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Australia's First Nations Peoples and Sport

When sports organisations engage with First Nations communities it provides mutual benefits. 7 Sports can gain from greater diversity in decision making and leadership, new and innovative ideas for strategies and programs, and increased participation and fan bases. In return, sport can offer enhanced social, educational, employment, and health outcomes, on and off the field. 6

Australia's First Nations, the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, possess diverse languages and customs and are some of the world’s oldest continuous cultures with histories dating back more than 60,000 years. 1

At 30 June 2021 there were 983,700 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, representing 3.8% of the total Australian population. 2

PARTICIPATION - 2018 to 2022

An estimated 168,000 (36% of) First Nations peoples [aged 18+] participated in a sport-related activity at least once a week. 3
An estimated 99,000 (44% of) First Nations men [aged 18+] and 69,000 (28% of) women [aged 18+] participated in a sport-related activity at least once a week. 3
An estimated 16% of First Nations peoples [aged 18+] were involved in a non-playing role at least once in 2022. 4
Estimated age group participation in sport-related activities at least once a week by First Nations peoples [aged 18+] 3
Estimated State/Territory participation in sport-related activities at least once a week by First Nations peoples [aged 18+] 3
  • Australian Capital Territory - 3,000 (42%)
  • New South Wales - 54,000 (34%)
  • Northern Territory - 8,000 (35%)
  • Queensland - 47,000 (37%)
  • South Australia - 9,000 (33%)
  • Tasmania - 5,000 (27%)
  • Victoria - 21,000 (36%)
  • Western Australia - 22,000 (42%)
Most popular sport-related activities with estimated participants 5
Young Adult aged 18-24
Running/Athletics - 19,000
Swimming - 12,000
Basketball - 10,000
Australian Football - 8,000
Netball - 7,000
Adult aged 25-54
Running/Athletics - 41,000
Swimming - 34,000
Cycling - 24,000
Football/Soccer - 12,000
Basketball - 11,000
Mature Adult aged 55+
Swimming - 13,000
Cycling - 7,000
Bowls - 5,000
Running/Athletics - 4,000
Golf - 4,000
  1. Australia's First Peoples, Australian Institute of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies, (accessed 6 April 2022)
  2. Estimates of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, Australian Bureau of Statistics, (31 August 2023)
  3. AusPlay Data Portal: Sport-related participation – frequency of participation, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 3 May 2023)
  4. AusPlay data release, Australian Sports Commission, (April 2023)
  5. AusPlay Data Portal: Participation by activity, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 3 May 2023)
  6. Football's Indigenous Engagement: State of Play, Professional Footballers Australia on behalf of John Moriarty Football, (November 2018).
  7. Benefits of inclusion in sport, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 26 June 2023).


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Last updated: 25 May 2023
Content disclaimer: See Clearinghouse for Sport disclaimer


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