Sport and Persons with Disability
Approximately 1 in 5 (21%, or 5.5 million) people in Australia have disability. More than 1 in 3 (37%) of people with disability have severe or profound disability (about 2 million). 10
PARTICIPATION - 2018 to 2022
Estimated age group participation in sport-related activities at least once a week by persons with disability [aged 18+] 7
Estimated State/Territory participation in sport-related activities at least once a week by persons with disability [aged 18+] 7
- Australian Capital Territory - 14,000 (30%)
- New South Wales - 255,000 (26%)
- Northern Territory - 15,000 (46%)
- Queensland - 170,000 (24%)
- South Australia - 54,000 (21%)
- Tasmania - 21,000 (24%)
- Victoria - 203,000 (25%)
- Western Australia - 97,000 (28%)
Most popular sport-related activities for persons with disability (estimated participants) 9
Young Adult aged 18-24

Running/Athletics - 43,000

Swimming - 32,000

Cycling - 21,000

Basketball - 20,000

Football/Soccer - 17,000
Adult aged 25-54

Swimming - 202,000

Cycling - 148,000

Running/Athletics - 140,000

Football/Soccer - 39,000

Tennis - 37,000
Mature Adult aged 55+

Swimming - 218,000

Cycling - 131,000

Golf - 89,000

Bowls - 55,000

Running/Athletics - 37,000
References +
- People with disability in Australia, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, (updated 23 April 2024).
- Adaptive sports for promoting physical activity in community-dwelling adults with stroke: A feasibility study, Pradeepa Nayak, Amreen Mahmood, Senthil Kumaran, et al., Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies, Volume 28, pp.341-347, (October 2021).
- Sport participation after the HandbikeBattle: benefits, barriers, facilitators from the event—a follow-up survey, Sonja de Groot, Ingrid Kouwijzer, Linda Valent, et al., Spinal Cord Series and Cases, Volume 6, Article number: 54, (June 2020).
- Parents’ Perspectives on Adaptive Sports in Children with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities, Marion Neyroud, Christopher Newman, children, Volume 8(9), (September 2021).
- Exploring Direct and Indirect Associations of Exercise and Sport Participation with Employment among Individuals with Disabilities: A Scoping Review, Azar Varahra, Hiba Ahmed, Sally Lindsay, Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation, Volume 32, pp.44-54, (2022).
- Disability Discrimination Act 1992, Australian Government, (latest version: 24 October 2023).
- AusPlay Data Portal: Sport-related participation – frequency of participation, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 29 June 2023)
- AusPlay Data Portal: Sport-related participation – non-playing roles, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 29 June 2023)
- AusPlay Data Portal: Participation by activity, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 29 June 2023)
- Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), (4 July 2024).
Last updated: 14 May 2024
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