human Rights Commission (the Commission) was engaged by Basketball Australia to undertake an independent Racial Equality Review (‘the Review’) of the sport at a national level. The purpose of this engagement and audit was to examine and report on: Existing structural barriers to achieving racial equality within organisational policies, pathways, programs, leagues, governance, and culture within Basketball Australia; and, The experiences of current and former national players and their families, coaches, administrators, and Basketball Australia staff about the organisational culture at Basketball Australia, in particular as it relates to racial equality. This report outlines the Commission’s key findings, highlights international and domestic examples of good practice, and makes 12 recommendations for action and reform under three focus areas.
- BA commit to addressing racial equality following independent review, Basketball Australia, (19 March 2021).
The Winnunga Warriors are putting indigenous basketball back on the map in Canberra, Rosie Harrison, The Canberra Times, (3 July 2021). Dion Devow's vision to reinvigorate indigenous basketball in Canberra started with a "silly comment" to his wife about cutting down time at local basketball courts. That vision has grown from six teams to 38 as Devow prepares to host the fifth NAIDOC basketball challenge this weekend.
Welcoming Indigenous Australians into your Association, Basketball Victoria, (201?). This resource has been developed to assist associations to create inclusive and welcoming environments through internal growth and education, understanding as well as building relationships with the local community and partnering with key organisations to build sustainability and retention. The resource does not attempt to explain any current public debate in Indigenous affairs. However, it is important to know and understand the history of Australia’s First People and European settlement to effectively plan and sustain Indigenous participation in basketball.
Aboriginal Basketball Academy Teams Up with Basketball Australia, Basketball Australia, (14 July 2023). Thursday marked an historic moment, as a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Aboriginal Basketball Academy (ABA) and Basketball Australia (BA), ensuring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students have access to pathways to play basketball and become leaders.
Hoops 4 Health. Hoops 4 Health has been operating for 23 years in Northern Australia. A First Nations led business that blends the life experiences of its mentors with leading edge trauma informed neuroscience. The Hoops 4 Health entity has conjured up a massive 10 000 touch points of participants since 2010.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
- Basketball Victoria - Reconciliation Action Plan March 2021-March 2023 [Innovate]
- Basketball Australia - Reconciliation Action Plan November 2020-November 2022 [Innovate]
- National Basketball League (NBL) - Reconciliation Action Plan November 2020-April 2022 [Reflect]
- National Basketball League (NBL) - Reconciliation Action Plan October 2024 - October 2025 [Innovate]
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy, Bowls Australia, (May 2023). The Strategy’s overarching goal is to increase participation within underrepresented community groups, including First Nations, by making the sport of bowls more inclusive and welcoming. In the next 3 years Bowls Australia will aim to: have Acknowledgement of Country at all National/State/Territory events; NAIDOC week celebration on all Bowls media channels; Commence and continue development of a Reconciliation Action Plan; Establish a national register of clubs with traditional place names and people.
Koolchee, Bowls Australia, (accessed 1 May 2023). Koolchee is a traditional Indigenous game similar to bowls.
Cricket Australia has a long and proud involvement in Indigenous sport starting with the selection of the First XI in 1868 through to today with the national Imparja Cup and National Indigenous Cricket Championships.
- First Nations. Cricket Australia is committed to creating safe and welcoming environments for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to engage with all aspects of our sport.
Cricket Connecting Country, Cricket Australia, YouTube, (2020). A three-part series to begin Cricket Australia's journey of truth telling, address racism in our game and celebrate Indigenous cultures and multiculturalism in Australia.
- Episode 1: Host Mel Jones OAM joins panellists Dr Janine Mohamed, Nyadol Nyuon, Daniel Christian and Rachael Haynes. (9 September 2020).
- Episode 2: Host Mel Jones OAM joins panellists Jason 'Dizzy' Gillespie, Azeem Rafiq, Benjamin Thompson and Tamika Sadler. (27 October 2020).
- Episode 3: Host Mel Jones OAM joins panellists Ashleigh Gardner and Hannah Darlington. (12 November 2020).
- Christian opens up about 'casual racism' in cricket, Martin Smith,, (9 September 2020). Prominent cricketers and social activists discuss the Black Lives Matter movement and systemic racism in Australia in first episode of Cricket Connecting Country.
- The significance and story behind Australia's T20 Indigenous kit, Cricket Australia, YouTube, (3 December 2020). Mitchell Starc discusses the significance of the Indigenous shirt the men's team will wear in the Dettol T20s and Aunty Fiona Clarke explains the story behind the special design.
Inaugural T20 Indigenous Series to Light Up Cairns, Queensland Cricket, (3 November 2023). The historic tournament promises to be a thrilling display of cricketing talent and a celebration of Indigenous heritage. The event, which marks a significant milestone in Queensland Cricket's reconciliation action plan, is named after the esteemed first-class player Michael "Ducko" Mainhardt and is proudly supported by Lords Taverners Queensland, who have committed to a three-year partnership.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
- South Australian Cricket Association Reconciliation Action Plan January 2023 - December 2024 [Innovate]
- Australian Cricketers' Association Reconciliation Action Plan June 2022 - June 2023 [Reflect]
- Cricket NSW Reconciliation Action Plan June 2021 - June 2023 [Innovate]
- WA Cricket Reconciliation Action Plan May 2022 - May 2023 [Reflect]
- Cricket Australia Reconciliation Action Plan November 2024-November 2027 [Stretch]
- Cricket Australia Reconciliation Action Plan December 2019-December 2022: Cricket Connecting Country [Stretch]
Flying Disc
The Australian Flying Disc Association (AFDA) funds and undertakes Indigenous development in partnership with the Indigenous Ultimate Association (IUA). We have jointly established an Indigenous Ultimate Frisbee Development Program, which plans and executes projects aimed at developing Ultimate Frisbee among Indigenous communities and people.
Indigenous Ultimate Association (IUA). Encouraging more Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to play Ultimate.
Football Australia launched the Indigenous Football Development Strategy in August 2020. The strategy aims to build on successful initiatives of recent years, ensuring that football is accessible and enjoyable for all Australians. The key priority areas of the Strategy are to maximise Indigenous football participation opportunities, identify and develop talented indigenous footballers, and use football as a vehicle to positively impact social development issues, such as education, employment and health.
- National Indigenous Advisory Group. A key advisory body for Football Australia, the Group comprises nine (9) First Nations community members from diverse cultures, experiences, and intersectionality, who are driving change in a variety of areas; professional and grassroots football, media, academia, and government.
John Moriarty Football is named for co-founder, John Moriarty, the first Aboriginal player selected to play football for Australia. It is a transformational skills mastery program for 6–18-year-olds that uses football (soccer) for talent and positive change, improving school attendance, and achieving resilient, healthier outcomes in Indigenous communities. JMF is a permanent presence in the communities where we operate. We deliver 5-6 days per week to primary and secondary school children, with equal participation of boys and girls, through in-school and after school sessions, school holiday clinics, and tournaments.
- Football's Indigenous Engagement: State of Play, Professional Footballers Australia for John Moriarty Football, (2018). The purpose of this document is to benchmark the progress being made by other sports to highlight football’s missed opportunity, and to call for a reignition of football’s Indigenous engagement.
Indigenous Football Australia. Launched in March 2021 Indigenous Football Australia is guided by an expert Advisory Council and in partnership with UNICEF Australia. Its aim is to unlock the potential of thousands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children, their families and communities across Australia. IFA will broaden the benefits of John Moriarty Football to create more equitable access to the great game of football for grassroots and elite players. Through football, IFA’s goal is to create sustainable social change and provide pathways to improved physical and mental health, wellbeing, education and community engagement for Indigenous girls and boys, families and communities.
The Aboriginal Soccer Tribe, 2nd edition, John Maynard, Fairplay Publishing, (2019). A celebration of the journey of taken by Aboriginal sportsmen and women who forged the way for the current crop of talented players, which details the previously untold history of Aboriginal involvement with the ‘world game’.
NAIDOC Cup. The NAIDOC Cup is for selected Indigenous footballers aged 13 to 16 to represent Northern NSW Football against Indigenous teams from Football NSW.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Golf Australia have developed an Action Plan which covers each of the 7 Pillars of Inclusion in detail and provides practical short, medium and long-term examples of how golf clubs can implement this Framework into your club’s operational and strategic environment.
- Clubs and Facilities Inclusion Action Plan (November 2020). Increasing engagement with our Indigenous community will provide an opportunity for the sport to make a contribution towards closing the gap on the inequalities which exist between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
- Indigenous and Multicultural Community Guides (November 2020). The following guides are intended to be used with the Inclusion Action Plan for Clubs and Facilities and the Population Data Tables. The guides give specific information on: Population data; Cultural protocols; Barriers to golf participation; Key strategies to increase engagement; Festivals, events and holidays; Community groups; and, Media for Indigenous, Chinese, Indian and Islamic communities.
Roadshow gives remote NT kids a taste of golf, Golf Australia, (22 June 2023). On the recent roadshow, more than 300 kids were introduced to the game when Golf Australia’s Brodie Morcom drove out of Darwin for Pine Creek School, Mataranka School, Elliott School, Tennant Creek Primary School and Tennant Creek High School.
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, Hockey Australia, (accessed 21 May 2024). Hockey Australia is committed to reconciliation and recognition of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and their contribution to hockey in Australia.
- New Indigenous design for Australian Indoor, Masters and Country, Hockey Australia, (8 February 2023). Representative Australian Indoor, Masters and Country teams will wear uniforms displaying specially designed Indigenous artwork that embodies the three national programs.
Aspire to be Deadly, Cairns Hockey, (accessed 12 May 2023). A sport for development program delivered through Cairns Hockey that aims to increase awareness, understanding and respect for the indigenous culture of First Nation People of Australia. It will prioritize capability and capacity building targeting indigenous young women and girls with a focus on education, well-being, employment, and leadership opportunities LIVE WELL, LEARN WELL, LEAD WELL using the sport of hockey as a vehicle to drive these positive social outcomes.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Racing Together wins global recognition, Motorsport Australia, (December 2022). Racing Together received the inaugural FIA President’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award from FIA President Mohammed Ben Sulayem. The honour recognises outstanding commitment to diverse and inclusive practices and activities that foster equitable, sustainable, and measurable change.
- Racing Together was co-founded by Monique Connelly and Garry Connelly AM, Australia’s FIA delegate in late 2020 and has been embraced by all levels of the motorsport world, from seven-time World Drivers Champion Sir Lewis Hamilton to Australia’s leading Supercars team owners.
- The program’s initial induction invites Indigenous youth between the ages of 12 to 16 to participate in an intensive two-day education and selection program that includes driver training, mechanics, personal health and well-being, career advice and life skills.
- Successful applicants advance to participate in the full-time Racing Together program, which runs a karting program and prepares race cars for and competes in the nationally popular one-make Hyundai Excel series, currently running three vehicles with a fourth to be added in 2023.
- Racing together finds a new permanent home, Motorsport Australia, (16 May 2023). Having originally been based at Norwell Motorplex on the Gold Coast thanks to former Supercars driver Paul Morris, the award-winning program will now call the newly renovated Queensland Raceway in Ipswich its home.
Netball's declaration of commitment, Netball Australia, (29 September 2020). Netball’s peak organisations have pledged to take significant action to break down the barriers that have prevented Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players, coaches, umpires and administrators from flourishing in the sport.
- Netball's Declaration of Commitment document (September 2020).
- An organisation's journey on developing a Reconciliation Action Plan, Julia Symons, 2016 Diversity and Inclusion Forum, Play by the Rules, (2016). Julia Symons from Netball Australia talks about the OneNetball Program and their journey toward a Reconciliation Action Plan.
First Nations national team announces name, Netball Australia, (21 May 2024). Netball Australia has announced the inaugural First Nations national team’s coaching line-up and team name. Twelve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander netballers from across Australia have been invited to represent the First Nations Black Swans at this year's Pacific Netball Series, taking place between June 10 to 15 in Meanjin (Brisbane) at Nissan Arena. The team will be coached by proud Kamilaroi woman and former Australian Diamonds squad member Ali Tucker-Munro.
NA launches First Nations coaching course, Netball Australia, (5 March 2024). In a first for the sport, Netball Australia is launching a pilot First Nations Coaching Course. The course is specifically designed for First Nations coaches who are actively coaching within a national sporting organisation or member organisation’s High Performance Pathway Program in Australia.
First Nations Academy of Excellence. Sharon Finnan-White First Nations Academy of Excellence is a unique program designed to support young Indigenous netballers, and in time other sports people, from regional and remote communities across Australia.
New South Wales (NSW)
- NNSW launches first-of-its-kind online Cultural Competency Course, Netball NSW, (23 March 2023). The interactive Cultural Competency and Reflections E-Learning course (C.A.R.E) is free for all netball participants, Clubs and Associations across the State. Importantly, it’s the first course of its kind to be launched by an Australian sporting organisation, and has been designed in close consultation with Netball NSW’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group. It encourages participants to challenge coaching, officiating, selection and leadership policies and practices within their sphere of influence, given these policies and practices can often exclude or discriminate against Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander peoples. The C.A.R.E package then encourages participants to reflect and advocate for positive alternatives.
- First Nations Netball, (accessed 12 May 2023). Provides links, information and resources relating to the Reconciliation Action Plan, Events and programs, CARE program, and inclusive resources.
Queensland (QLD)
- Diamond Spirit, Netball Queensland, (accessed 12 May 2023). Diamond Spirit is a holistic community engagement programme, which uses netball as a vehicle to engage, empower, and educate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls in remote and regional communities across Queensland.
- Netball Queensland establishes Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Advisory Committee, Netball Queensland, (2 February 2021). The committee comprises Sharon Finnan-White OAM, Beryl Friday, Leeonee Thompson, Craig Williams, Bo De La Cruz, and Chenoa Masters. This group possesses a wealth of experience in high performance, player pathways, organisational culture, finance and cultural knowledge that will provide invaluable support to Netball Queensland and the broader netball community. “The formation of this group is formal recognition of the need to fundamentally improve netball’s engagement with First Nations peoples and address the underlying barriers affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander players, coaches, umpires and administrators.”
Victoria (VIC)
- Rumbalara Football Netball Club (Rumbalara FNC) is an Aboriginal community run sporting club located in Shepparton, Victoria. It is dedicated to strengthening the community and bringing families together through strong vibrant leadership. It is a place of belonging, a place that people of all ages and backgrounds can call their own.
Western Australia (WA)
- The Aboriginal Youth Gala Day, Netball WA, (accessed 11 May 2023) forms part of one of the key community Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander events in the Netball WA calendar and provides all junior Aboriginal participants with the opportunity to showcase their skills in a competitive environment. This round robin carnival signifies the official commencement of the Netball WA Aboriginal Grassroots Netball Program. It provides an opportunity for all players and coaches from across the state to come together to participate and enjoy the culture and history of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in netball.
- NAIDOC Netball Carnival, Netball WA, (accessed 11 May 2023) is held annually at the Gold Netball Centre and Matthews Netball Centre (WA). The NAIDOC Netball Carnival is both an opportunity to introduce Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander netballers to competitive netball, as well as a platform to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. The age divisions include Suncorp NetSetGO, 12U, 14U, 16U, 18U, four open divisions, and a Mixed and Masters division.
- Shooting Stars, (accessed 11 May 2023). Shooting Stars is an educational program that uses sport and other tools to encourage greater school engagement amongst young Aboriginal girls and women. We empower Aboriginal girls and women in regional and remote communities to make informed choices about their education and employment journey, helping them strive for the stars.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Rugby League
Australian Rugby League Indigenous Council (ALRIC). Oversees the implementation of the Reconciliation Action Plan, ensures that views and ideas of Indigenous peoples are incorporated from across the game. Programs include:
- Indigenous Round. NRL Indigenous Round aims to highlight significant social issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It is also an opportunity for the game to cement our commitment to the Indigenous community and celebrate the unique relationship between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and rugby league.
- All Stars. Rugby League celebrates Aboriginal, Torres Strait Islander and Maori excellence both on and off the field.
- School to Work. An education and employment program. The NRL utilises the positive profile of the game of Rugby League to support young Indigenous Australians with work experience, mentoring and leadership opportunities to ensure they successfully complete school and transition into further study, training or meaningful employment.
- How the NRL is continuing to close the gap in Indigenous Australian employment, Kelsey Hogan,, (21 October 2022). After supporting 3,400 young people since 2012, School to Work Program Manager Luwis Fernando said the program continues to ‘Close the Gap’ employment outcomes between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australians.
NRL Cowboys House is removing distance as a barrier to quality secondary education for Indigenous students from some of Australia's most remote and educationally disadvantaged communities. The House is a unique, culturally-safe boarding facility for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and women attending partner schools in Townsville. Students are supported by dedicated teams in education, wellbeing, culture and career transitions in a holistic wraparound model of care. Managed by the Cowboys Community Foundation, the charity arm of the North Queensland Cowboys, NRL Cowboys House is a joint initiative between the National Rugby League, North Queensland Cowboys, the Queensland Government, and the Australian Government.
Cultural Choice Association. 'Boots for a Brighter Future' is just one of a number of initiatives run by the Cultural Choice Association, an organisation run by Watson and his family with the goal of raising awareness and support around Indigenous youth suicide. It provides Indigenous youth with an opportunity to connect with their culture and identity through art, whilst partnering with NRL clubs in the fight against youth suicide.
- How Sydney Roosters star Connor Watson is helping lead the fight against Indigenous youth suicide, Nick Campton, ABC, (18 May 2023).
Empowering Indigenous Australians at the Murri Carnival, Department of Tourism and Sport, (11 October 2023). The annual Queensland Murri Carnival is more than just a rugby league carnival; it's a celebration of Indigenous excellence, health, and education.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
- Sharks Group Reconciliation Action Plan November 2021 - November 2023 [Innovate]
- Gold Coast Titans Reconciliation Action Plan September 2020-September 2023 [Stretch]
- St. George Illawarra Dragons Reconciliation Action Plan May 2021-May 2023 [Innovate]
- Australian Rugby League Commission - Reconciliation Action Plan 2018-2022 [Elevate]
Rugby Union
Rugby Australia. Rugby Australia acknowledges and respects Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures as the oldest living continuous culture in this world and pays respect to First Australians’ ongoing connection to the lands and waters of this country.
- First Nations month. The First Nations Rugby Committee, which comprises representatives from both Rugby Australia and the Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Team, are encouraging Clubs across the country to recognise the importance of making progress towards Reconciliation by supporting First Nations Month in July 2023.
- Lloydies. The Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Team - or 'Lloydies' was founded more than 20 years ago with a mission to increase Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander participation in rugby.
- Ella 7s. The marquee event for Indigenous Sevens Rugby is the Ella7s, named after the famed Ella Brothers - Gary, Glen, and Mark. The Ella 7s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Rugby Union 7s tournament attracts around 400 athletes, 20 state class referees and ball boys, and over 20 officials from Rugby Australia, NSW Rugby Union, and the Lloyd McDermott Rugby Development Team.
Queensland Reds - Indigenous Program (QRIP). The Queensland Rugby Union Indigenous Program isn’t about playing rugby, but designed to identify, support and grow our future Indigenous leaders. It is more than just turning up, but going above and beyond to demonstrate excellence through participation in activities encouraging students to achieve their full learning potential, using positive role models and incentives for ongoing engagement. Programs include:
- Future Indigenous Leaders Program (FILP). With the support of Rio Tinto and the communities of Cherbourg and Woorabinda, the QRU deliver FILP in these communities. The FILP aims to identify students in these communities from grade 6 who show potential leadership qualities. From here, students are mentored through to grade 10 to ensure they maintain attendance above 95% and consistently show positive behaviour at school, on social media, and in the wider community.
- Reds Generation Next (formerly Learn Earn Legend). Reds Generation Next (RGN) works with students through the later stages of high school focusing on improving school attendance and retention rates as well as year 12 or equivalent attainment. The program also centres on building aspiration and transition opportunities by continuing to mentor and support students in their preferred pathway for their first year post school graduation.
Australian national anthem sung in a First Nations language before Wallabies-Pumas rugby Test, ABC News, (6 December 2020). Wallabies players have sung the Australian national anthem in both Eora language and English ahead of the Tri Nations Test against Argentina at the Western Sydney Stadium. Olivia Fox led the rendition in Eora, with the Wallabies players also singing. It was the first time the national anthem had been performed in a First Nations language at a Wallabies Test.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Surf Life Saving
Indigenous Inclusion, Surf Life Saving Australia, (accessed 18 May 2023). SLSA is committed to greater promotion and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples within Surf Life Saving. A recent initiative has been the awarding of an annual scholarship to an Indigenous Surf Lifesaver to attend the annual National Leaders Masterclass (Masterclass). The Masterclass is a leadership and development program for senior leaders in SLS. The scholarship covers the recipient’s costs to attend Masterclass and aims to develop and promote Indigenous leaders in SLS.
First Nations Youth High-Performance Program, Surfing Australia, (23 August 2022). Surfing Australia has created a National High-Performance program for our First Nations Youth for the first time. The program will run across Australia from January to December 2023. This includes 3 camps throughout the year and individual High-Performance plans including strength and conditioning, sports psychology, school/education, life skills, connection to culture and community, equipment development, trick acquisition, athlete wellbeing, and other services as required.
Australian Indigenous Surfing Titles, (accessed 11 March 2022). The Australian Indigenous Surfing Titles presented by Rip Curl is a gathering of Indigenous Surfers from across the country on the traditional land of the Wada Wurrung people at Bells Beach on Victoria’s Surf Coast. The event, which began in 2012, includes divisions of Open Men, Open Women, Junior Boys, Junior Girls, Longboard and Masters Men.
Irukandjis. In a historic moment for Australian Surfing, a new team name and identity was unveiled on March 17th, 2021, for Australia’s national surf team, 'The Irukandjis: Deadly in the Water’. Named after the Irukandji jellyfish – an extremely venomous species of jellyfish that inhabit Australian marine waters. The Irukandjis name was generously gifted to Surfing Australia by the local Yirrganydji people of North Queensland, driven by the efforts of Indigenous athlete and former World Tour surfer, Soli Bailey.
- Surfing Australia Launches ‘Welcome To Sea Country’ Film For Reconciliation Week via BWM dentsu, (8 June 2021). In honour of First Nations people, Surfing Australia has launched a short film during Reconciliation Week explaining the Indigenous meaning of the Irukandji name and design for our Australian Surfing Team, soon heading to the Olympic Games.
Victorian Indigenous Surfing Program. The Victorian Indigenous Surfing Program is the key initiative of Surfing Victoria’s Indigenous Strategic Pillar and is one of the longest running Indigenous engagement programs in the country. Founded in 1998, the program uses surfing as a way to connect Indigenous Victorians with the ocean whilst learning new skills, water safety, and healthy habits. Strong Aboriginal community leadership and engagement in culturally safe and engaging environments that are inclusive, respectful, and flexible are they core values of the program to ensure its success.
- Surfing Victoria and Strong Brother Strong Sister sign strategic partnership, Surfing Australia, (12 November 2020). Strong Brother, Strong Sister is a culturally appropriate safe place for Aboriginal young people to access and thrive. The structure and programs within the space guide, mentor and empower Aboriginal young people to achieve excellence. The outcomes from these programs not only guide, mentor and empower Aboriginal young people, they also improve Aboriginal young people’s health and wellbeing. The partnership is based around surf programs for Indigenous Youth utlising both organisations expertise in Indigenous engagement, water safety, health promotion, and cultural awareness.
Surfest Indigenous Classic makes waves for Aboriginal competitors and businesses, NSW Government, (7 March 2024). The 2 day event is set to take place at Merewether Beach on Saturday 9 March and Sunday 10 March and will showcase the talent of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander surfing sensations via Open Mens, Open Womens, Pro Junior Mens, Pro Junior Womens and Open Masters’ divisions.
Deadly Little Dolphins to improve swim safety and pave the way for First Nations BNE32 success, Swimming Australia, (6 April 2023). Deadly Little Dolphins is Swimming Australia’s national call to action to ensure that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children have access to learn to swim to improve their swimming and water safety skills. Deadly Little Dolphins is a key project of the overarching Swimming Australia Deadly Dolphins initiative which aims to strengthen the swimming pathway for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander athletes, harnessing developing talent across the swimming system, and ultimately, deliver an Olympic and/or Paralympic medal by an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander swimmer at Brisbane 2032.
Tennis Australia in conjunction with its Member Associations want to continue to provide more accessibility and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders to participate and engage in tennis through educating clubs and coaches, enhancing talent identification, providing pathway opportunities, creating more playing opportunities through community events and tournaments and providing funding for Indigenous tennis programs, equipment and coaches. Initiatives include:
- National Indigenous Tennis Carnival is held at the Darwin International Tennis Centre, The carnival celebrates youth, culture, music, food and sport through the delivery of tennis, cultural activities and workshops.
Australia's Indigenous tennis coach empowers youth on search for next superstar, Mark Rigby, ABC Far North, (19 May 2016). Australia's first Indigenous male tennis player to play on centre court at Wimbledon, Ian Goolagong, is travelling the country to promote tennis to Indigenous youth.
Tennis NT - Racquets and red dust, Northern Visuals Australia, YouTube, (6 April 2021). Provides an overview of some of the features of the Racquets and Red Dust program which aims to introduce 600 Aboriginal youth living in remote communities to tennis. Some more information about the program is available as part of Tennis NT's Reconciliation Action Plan.
Tennis Australia And Deadly Choices: Promoting Health And Wellbeing, Tennis Australia, (3 November 2023). Tennis Australia is collaborating with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander preventative health program in an initiative to empower Indigenous Australians to make healthy choices.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Tenpin Bowling
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
- Reconciliation Action Plan, Tenpin Bowling Australia, (2022).
Touch Football
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Priorities, Touch Football Australia, (accessed 18 May 2023). Touch Football Australia has a zero-tolerance approach to any form of bullying, harassment, or racial vilification of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. Unjust treatment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples will not be tolerated within our sport or workplace. Touch Football Australia (TFA) is committed to ensuring we provide opportunities to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to participate in the game of Touch Football across Australia. TFA has several existing programs, events and partnerships with key stakeholders which seek to advance Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Touch Football including:
- Delivery of the yearly Indigenous Knockout Tournament.
- Yearly participation in the NRL's Indigenous All-Stars event.
- A current TFA coach is a member of the Australian Rugby League Indigenous Council (ARLIC).
- Our national teams were recently renamed, connecting the team to Country.
- An Indigenous jersey was launched at the 2019 Touch Football World Cup and worn in competition, the first Australian sporting team to do so in a World Cup competition.
- At the 2020 Youth Trans-Tasman Test Series, the Emus uniforms incorporated Indigenous artwork into all facets of the uniform for the first time.
- Delivery of the non-contact participation grant targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Acknowledgement of country live reads to be conducted at major national events.
Innovation Reconciliation Action Plan (June 2023 - June 2025), Touch Football Australia.
National Indigenous Touch Football Knockout, Touch Football Australia, (accessed 18 May 2023). An annual tournament where teams must have a minimum of 50% indigenous players per team. In 2022 the Tournament had divisions for: Opens Mixed, Under 16 Mixed and Under 12 Mixed.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
- Reconciliation Action Plan October 2021-2022, Touch Football Australia [Reflect].
TriMob. Our vision is to shape an Australia that deeply values and actively celebrates the unique cultures and traditions of First Nations peoples. We are committed to promoting an environment where the mental, physical, and spiritual well-being of First Nations individuals is not only protected but also flourishes, ensuring their holistic health and strength.
- The IronMob Project. Through our IRONMOB project, we are not only empowering our mob to have the physical capability to physically finish an IRONMAN but the mental strength and confidence to know they can. Using a strengths based approach, that celebrates and showcases First Nations people and our cultures, we will redefine what is possible and inspire and empower more First Nations people to participate in triathlons and know that anything is possible.
IRONMOB Project: First Nations athletes make history at IRONMAN Australia, AusTriathlon, (8 May 2024). The inaugural IRONMOB Project reached a triumphant conclusion on Birpai Country last Sunday, as all six First Nations athletes not only started but finished the gruelling 3.8km swim, 180km bike and 42.2km at IRONMAN Australia.
Six First Nations athletes aim to inspire at IRONMAN Australia, AusTriathlon, (1 May 2024). The IRONMOB Program, developed by TRIMOB, a pioneering First Nations organisation dedicated to empowering its community through triathlon, has been working with the group over more than a year to prepare them to take on the 3.8km swim, 180km ride and 42.2km run.
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Indigenous Nationals, Unisport Australia, (accessed 18 May 2023). National Indigenous Tertiary Education Student Games (NITESG) began in 1996 as a joint class project between 13 students enrolled in a Diploma of Aboriginal Studies (Community Recreation) at the then Wollotuka School for Aboriginal Studies, University of Newcastle. Now referred to as Indigenous Nationals, the event is a week-long multisport competition for indigenous student-athletes. The annual event aims to bring together student-athletes from universities across Australia to compete in a variety of sports and ultimately crown one university team the champion of the games. The 2023, 27th Indigenous Nationals will be held from 26-30 June, and will be contested in a mixed competition across four sports: touch football, basketball, netball, and volleyball.
Water Polo
WPA Social Impact Framework: Inclusion, Diversity & Equity, Water Polo Australia, (April 2023). The Water Polo Australia Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Strategy 2023-202 recognises Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as one of the targeted groups for increased participation. The Strategy highlights that In 2021/22, 1.74% of all members identified as First Nations peoples, and there have been 3 known First Nations Olympians (Nathan Thomas, Dean Semmens, and Joel Swift).
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP)
Indigenous wrestling, Wrestling Australia, (accessed 21 May 2024). Includes some background on Indigenous wrestling and a list of First Nations wrestlers who have competed in national and international competitions.
- In 2020 Wrestling Australia appointed Stephan Jaeggi as the First Nations Liaison Officer.
First Nations Sporting Tournaments
- Australian Indigenous Surfing Titles, (accessed 3 May 2023). A gathering of Indigenous Surfers from across the country on the traditional land of the Wada Wurrung people at Bells Beach on Victoria’s Surf Coast. The event, which began in 2012, includes divisions of Open Men, Open Women, Junior Boys, Junior Girls, Longboard and Masters Men.
- Imparja Cup, Northern Territory Cricket, (accessed 1 May 2023). Alice Springs showcases Indigenous Cricket and is home of the Imparja Cup Cricket Carnival held in February each year.
- Indigenous Community Basketball League, Indigenous Basketball Australia, (accessed 3 May 2023). In its first year, ICBL had just under 1,000 Aboriginal Torres Strait Islander participants at the grass roots level. The ICBL has targeted regions based on participation and the capacity to commit to coordinating ICBL was also a high priority in selecting regions. Suitable venues, local basketball associations, community support, volunteers, Indigenous organisations and the number of young people in the specific age group also contributed to identifying regions. Each year it is expected that more regions and locations will be added to the program.
- National Indigenous Basketball Tournament. Each player competing in the ICBL has the opportunity to be selected to represent their region at the National Indigenous Basketball Tournament (NIBT). This may be the first time many Indigenous young people will compete at a national tournament and proudly wear their state colours.
- Indigenous Nationals, Unisport Australia, (accessed 3 May 2023). In 2023, the competition will be held from 26-30 June, and will be contested in a mixed competition across four sports: touch football, basketball, netball, and volleyball.
- National Indigenous Touch Football Knockout, Touch Football Australia, (accessed 18 May 2023). An annual tournament where teams must have a minimum of 50% indigenous players per team. In 2022 the Tournament had divisions for: Opens Mixed, Under 16 Mixed and Under 12 Mixed.
New South Wales (NSW)
- NSW Koori Rugby League Knockout Carnival, Wikipedia, (accessed 3 May 2023). One of the biggest Indigenous gatherings in Australia. The very first knockout was held at Camdenville Oval, St Peters, on the October long weekend of 1971 with eight participating teams. The winning teams gains the right to hold the next knockout. Organisers created the knockout as an alternative more accessible to Indigenous players than the state rugby league.
- Koori Knockout: 50 years, State Library New South Wales, (2021). In 1971 at the Clifton Hotel in Redfern, six young First Nations men created what is today the largest gathering of First Nations peoples in NSW — known as the Koori Knockout. This year more than 30,000 players and spectators are expected to arrive on the NSW South Coast as this, one of the most popular First Nations sporting events in Australia, marks its 50th anniversary. In this exhibition, follow the competition from those early days played at Camdenville Oval, St Peters with just seven men’s teams in the first Knockout, to becoming a fixture in the First Nations calendar and the biggest rugby league knockout carnival anywhere in the world.
- Koori Netball Tournament, NSW Office of Sport, (accessed 3 May 2023). Delivered in partnership with Charlestown Netball Courts. The event attracts Aboriginal communities from across NSW with an aim of increasing participation of Aboriginal people (especially women) in sport and recreation in a fun competitive environment. Teams can be from ages under-12 through to open women's, mixed and/or men’s teams. It is an inclusive event and teams are encouraged to have up to three non-Indigenous players on their team.
- Nations of Origin, PCYC NSW, (accessed 22 May 2024). Nations of Origin is a multifaceted sport, cultural, education and leadership program that culminates around NAIDOC week annually. Each year around 1,400 Indigenous & Non- Indigenous young people represent their Aboriginal Nation in Rugby League, Football fives, Basketball, Netball and Gymnastics to promote reconciliations within communities and celebrate Australia diverse Indigenous culture.
In 2024, Nations will be held in Western Sydney.
Queensland (QLD)
- Murri Rugby League Carnival. The Queensland Murri Carnival (QAIHC Arthur Beetson Foundation Murri Rugby League Carnival) is an annual four-day rugby league carnival for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queensland rugby league teams. The carnival has certain basic rules, players cannot compete unless they undergo a health check and adult players must enrol to vote or, if enrolled, ensure their enrolment details are correct. Players under 15 years must have a 90% school attendance record.
Western Australia (WA)
- Kirby Bentley Cup. A 12-a-side round robin tournament for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls aged 13-15 years old. The Kirby Bentley Cup provides young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander girls with a great opportunity to put their skills on display, be linked to local female football clubs and be identified for the state talent pathway.
- NAIDOC Netball Carnivals. Netball WA hosts four NAIDOC Netball Carnivals across the State: Perth, Mid West, North West and Goldfields. These carnivals are both an opportunity to introduce Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander netballers to competitive netball as well as a platform to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
- Nicky Winmar Carnival. An annual round robin tournament targeting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander male youth aged 13 to 15. The tournament features teams representing both metropolitan and regional WA. The carnival provides members of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community with a direct opportunity to: Participate in a structured WA football marquee event; Achieve coaching and umpiring accreditation; Re-engage with educational and sport participation programs; Connect with AFL/WAFL mentors and role models; Potentially be identified for WAFL development pathways.
International practice
International practice
Aboriginal Sport Circle (ASC)
- Established in 1995 the Aboriginal Sport Circle is Canada's national voice for Aboriginal sport, physical activity, and recreation bringing together the interests of First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. Through partnerships and collaborations, the Aboriginal Sport Circle supports expertise in athlete and coaching development, physical literacy, and physical activity programs to Aboriginal communities throughout Canada. The Aboriginal Sport Circle is also the franchise holder for the North American Indigenous Games (NAIG), and annually hosts the National Aboriginal Hockey Championships (NAHC), in addition to effecting policy change at the highest levels of government.
- Aboriginal Long-Term Participant Development Pathway, Sport For Life Society, (2019). This document presents a roadmap for developing sport and physical activity among First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples. The Indigenous Long-Term Participant Development Pathway is a reference for those who work with Indigenous participants in sport and recreation. The Indigenous Long-Term Participant Development Pathway has grown out of the understanding that mainstream pathways for sport development do not necessarily align with Indigenous needs or experiences. As such, the Indigenous Long-Term Participant Development Pathway tries to address that gap by outlining the key elements that need to be considered when planning, developing, and implementing programs for and with Indigenous peoples and Indigenous communities.
- Indigenous Long-Term Participant Development Pathway - Sport Organization Guide, Sport for Life Society, (2019). This guide will give Sport Organizations an appreciation for and the knowledge to maximize collaboration with the Indigenous sport system, as well as provide the steps to map out how the mainstream sport system can support Indigenous athletes as they move between systems. By using this guide, Sport Organizations will improve the quality of the sporting experience for Indigenous athletes. By improving their experiences, Sport Organizations will benefit from enhanced capacity through mutually beneficial partnerships with Indigenous sport leadership, increased athlete and coach participation, and potential increases in podium performances.
- Canadian National Sport Organizations’ Responses to the Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Calls to Action and Settler Silence, Yasmin Rajwani, Audrey Giles, Shawn Forde, Sociology of Sport Journal, Volume 39(2), pp.205-215, (2022). The Truth and Reconciliation Commission’s 2015 Calls to Action identified societal measures necessary for a successful reconciliation process between Indigenous peoples and settlers in Canada, five of which were specific to sport. Half a decade after the Calls to Action were published, the response by national sport organizations in Canada has escaped scholarly attention. Through a lens informed by settler colonial studies, the authors employed summative content analysis to examine the ways, if any, in which national sport organizations in Canada have implemented relevant Calls to Action. The results indicate a lack of response by most national sport organizations which, we argue, represents settler silence.
- Indigenous sports and recreation programs and partnerships across Canada: A literature review and environmental scan, Julie Sutherland, National Collaborating Centre for Indigenous Health, (November 2021). This initiative and resource are grounded in the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) of Canada’s Calls to Action around sport and reconciliation and the articles within the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) to enhance Indigenous Peoples’ right to physical health, sports, and traditional games. This literature review and scan focuses on physical activity, recreation, and sport opportunities for First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, families, and communities. Specifically, it provides:
- an overview of the landscape of Indigenous physical activity, recreation, and sport organizations from the community and regional levels to the national, provincial, and territorial levels;
- a review of the facilitators of and barriers to participation in physical activity, recreation, and sport in Indigenous populations, with a special focus on Indigenous youth;
- a summary of existing guidelines or best practices for improving participation in physical activity, recreation, and sport among First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples; and
- a synopsis of gaps in research and programming.
- Decolonizing physical activities, spaces, and practices, and infusing sport and recreation with traditional, land-based, culturally appropriate, practices and Indigenous ways of knowing and being are critical for strengthening First Nations, Inuit, and Métis health and well-being moving forward.
- A Meta-Study of Qualitative Research Examining Sport and Recreation Experiences of Indigenous Youth, Tara-Leigh McHugh, Colin Deal, Clara-Jane Blye, et al., Qualitative Health Research, Volume 29(1), pp.42-54, (January 2019). The purpose of this research was to produce a meta-study of qualitative research examining sport and recreation experiences of Indigenous youth in Canada. Following record identification and screening, 20 articles were retained for analysis and synthesis. Strengths and weaknesses of included studies were identified through the meta-method and meta-theory analysis. The meta-data analysis revealed five themes that represent the sport and recreation experiences of Indigenous youth: (a) potential holistic benefits; (b) multiple levels of barriers; (c) necessary relationships within Indigenous communities; (d) importance of Indigenous cultures, traditions, and connections to the land; and (e) strategies for enhancing sport and recreation experiences. Working collaboratively with community members, our final meta-synthesis situated these five themes within the integrated Indigenous ecological model. This review consolidates the qualitative evidence base, and provides direction for future research and practice.
- “There’s a Cultural Pride Through Our Games”: Enhancing the Sport Experiences of Indigenous Youth in Canada Through Participation in Traditional Games, Michael Dubnewick, Tristan Hopper, John Spence, et al., Journal of Sport and Social Issues, Volume 42(4), pp.207-226, (August 2018). The purpose of this community-based participatory research was to better understand how participation in traditional games can enhance the sport experiences of Indigenous youth. Eight Indigenous youth (14-18 years) and 10 adults living in various communities in the Northwest Territories, Canada, participated in either a one-on-one interview or group interview. Findings suggest that participating in traditional games can enhance the sport experiences of Indigenous youth by (a) promoting cultural pride, (b) interacting with Elders, (c) supporting connection to the land, (d) developing personal characteristics, and (e) developing a foundation for movement.
- A Comparison of Indigenous Sport for Development Policy Directives in Canada and Australia, Kevin Gardam, Audrey Giles, Steven Rynne, et al., Aboriginal Policy Studies, Volume 7(2), (2018). Through a review of government policies and reports, we highlight the often-divergent policy directives set out by federal departments in these two countries. Namely, inter-departmental partnerships in areas such as health, education, and justice fail to be adequately facilitated through SFD policies in Canada, while, conversely, Australia has strived towards greater federal partnership building. Within the identified Canadian and Australian policies, both countries consistently produced sport as having the potential to contribute to Indigenous peoples’ social and economic development, thus highlighting the growing institutional support behind Indigenous SFD.
- Canada and Australia: SDP and Indigenous peoples, Audrey Giles, Steven Rynne, Lyndsay Hayhurst, et al., Chapter 40 in 'Routledge Handbook of Sport for Development and Peace', Routledge, (2018). In this chapter, we provide an overview of SDP initiatives that target Indigenous peoples in Canada and Australia. More specifically, we examine SDP in Indigenous communities in Canada and Australia to emphasize and broaden understandings of where and how SDP takes place. Moreover, we seek to underscore the point that while SDP may have some merits, it is not necessarily relevant or valuable to Indigenous people. Indeed, while SDP has been positioned as an important social, political, and economic benefit for Indigenous people in Canada and Australia, we question the need for, and benefits of, such initiatives.
- Challenges and strategies for success of a sport-for-development programme for First Nations, Métis and Inuit youth. Halsall, T., Forneris, T., Journal of Sport for Development, Volume 4(7), pp.39-57, (2016). Canadian policy related to colonialism has created substantial challenges for First Nations, Métis, and Inuit (FNMI) youth and has had a negative influence on their health and well-being. Sport-for-development (SfD) programmes are beginning to show positive impacts for children and youth internationally. This approach may also be beneficial for FNMI youth in Canada. This research evaluates the implementation of a SfD programme designed to enhance leadership skills for FNMI youth.
- Community-Based Sport Research with Indigenous Youth, Tara-Leigh McHugh, NicholasHolt, Chris Andersen, New Trends in Physical Education, Sport and Recreation, (2015). Research has identified the many positive associations of sport participation for youth. In studying Indigenous Canadians, sport and physical activity has been suggested as a way to address the many health, mental, spiritual and social challenges of the large youth Indigenous population.
International practice
New Zealand
Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa
- Te Tiriti o Waitangi: Treaty of Waitangi. Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa is committed to building a play, active recreation and play system that reflects its commitment to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and the Treaty principles of Partnership, Protection and Participation. In 2019 Ihi Aotearoa announced the organisation’s commitment and articulated this from a play, active recreation and sport perspective. We enacted this commitment by ensuring that Sport NZ Outcomes Framework reflected our Te Tiriti o Waitangi commitment through the System and Cultural Vitality Long Term Outcomes. Three primary principles of the Treat of Waitangi are Partnership, Protection, and Participation.
- Te Aho a Ihi Aotearoa: Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa Māori Activation Plan 2021 - 2024. Using a wayfinding methodology, the activation plan includes information about some key coordinates to help us steer this waka: Te Pae Tata (the near horizon) - a snapshot of where we are now; Te Pae Tawhiti (the distant horizon) a reminder of where we are going, our long-term outcomes as introduced in Te Pākē. It then aligns our key strategic priorities, identifying what we need to do as an organisation over the next three years. The three strategic priorities of Te Aho are: Kia Whakamana i Te Tiriti – Give effect to Te Tiriti; Mauri Tū – Increase our cultural capability and capacity; Mauri Ora – Our contribution to whānau, hapū, iwi, Māori wellbeing.
- COVID-19 Kaupapa Māori Response Plan, Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa, (17 November 2020). The COVID-19 Kaupapa Māori Response Plan, unveiled today, contains four main kaupapa (initiatives) that will enable the exploration of new relationships with Māori as well as the strengthening of current partnerships. The Plan is grounded in a unique, holistic, Te Ao Māori approach that focuses on culturally distinctive pathways to enable Māori to succeed as Māori through play, active recreation and sport. An investment of $7m will support the implementation of this initiative which ultimately seeks to empower Māori communities to improve their wellbeing through Te Ao Māori and Mātauranga Māori approaches. It is part of the $265m sport recovery package, and is a recognition of the adverse effect COVID-19 has had on Māori wellbeing and levels of physical activity.
- Te Wāhanga Kaupapa Māori [Māori section of Sport New Zealand Ihi Aotearoa website].
- Te Whetū Rehua, (accessed 1 May 2023). A framework to help play, active recreation and sport providers consider how they might design or adapt activities to be culturally responsive to Māori. Te Whetū Rehua is a framework based on five key values important for Māori cultural and social development. The tool has been developed with Māori community sport and recreation providers, and supports Māori being able to participate as Māori, recognising that a strong and secure cultural identity helps facilitate access to wider society, as well as being vital to wellbeing as indigenous New Zealanders.
- He Oranga Poutama, (accessed 1 May 2023). He Oranga Poutama, "Stairway to wellbeing", promotes the development and implementation of physical recreation and sport in a way that is culturally appropriate to Māori.
- Diversity and Inclusion Survey 2020: Report on Findings, (2020). Sport NZ undertook a comprehensive and confidential survey across the play, active recreation and sport paid workforce and governing boards in October 2020 with a specific focus on diversity. The survey explored the make-up and experiences of the paid workforce within the participating organisations.
- Maori were most strongly represented in Regional Sports Trusts and in Territorial Authorities but underrepresented in comparison to percentage of population in most other organisational categories.
- The median income for Maori CEOs and Senior Leadership roles is lower than that of those from NZ European backgrounds. Most other roles are relatively similarly paid.
- Increasing physical activity opportunities through a marae-centric initiative, Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa, (accessed 18 May 2023). This case study has been created for organisations working with Māori. MaraeFit is a marae-centric initiative that provides opportunities for sport and recreation organisations, whānau, hapū and marae to increase their physical activities and capability in an ‘as Māori’ context. The initiative was created by Sport Hawke’s Bay He Oranga Poutama Kaiwhakahaere based on the Sport New Zealand kaupapa Māori sport and recreation framework, “Te Whetū Rēhua”. This framework is the foundation of Sport New Zealand’s He Oranga Poutama kaupapa.
- Active Youth Wellness Programme, Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa, (accessed 18 May 2023). This case study has been created for organisations working with MÄori and Pacifica youth. Developed by Community Leisure Management (CLM) with support from Aktive – Auckland Sport and Recreation, the programme involves a variety of activities and provides support for participants over an initial 20-week period all based on hauora (overall health and wellbeing). Attendance and engagement over the 20-week programme was high, with participants attending over 80% of the weekly sessions and showed marked improvements in their fitness goals.
- Tamaki touched case study, Sport NZ Ihi Aotearoa, (accessed 18 May 2023). The Tāmaki Touched concept was developed in October 2015 following a meeting between Touch NZ and the New Zealand Police, which discussed ways to use sport as an engagement tool to help achieve positive community outcomes in at-risk communities. Since April 2016, six Tāmaki Touched sporting modules have been delivered to the Glen Innes community, engaging over 2100 participants.
- Ako and Indigenous Athletes: Kaupapa Māori Principles and Game Sense Pedagogy, Jeremy Hapeta, John Evans, Graham Smith, Chapter 9 in 'Game Sense for Coaching and Teaching', Richard Light, Christina Curry (eds.), Routledge, (2021). The title ‘Ako (culturally preferred pedagogy) and Indigenous athletes’ refers to the preferred learning styles for Māori (Indigenous people of Aotearoa, New Zealand) athletes, particularly (but not exclusively) when adopting a ‘culturally inclusive’ pedagogy in sport. Throughout this chapter we respond to the question: How can sport coaches who adopt a Game Sense (GS) approach cater to the learning needs of Māori (and other Indigenous) athletes? In response, we outline core GS elements and explore the application of principles underpinning Kaupapa Māori (KM) theory, practices and methodologies that align with GS pedagogy. Our intention is to augment the GS approach in order to be more responsive to cross-cultural nuances that can create a sense of belonging for all team members, including Indigenous athletes. In considering the interrelationships between KM principles and GS elements, we propose an alternative model for pedagogues to apply, especially when engaging with Māori and Indigenous athletes.
- Māori (indigenous) knowledge in sport and wellbeing contexts: “Tūturu whakamaua kia tina!”, Farah Palmer, Bevan Erueti, Angelique Reweti, et al., Chapter 6 in 'Sport in Aotearoa New Zealand', Routledge, (2021). This chapter presents case studies that illustrate and examine the growth and development of Māori participation and wellbeing in sporting communities (Waka Ama/Outrigger Canoe paddling); codes (Rugby); and events (Olympic and Commonwealth Games) respectively. These are woven together via a wellbeing framework referred to as Whakamaua: The Māori Health Action Plan 2020–2025. The four concepts embedded within the framework are Mana whakahāere (stewardship), Mana motuhake (self-determination), Mana tangata (equity), and Mana Māori (customary practices) which are exemplified throughout the case studies, illustrating how Māori knowledge in sport can impact on Māori wellbeing. These case studies reveal that sport and active recreation in its broadest sense contains the potential to empower Māori stewardship, Māori self-determination, Māori equity and Māori customary practices for athletes and their wider social groups so long as Māori (indigenous) knowledge is integral to the sport and active recreation experience.
- Cultural identity, leadership and well-being: how indigenous storytelling contributed to well-being in a New Zealand provincial rugby team, J. Hapeta, F. Palmer, Y. Kuroda, Public Health, Volume 176, pp.68-76, (2019). The purpose of the article was to explore the application and interpretation of indigenous stories introduced in 2015–2017 in relation to the identity and leadership (well-being elements) of players and coaches of a men's provincial rugby team in Aotearoa/New Zealand (NZ).The study utilised a Kaupapa Māori case study approach and indigenous forms of storytelling (pūrākau, whakataukī) to encourage participants to share their narratives and experiences of how the inclusion of Māori knowledge in a team context influenced their sense of identity and leadership and thus well-being on and off the field. Analysis revealed that the team narrative, values and expectations were enhanced by embracing Māori stories (pūrākau) and symbols. In particular, this enhanced the cultural identity, sense of belonging, leadership and well-being of a number of team members on and off-field. Neither the players nor coaches disclosed any negative impacts to their well-being from incorporating indigenous storytelling (pūrākau, whakataukī) into their team building practices and culture.
- Sport for Social Change With Aotearoa New Zealand Youth: Navigating the Theory–Practice Nexus Through Indigenous Principles, Jeremy Hapeta, Rochelle Stewart-Withers, Farah Palmer, Journal of Sport Management, Volume 33(5), pp.481-492, (2019). Indigenous worldviews and scholarship are underrepresented and underdeveloped in sport for development and wider sport management spaces. Given many sport for social change initiatives target Indigenous populations, this is concerning. By adopting a Kaupapa Māori approach, a strengths-based stance, and working together with two plus-sport and sport-plus cases from provincial and national New Zealand rugby settings: the Taranaki Rugby Football Union’s and Feats’ Pae Tawhiti (seek distant horizons) Māori and Pasifika Rugby Academy and the E Tū Toa (stand strong), hei tū he rangatira (become a leader) Māori Rugby Development camps, the authors provide an illustration of Indigenous theory–practice. They argue sport for social change practices that focus on Indigenous peoples would be greatly improved if underpinned by the principles of perspective, privilege, politics, protection, and people. Thus, any sport for social change praxis seeking to partner with Indigenous communities ought to be informed by Indigenous philosophical viewpoints.
- An examination of cultural inclusion and Māori culture in New Zealand rugby : the impact on well-being [thesis], Jeremy Hapeta, Massey University, (2018). This thesis presents four separate, yet related, studies. The purpose, as the title indicates, was to interrogate the inclusion of ‘culture’ (specifically in terms of ethnicity) within New Zealand Rugby environments and settings. Related to this primary objective, I also wanted to understand the impact of Māori knowledge practices on the well-being of players, coaches, other participants and communities.
- Maori Participation in Community Sport Report, KTV Consulting for Sport New Zealand, (May 2017). The Maori Participation in Community Sport review was conducted by independent consultant Karen Vercoe. A variety of people across the sport sector were consulted, including Iwi providers, Sport NZ partners, and the Sport NZ Board and staff. The review showed:
- Sport and recreation is a positive space for Māori and one in which Māori excel.
- While Māori participate and volunteer in sport in high numbers, like all New Zealanders, these rates are declining.
- There are a number of opportunities in the sport sector to better engage with Māori participation in sport and physical activity to achieve wider government outcomes, such as improvements in health and educational outcomes.
- Opportunities to further increase participation, and impact on multiple social outcomes via sport, especially in communities where there is low participation among Māori, and where there are multiple disadvantages.
International practice
The Sámi people are an Indigenous Finno-Ugric people inhabiting Sápmi, which today encompasses large northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia.
- The politics of organizing indigenous sport – cross-border and cross-sectoral complexity, Eivind Å. Skille, Kati Lehtonen, Josef Fahlén, European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 23(2), pp.526-543, (2023). The authors studied the complexity surrounding the organization of sport in nations without nation-state status, exploring three research questions: (1) How do representatives of Sámi sport organizations in Finland and Norway perceive and act upon the proposal to reorganize Sámi sport? (2) How do representatives of the Sámi parliaments in Finland and Norway perceive and act upon the proposal to reorganize Sámi sport? (3) How do representatives of the state bureaucracy in Finland perceive and act upon the proposal to reorganize Sámi sport? The analysis revealed the dominant role of the Norwegian side of Sámi sport, largely based on the institutional power of the Sámi parliament in Norway. In that respect, voluntary sport organizations in both Finland and Norway were reluctant to consider or were even negative towards an ongoing reorganization of Sámi sport since it was initiated by the Norwegian authorities and by the Norwegian Sámi parliament.
- Indigenous Sport and Nation-Building: Interrogating Sámi Sport and Beyond, Skille, Eivind Å., Routledge, (2022). This book investigates the social, political, and cultural dimensions of Indigenous sport and nation-building. Focusing on the Indigenous Sámi of Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Russia, it addresses how colonization variously impacts organizational arrangements and everyday sporting life in a modern world. Through detailed case data from the Norwegian side of Sápmi (the land of the Sámi), this book provides a critical and contemporary perspective of post-colonial influences and their impacts on sport. The study uses concepts of conventions, citizenship and communities, to examine the tenuous roles of Indigenous-based sport organizations and clubs towards the building of an Indigenous nation. The book further draws together international, national, and local Sámi experiences to address the communal and assimilative influences that sport brings for people in the North Calotte. Taken together, the book signals the importance of sport in future community development and the (re)emergence of Indigenous culture.
- A Sporting Nation: Creating Sámi Identity through Sport, Helge Chr. Pedersen, International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 38(12), pp.1210-1227, (November 2021). Sport and identity are closely interrelated; sport creates identity and identity creates sport. This is also the case in the development of Sámi sport, as the Indigenous Sámi population in the north of Finland, Sweden and Norway has used sport to contribute to (re)building Sámi identity for over 40 years. This sporting identity has been based on an essentialized past, portraying Sámi culture and identity as being indistinguishably linked to Sámi reindeer husbandry culture. By deploying sports such as reindeer racing, lasso throwing and cross-country skiing, the Sámi sport association has painted a picture of Sáminess as a unique identity distinctly different from Norwegian culture and identity. Gayatri Spivak uses the term strategic essentialism to explain how Indigenous people and minority groups can create and use specific historical traits and traditions in their political struggle for recognition and self-respect. Sámi sport is an example of Spivak’s theory – the Sámi sports movement has been deployed to create greater self-esteem amongst the Sámi and to promote greater political rights. The Sámi sport movement has developed a Sámi sporting identity across (at least) three intertwined dimensions: an ethnic identity dimension, a national identity dimension and an indigenous identity dimension.
- The role of sport organizations for local and national community – the case of Sámi sport organizations, Eivind Å. Skille, Josef Fahlén, European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 20(2), pp.239-254, (2020). This paper investigates (1) how representatives of Sámi sport clubs understand local and national communities, and (2) and the role of the sport organization in the creation and perception of local and national community. Interviews were conducted with seven board members representing five Sámi sport clubs in four municipalities. The sport clubs were all members of the Sámi sport organization, and located in core Sámi areas where Sámi language and culture is manifested in everyday life. For sport club representatives, Sámi sport refers to specific activities associated with Sámi husbandry heritage, and to the Sámi sport organization. Sport clubs function as community organizations at the local level. Moreover, through affiliation with the Sámi sport organization, the sport clubs are the link to the Sámi national community. Sámi indigeneity is played out internally in the local community as well as on the borderline to other communities with other ethnic compositions.
- The Development of Sámi Sport, 1970–1990: A Concern for Sweden or for Sápmi? Isak Lidström, International Journal of the History of Sport, Volume 36(1), pp.1013-1034, (2019). It is widely agreed that sport and national identity are two interwoven phenomena. Recently, researchers have taken an interest in how sport has been used for nation-building purposes among groups not defined in terms of nation-states. These include the Sámi, an Indigenous people living in an area that extends over the northern parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and Russia. Sámi championships and a Sámi national football team have been important elements in shaping a Sámi national identity across the state borders. Against this background, the historical development that led to the formation in 1990 of a Sámi National Sports Federation was highly complicated. The period from 1970 to 1990 was fraught by the dilemma of how sport was to be organized – based on the division of the Sámi by state borders or through a transnational Sámi sports organization. The outcome was a compromise in that the Sámi National Sports Federation was founded as an umbrella organization under which Sámi in Norway, Sámi in Finland, and Sámi in Sweden established separate and autonomous Sámi ‘district associations’.
- The Nordic model and multiculturalism: the case of Sámi sport, Eivind Å. Skille, Sport in Society, Volume 22(4), pp.589-605, (2019). The Sámi are the indigenous people of the North Calotte, living in Sápmi (land of the Sámi, which covers the north parts of Norway, Sweden, Finland and north east of Russia). This paper examines the role of Sámi sport with reference to the Nordic model – centred on the welfare state and social democracy – and draws on Norwegian and some Swedish empirical data. The analysis shows that on a state level, Nordic sport policy towards Sámi sport corresponds to the neo-traditionalist perspective, that the revitalization of indigeneity is an issue primarily for the indigenous peoples and not for the entire population of the nation state. However, there are several nuances. First, the situation for Sámi sport is better in Norway than in other countries of the Sápmi region. Second, the experiences reported by representatives of local sport clubs show a bicultural, integrated approach to sport organizations.
- State sport policy for indigenous sport: inclusive ambitions and exclusive coalitions. Josef Fahlen, Eivind Asrum Skille, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 9(1), pp.173-187, (2017). With the policy aim ‘Sport for all’ as a backdrop, this paper investigates sport policies for Sami sport in Sweden and Norway (the Sami is the indigenous people residing in the northern parts of Finland, Norway, Russia, and Sweden). By applying an Advocacy Coalition Framework, the purpose of the paper is to explore how the organisation of and possibilities to exercise Sami sport are affected by political coalitions, social structures and institutions.
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