People with disability are generally under-represented in sport, including in leadership, coaching, officiating, and governance positions at community, high-performance, or professional organisations. 1, 2, 3, 4
While various reasons are suggested for why, it seems a series of social, cultural, and sometimes procedural barriers remain. 5, 6, 7, 8
CURRENT STATE - 2018 to 2022
Factors that Impact
Development pathways and frameworks can be applied to athletes, coaches, officials, or administrators.
Factors that impact
Individuals participate in sport for different reasons, including as part of a healthy and active lifestyle, to spend time with friends, to compete against themselves or others, to master new skills, and more. A small number of people will go on to represent their country at the elite level (e.g. professional sports, Paralympic Games, Deaflympics, Special Olympics, etc.). 10
The process from learning and understanding the foundational skills, through participating and competing at different levels, and potentially long-term mastery and success is often referred to as a development pathway or framework. 10
These types of frameworks can help organisations and individuals understand the process of achieving long-term success. 10
While traditionally focussed on athletes, development pathways and frameworks can also be applied to other roles in sport, including for coaches, officials, or administrators. 11, 12
Current guidelines on physical activity as well as talent identification and development in sport often do not explicitly consider the different needs and experiences of people with disability. 13, 14, 15
Lack of access to opportunities often starts at young ages, with fewer opportunities to participate in sporting events and activities, including:
- Limited opportunities to participate at school 16, 17, 18
- Lack of accessible sport programs with physical activities that can be done alone often emphasised (e.g. walks, gym/fitness, or dance). 18
- Short-term programs and initiatives (e.g. non-ongoing grant funding or a research project) that don’t build sustainable pathways or opportunities. 18, 19
Fewer opportunities to participate can lead to lower physical literacy and enjoyment of sport throughout life. By increasing opportunities for people with disability sports can help individuals to start and/or continue their development journeys and to reach their full potential – whether that is enjoying social sport or becoming an elite athlete. 18, 19, 20, 21
Suggestions for practice
To improve pathways and outcomes it is important to shift the perception that people with disability participating in clubs and competitions are odd or inspirational to an everyday, ordinary experience in sport. 18, 22
Some suggestions for how this can be achieved include:
- Increasing disability sport-specific knowledge among physical education teachers, sports administrators, and coaches, including how to train individuals with a disability. 16, 22, 23
- Considering legislative solutions to ongoing participation barriers (e.g. requiring inclusion of students with disabilities in school-based sports). 16
- Providing equitable financial support for athletes with disabilities to participate in both recreational and competitive sport. 16
- Challenging ‘ableism’ in clubs and society that frame opportunities for people with disability as ‘too difficult’, ‘not core business’, and likely to impact sustainability and competitive success. 22, 24, 25
- Considering opportunities for reverse integration, where a sport or activity is designed to meet the needs of people with disability but allows participation of people with all abilities, e.g. wheelchair basketball or rugby. This may increase the number of sporting opportunities for people with disability and potentially reduce stigma and misconceptions about disability more generally. 26, 27, 28, 29
- If we truly want our Paralympic athletes to shine, their coaches need more support, Andrew Bennie, Emma Beckman, Robert Townsend, Steven Rynne, The Conversation, (9 September 2024). Accompanying Paralympic sport’s rise in profile, professionalism and popularity has been a critical focus on developing high quality coaches in these contexts. However, the growing attention given to Paralympians has not extended to the support given to coaches. This is an important oversight, as the delivery and success of para sport revolves around a coaching workforce with the knowledge and understanding of how to create the necessary conditions for inclusion, as well as for supporting high performance.
- Episode 63: Reverse integration – doing disability sport differently, Lesley Evans Ogden, Mosaic/The Inclusion Club, (accessed 27 February 2024). In Canada, wheelchair basketball brings people together regardless of their abilities. Lesley Evans Ogden asks whether this kind of integration could help dispel stigma, discrimination and misconceptions about disability more widely.
- Including Children and Youth with Disabilities in the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, Veronica Allan, York University, SIRC, (3 December 2019). Engaging in regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, and limiting time spent inactive are well known and evidence-based prescriptions for the promotion of overall health and well-being. The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth (ages 5-17) — which consolidate the evidence-based daily requirements for physical activity and inactivity, as well as sleep, into a single comprehensive resource — use the tagline Sweat, Step, Sleep, Sit and a logo in the shape of a “4” to represent a “new movement paradigm that emphasizes the integration of all movement behaviours occurring over a whole day” – moderate to vigorous physical activity (“sweat”), light physical activity (“step”), sleep, and sedentary behaviours (“sit”). But what about the kids and teens who cannot stand, step, or sweat? The Guidelines do not include any evidence-based recommendations for children and youth with a disability. To address this gap, a team of researchers from Queen’s University and the University of British Columbia set out to learn more about the potential inclusivity of the “sweat, step, sleep, sit” guidelines, and how the resource can be adapted for kids and teens of all abilities.
- The Inclusion Spectrum, planning sport activities for everyone, Michael Woods, Inclusive Sport Design, (July 2017). The inclusion spectrum is about considering the range of options available and adapting these to suit the needs, goals and capabilities of participants. Each element of the spectrum should be considered equally as important as the next. Ideally there would be activities on offer for a range of people to choose from across all elements.
- Talent Development in Paralympic Sport, Nima Dehghansai, Ross Pinder, Joe Baker (eds.), Routledge, (2022). Identifying and developing talented athletes to their fullest potential is a central concern of sports scientists, sports coaches, and sports policymakers. However, there is very little practical and theoretical knowledge for those working in Paralympic sport. The book collates the state of the science of current knowledge and practice in talent identification and development in this context by capturing international perspectives of current systems and processes.
- Annual Disability and Activity Survey 2022-23, Activity Alliance (UK), (June 2023). The fourth Annual Disability and Activity Survey report for 2022-23. The survey is the primary source of insight for organisations working to achieve fairness for disabled people in sport and activity. Key findings include:
- Disabled people were more likely to say they wanted to be more active compared to non-disabled people (77% vs 54%). This “activity gap” has remained consistent in previous years, showing an ongoing unmet need.
- Disabled people were half as likely to ‘see people like me’ playing and working in sport and physical activity. (22% compared to 44% of those without disability)
- People with disability were less likely to 'see people like me playing sport and being active' (32% compared to 65% of people without disability).
- 12% of disabled people wanted the opportunity to become a coach or have a role in delivering physical activity (vs 17% of non-disabled people). This increased to 26% of disabled people who were taking part in organised activities, and to 31% of young disabled people.
- How inclusive are SA sport clubs? A study into the attitudes and behaviours of members from South Australian mainstream sporting clubs, Katrina Ranford, Inclusive Sport SA, (June 2019). In 2018 Inclusive Sport SA was successful in securing a two-year Information Linkages and Capacity Building Project funded by the National Disability Insurance Agency, with the agenda to increase capability of the sector and grow active participation of people with disability (PWD) in mainstream sporting clubs and associations. A pillar of this project saw the consultation with Sport bodies and their members to understand the current landscape with regard to inclusive practices and in particular including people with disability in mainstream sporting clubs. Some key findings include:
- While most sporting clubs have a good level of facilities for those with physical disabilities, less than 30 percent of local clubs are involved with “inclusion” related activities such as Inclusion Come N Try events or teams for PWD.
- Almost 60% of participants believe their club would have no idea where to start actively engaging PWD into their teams and club roles, with 88% wanting additional training for coaches and volunteers. It is clear that clubs do not know how to cater for PWD and are keen for additional training in this space to change these figures.
- While three quarters of respondents support the participation of PWD in their sports’ competition, when asked if including a PWD in a game would negatively affect the quality of a club game, an alarming 43 percent noted that it would in some regard. This suggests that inclusion in principle is highly regarded and communicated, however when ‘inclusion’ joins ‘your’ team it becomes a different story all together.
- If we want inclusion in sport and society to grow a three-point journey to success is recommended. This includes spending time looking at education and training for deliverers of sport and recreation; for the sector to take accountability of delivering an inclusive environment; and an increase in visibility of people with a disability fulfilling roles in our mainstream clubs. Only then will we shift the perception of PWD participating in mainstream club land from inspirational or odd to everyday, ordinary sporting life.
- Spotlight on Disability, Sport NZ, (December 2018). This spotlight report focuses on understanding the impact of impairments on participation by highlighting the differences and similarities between disabled and non-disabled people’s participation. One of the key findings is overall, disabled people are less likely to participate weekly in play, active recreation or sport. The gap for young people occurs between ages 5 and 7. Weekly participation is matched between ages 8 and 24. From age 25-plus, disabled adults’ participation is lower than for non-disabled adults. Participation continues to decline with increasing age, in contrast with a relatively stable picture for non-disabled adults up until 75-plus.
- When participating in PE, disabled young people are less likely to enjoy the experience than non-disabled young people. Sixty-seven per cent of disabled young people enjoy PE, compared with 81 per cent of non-disabled young people.
- Physical literacy: Disabled people have poorer results than non-disabled people in all six domains of physical literacy, with the biggest gap for disabled people on confidence, competence and opportunity to take part in activities of their choice, compared with non-disabled. There are differences in physical literacy by age and impairment. The widest gap in physical literacy among disabled young people is between ages 8 and 11 and disabled people with a communication, mixing with others and socialising impairment.
- Levels of confidence vary among disabled young people, with those aged between 8 and 11 low in confidence to participate and those aged between 12 and 14 more confident in their ability to participate.
- Children with disability in competitive Little Athletics: a systems thinking approach to rules and law, Dominique Moritz, Simone Pearce, Kerry West, et al., Sport in Society, Volume 275), pp.764-782, (2024). Children’s competitive sport in Australia poses barriers for children with disabilities. Sporting structures generally do not provide opportunities for children with disabilities to compete in a manner that is meaningful and fair to them, and generally not with the mainstream competitions. Such treatment may be discriminatory, either wrongfully or unlawfully so. Using Australia’s Little Athletics as a case study, this paper uses systems thinking to holistically map the influences on a child with disability’s experiences in a sporting contest, to identify how the socially constructed environment affects structures and rules and how the law might shape those.
- “It Looks Good on Paper, But It Was Never Meant to Be Real”: Mixed-Gender Events in the Paralympic Movement, Nikolaus A. Dean, et al., Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 41(2), pp.205-228, (2024). Although the Paralympic Games have been around for over 60 years, women remain underrepresented in almost all aspects of the Paralympic Movement. It has been suggested that a way to increase women’s involvement is through the implementation of mixed-gender events. On paper, this approach makes sense. However, when it comes to the implementation of mixed-gender opportunities for women, it is less clear how effective these events are in increasing participation by women in Para sport. Through document analysis and interviews with athletes and organizers of mixed-gender Paralympic sport, we explore the various strategies that four mixed-gender sports have used to address the issue of gender parity. Using critical feminist theories, we illustrate how larger social, political, and cultural ideas about gender influence women’s experiences within these events and discuss the potential of using mixed-gender initiatives to address gender parity within the Paralympic Movement.
- Identity in elite level disability sport: a systematic review and meta-study of qualitative research, William Crossen, Nick Wadsworth, Noora Ronkainen, et al., International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, (4 July 2023). This meta-study evaluated qualitative identity literature within elite disabled sport. Following a systematic search of EBSCO SPORTDiscus, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Web of Science, nine articles met the inclusion criteria. The meta-study examined how identity was framed from participant or author perspectives, employing narrative analysis to understand the participant stories and broader storylines crafted by authors. Two distinct narratives were co-constructed; Re-birth: characterising athlete identity experiences and how overcoming career challenges developed traits necessary for elite athlete status, and Tragedy: how authors’ interpretations indicated that although athletes achieved personal sporting success, the ‘bigger battle’ of how disability was presented within society remained. The Re-birth and Tragedy narratives update the prospective gap between how elite disability athletes story their experiences and their framing within society.
- Game Changers: A participatory action research project for/with students with disabilities in school sport settings, Daniel Robinson, Sebastian Harenberg, William Walters, et al., Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, Volume 5, (April 2023). Although school communities may be required to provide physical education opportunities for all students—including for those with disabilities—the same is not generally true with respect to school sport (i.e., participation in interscholastic or intramural sport programs). Hence, opportunities for inclusive school sport participation are consequently limited. Recognizing the need for continued attention and action in this area, we recently developed and piloted Game Changers—a participatory action research project. Strictly positive findings, among others, relate to the following: improving upon students' perceived competence and autonomy, inviting student voice, identifying and responding to sport participation barriers, and creating genuine sport opportunities within school settings. More undesirable yet informative findings, among others, relate to the following: unachieved intrinsic motivation and belonging, (un)sustainability of sport programs without “interventions” like Game Changers, recreation/leisure as “substitutes” for sport, and a continued want for authentic leadership and mentorship opportunities.
- Sport Participation for People with Disabilities: Exploring the Potential of Reverse Integration and Inclusion through Wheelchair Basketball, Rebecca Ramsden, Rick Hayman, Paul Potrac, et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 20(3), 2491, (January 2023). Reverse integration is defined as the inclusion of able-bodied people into disability sport. For decades, there have been movements towards integrating people with a disability in mainstream society. There has been a lack of research supporting the movement of able-bodied involvement in disability sport, known as reverse integration. In this study, the real-life experiences and motivations of 11 national wheelchair basketball players (four able-bodied and seven with a disability) were explored, identifying the potential of reverse integration and what influenced the players involvement. Thematic analysis was employed using a deductive approach. The social-relational model was used as a framework to help interpret the findings. The results highlighted that health and social benefits were key factors towards prolonged engagement in wheelchair basketball, and it was reported that reverse integration led to an increased mutual understanding of the impact of (dis)ability. All participants reported positive experiences and supported able-bodied involvement, suggesting that able-bodied players play a key role and help to grow the sport locally. However, involvement of able-bodied players was not supported at international level. This challenges the concept of inclusion at higher level and whether the sport could be more inclusive. These findings could provide direction to coaches and policymakers for developing further inclusive opportunities at all levels. Further research may explore coach education programs and learning experiences of becoming an inclusive coach to ensure coaches know how to create, stimulate and coach in inclusive sport environments.
- Coach and Athlete Perspectives on Talent Transfer in Paralympic Sport, Nima Dehghansai, Alia Mazhar, Joseph Baker, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 40(2), pp.280-302, (2023). Research pertaining to the experiences and motives of Paralympic athletes who transfer between sports is scant. This study aimed to address this gap through semistructured interviews with Canadian Paralympic coaches (n = 35) and athletes (n = 12). Three higher-order themes of “alternative to retirement,” “career extension,” and “compatibility” were identified. The subthemes of “psychobehavioral” and “physical and physiological” (from the higher-order theme of alternative to retirement) captured reasons leading to transfer, which are similar to reasons athletes may consider retirement. The subthemes of career extension—“better opportunities” and “beneficial outcomes”—shed light on factors that contributed to the withdrawal of negative experiences and reinforcement of positive outcomes associated with transferring sports. Last, compatibility had three subthemes of “resources,” “sport-specific,” and “communication,” which encapsulated factors athletes should consider prior to their transfer. In conclusion, the participants highlighted the importance of transparent and effective communication between athletes and sports to align and establish realistic expectations for everyone involved.
- Disability inclusion in beach precincts: beach for all abilities – a community development approach through a social relational model of disability lens, Simon Darcy, Hazel Maxwell, Melissa Edwards, et al., Sport Management Review, Volume 36(1), pp.1-23, (2023). In this paper we examine a community development approach to including people with disability in a sport context within beach precincts for a project called Beach for All Abilities. The aim of this research is to investigate innovative and transformative solutions that enable inclusion. The research design used multiple methods and data sources across 30 projects and three geographically diverse precincts. The theoretical framework brought together community development and the social relational model of disability to inform the research. The findings show how the funded organisation working in partnership with not-for-profit, commercial and government programs, facilitated processes and practices enabling greater access and inclusion for people with disability in the beach precincts. These included solutions to constraints in the built, outdoor and natural environments across mobility, vision, hearing, intellectual and mental health disability from low to very high support needs. Yet, the overall program had a major shortcoming in establishing ongoing beach-related activities for people with disability. The paper concludes with implications for longevity, limitations, and future research.
- National Paralympic sport policies influencing a country’s Paralympic success, Aurelie Pankowiak, Camilla Brockett, Veerle De Bosscher, et al., International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 15(3), pp.435-455, (2023). The Paralympics Games are increasing in competitiveness as more countries seek top medal outcomes. In response, governments are focusing on the development and implementation of effective national sport policies/systems to optimise Paralympic success. The aim of this research was to identify key national Paralympic sport policy interventions influencing a country’s Paralympic medal outcomes. This exploratory qualitative study was informed by a realist perspective, and by the social relational and human rights models of disability. Twenty-three semi-structured interviews were conducted with national Paralympic sport managers from the United Kingdom, Australia, France and Canada, and the data was analysed using qualitative descriptive analysis. Findings confirm that existing national Olympic sport policies are also important for Paralympic success, however, within these policies, parasport-specific processes were identified, and two policy interventions unique to Paralympic sports were found: integration of disability-specific and Paralympic sport knowledge in the sporting system, and a national framework for Paralympic athlete classification. This study advances knowledge on national Paralympic sport policies and suggests that researchers, evaluators, and practitioners need to account for Paralympic-specific policies and processes. Tailoring policies to the specificities of the Paralympic domain may provide competitive advantage in the Paralympic Games. This study argues for further research to understand how the identified policy interventions may be influenced by the country’s context.
- Optimising health equity through para sport, Kristina Fagher, Stephanie DeLuca, Wayne Derman, et al., British Journal of Sports Medicine, Volume 57(3), pp.131-132, (2023). Nearly one in five of the world’s population lives with a disability. While physical activity, including sports participation, is important for all, people with disabilities are at inherent risk for low engagement with a consequential increased risk for chronic disease related to a sedentary lifestyle. Barriers to sports participation include poor knowledge of para sport (eg, which sports are available, how to find opportunities or train), lack of social support, poor accessibility to training facilities, lack of equipment and the devaluation of para sport across society4 (figure 1). An additional concern is the inequity in financial support for para sport, especially in low-resourced environments. Even in high-income countries, para sport is often underfunded in comparison to elite sport for athletes with no disability, and data have shown that Paralympic athletes do not have the same opportunities as Olympic athletes. This inequity begins early in life given that children with a disability are often excluded from physical education sessions or marginalised within the school sports system. To achieve this, more opportunities for people with disabilities are needed within healthcare, the education sector and sports organisations. Some potential solutions to promote health through para sport include: Prioritise research that focuses on athletes with disabilities; Educate healthcare professionals, physical education teachers, sports administrators and coaches about para sport, including how to train individuals with a disability; Inform policy-makers and advocates about the health benefits of para sport as well as ongoing barriers to participation that might be addressed through legislative solutions (eg, required inclusion of students with disabilities in school-based sports); Ensure that para athletes have the same financial support as athletes with no disability, providing equitable opportunities to participate in both recreational and competitive sport. Improving health equity for people with disabilities through physical activity and sport has the potential to enhance health among the 15% of people living with disabilities. This should be an urgent global health priority.
- Parents in the parasport pathway: Parental experiences of facilitating their child’s engagement in competitive disability sport, Janine Coates. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Volume 35(6), pp.1050-1071, (2023). Eleven parents of disabled young athletes were interviewed about their experiences of supporting their child in their parasport journeys. Parents discussed their dissatisfaction with mainstream physical education and school sport and their concerns about their child’s social belonging. Sport was seen as a route toward supporting social inclusion but engaging in youth sport as a parent of a disabled child brought challenges and benefits.
- “WOT” Do We Know and Do About Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities? A SWOT-Oriented Synthesis of Para Report Cards, Yeshayahu Hutzler, Sharon Barak, Salome Aubert, et al., Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 40(3), pp.431-455, (2023). The purpose was to synthesize information gathered from the interpretation and conclusion sections of the Global Matrix of Para Report Cards on the physical activity of children and adolescents with disabilities. The synthesis was based on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats framework. The procedure consisted of three stages: (a) the application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as the theoretical framework; (b) identifying and aligning Global Matrix indicators and benchmarks with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health components through a Delphi approach; and (c) using content analysis to identify themes from specific report cards. Outcomes reveal that further attention toward including children and adolescents with disabilities in fitness assessments is needed as well as adapted assessment methods. Program availability, equipment and facilities, and professional training emerged as strengths but need further development to overcome weaknesses. Paralympic inspiration was an opportunity, whereas extreme weather conditions presented potential threats to physical activity participation among children and adolescents with disabilities.
- Gender Equity in Disability Sport: A Rapid Scoping Review, Diane Culver, Majidullah Shaikh, Danielle Alexander, et al., Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, Volume 16(4), pp.383-405, (March 2022). Six databases relevant to the sport sciences were searched, yielding an initial 1,543 records; after two phases of screening and data extraction, 61 records were selected for synthesis. Descriptive statistics were generated on information related to the record contexts, approaches, and results. Qualitative descriptive analyses were used to group data inductively into themes in line with addressing the research question. Most records examined the experiences, participation, and representation of adults in elite contexts. Insights across records pointed to gender inequities in participation and experience, often influenced by the intersection of ableist and masculinity notions. Limited research also pointed to strategies that can contribute to advancing gender equity. Implications were discussed to advance understandings of disability sport and enhance participation across levels (e.g., coaching, athletic) and contexts (e.g., elite/Paralympic, recreational).
- Managing parasport: An investigation of sport policy factors and stakeholders influencing para-athletes’ career pathways, Jacqueline Martins Patatas, Veerle De Bosscher, Inge Derom,, Sport Management Review, Volume 23(5), pp.937-951, (January 2020). In this paper, the authors seek to identify which sports policy factors and stakeholders influence the development of athletic career pathways in Paralympic sport (i.e., attraction, retention, competition, talent identification and development, elite, and retirement phases). Drawing from the theories of disability and the literature on elite sport policy, an interview protocol on policy dimensions and principles to support para-athletes’ development was created, and 32 key stakeholders from the Brazilian Paralympic sport context were interviewed. The data revealed that coaching provision and education as a policy factor and coaches with disability-specific knowledge as a stakeholder were perceived as most influential during all the phases of para-athletes’ careers. The classification system emerged as a parasport-specific factor that can facilitate or inhibit the development of para-athletes’ careers, influencing the implementation of policies. The authors suggest that understanding the concept of disability is notably essential when stakeholders have to think strategically and adapt management principles from able-bodied sporting contexts. Therefore, critically positioning disability within policy decision making can improve the thinking, action, and behaviour of policymakers, coaches, and sports managers, leading to the more efficient delivery of successful para-athletes’ careers.
- Participation-performance tension and gender affect recreational sports clubs’ engagement with children and young people with diverse backgrounds and abilities, Spaaij R, Lusher D, Jeanes R,, PLoS ONE, 14(4): e0214537, (2019). This mixed methods study investigated how diversity is understood, experienced and managed in junior sport. The study combined in-depth interviews (n = 101), surveys (n = 450) and observations over a three-year period. The results revealed that a focus on performance and competitiveness negatively affected junior sports clubs’ commitment to diversity and inclusive participation. Gender and a range of attitudes about diversity were also strongly related. On average, we found that those who identified as men were more likely to support a pro-performance stance, be homophobic, endorse stricter gender roles, and endorse violence as a natural masculine trait. In addition, those who identified as men were less likely to hold pro-disability attitudes. These findings suggest that the participation-performance tension and gender affect to what extent, and how, sports clubs engage children and young people with diverse backgrounds and abilities.
- A global perspective on disparity of gender and disability for deaf female athletes, Becky Clark, Johanna Mesch, Sport in Society, Volume 21(1), pp.64-75, (2018). Although the significance of gender and disability issues has gradually increased in the global society during the past three decades, there are only few studies with regard to the deaf community and sport. This article examines the level of Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing women’s participation in sports and the factors for their continued underrepresentation. The Women Sport International’s Task Force on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Girls and Women in Sport conducted a world-wide survey to determine and assess the needs of deaf and hard of hearing girls and women in sport. A snapshot of the results and issues and future aspirations are provided.
- About inclusive participation in sport: cultural desirability and technical obstacles, Alexy Valet, Sport in Society, Volume 21(1), pp.137-151, (2018). What does it mean full participation of people with disabilities in ‘sports for all’? Beyond the right of access, the right of sharing can enrich the quality of participation in sport, overcoming segregation. But how can be guaranteed an ‘inclusive participation’ that avoids the double risk of ‘normalizing’ integration or ‘charitable’ integration? Beyond 'being among the others' or even 'doing with the others', people with disabilities should also have the possibility to ‘be valued by the others’ through the real recognition of their participation in this shared sport experience. This is not only a cultural shift, but also a technical challenge, especially to fill the persistent gap between the inclusive rhetoric and the inclusive practices really available to the people. We will explore then the key issue of the technicality of inclusive participation in sport, showing the interest of applying the principles of design for all to the architecture of sports rules.
- Sport Participation for Elite Athletes With Physical Disabilities: Motivations, Barriers, and Facilitators, Gabriella McLoughlin, Courtney Weisman Fecske, Yvette Castaneda, et al., Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 34(4), pp.421-441, (2017). There are many reasons why individuals are motivated to participate in sports. Less attention, however, is given for studying motivation and athlete development in adapted sport. The purpose of this study was to identify the motivations, facilitators, and barriers to sports participation of elite athletes with a physical disability. Participants (N = 23, 17 males, six females, mean age: 24.3 years) were recruited through online listservs, e-mails, and snowball sampling. A semistructured interview guide was employed. Analysis was conducted and grounded in self-determination theory and literature surrounding barriers and facilitators of sports participation. Through coding by multiple researchers, six themes emerged. Themes indicated that athletes attributed participation to constructs of self-determination theory as well as overcoming specific barriers such as cost, time constraints, and lack of opportunity. Among facilitators to their athletic development, there were empowerment and advocacy, increased health, college scholarships, and achieving performance-related goals.
- Managing disability sport: from athletes with disabilities to inclusive organisational perspectives, Misener L, Sport Management Review, Volume 17(1), pp.1-7, (2014). What has become evident is that managing disability sport also has implications for managing sport generally. People with disability are part of the sporting family and need to be considered across all organisational aspects, not just a historical focus on disability. While diversity management in sport more broadly has championed the inclusion of gender, race, ethnicity, sexuality, age, and religious issues across the sporting family, this has not been the case with people with disability. Organisations need to consider people with a disability as employees, volunteers, coaches, and as members or spectators depending on the sporting endeavour. This article contains a collection of papers focusing on management issues that centre on constraints to sport participation, supply side attributes, participant behaviours, consumption of disability sport, policy implementation, and sponsor congruence.
- SPARTAN Sports and recreation for people with disabilities, University of Sydney/FMH Networks, YouTube, (13 March 2024). A series of short talks and a panel discussion about sport and physical recreation for people with disabilities.
- Presentation 1 - Sport and Recreation for People with Disability, Craig Carscadden PLY, World Abilitysport.
- Presentation 2 - The effects of sport and physical recreation for adults with physical or intellectual disabilities: a review of the evidence, Leanne Hassett, A/Profesor, School of Health Sciences, University of Sydney.
- Presentation 3 - Development of Physical Disability Rules in Rugby League - from Inception to NRL Affiliation: "Triumphs and Tears", Dr Che Fornusek, EXSS, School of Health.
- Presentation 4 - Talking about research projects 'Sport for Children with Disabilities: Evidence and Systems' and 'A Systems Thinking Approach to the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Little Athletics in Australia', Kerry West PhD student, Institute for Musculoskeletal Health
- Panel Discussion - Dr Phil Hamdorf, Heather Berry, and Rae Anderson PLY in addition to speakers, Criag Carscadden, Leanne Hassett, Kerry West.
- Suncoast Spinners Reverse Inclusion, Suncoast Spinners, YouTube, (13 November 2018). Reverse Inclusion aims to deliver a truly inclusive sporting opportunity where people of all abilities can play sport together on an equal playing field (court). The importance of access to sport and the benefits of inclusion practices within the wider community are major awareness aims of the program.
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Individuals and organisations can improve how we talk about disability and help create a more inclusive sport sector and society.
Factors that impact
Media and communication
The language and images used when talking about people with disability impacts how attractive an activity, organisation, or program is for people with disability. They can also perpetuate harmful stereotypes, and impact how individuals feel (about themselves and others), and how they interact with people and their communities. 5, 36, 37
Improving the quality, quantity, and variety of people with disability represented in all aspects of the media can play an important role in reducing stigma and ensuring that people with disability engaging in all aspects of sport and life shifts from being perceived as odd to ordinary. This includes representations in broadcasting and news outlets, government and non-government reports and campaigns, and local club social media, newsletters, or promotional materials. 22, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42
Representations in the media
How the media, research, and other sources portrays and/or frames disability, especially in sport, has often been criticised for focussing on what individuals have overcome (i.e. ‘disability’) rather than who they are or their accomplishments. 30, 35, 43, 44
Several terms have been coined to describe this phenomenon including ‘super-crip’ (i.e. the ‘super’ cripple) or 'inspiration porn'. Advocates argue that portrayals like these may be harmful to the athletes and the broader disability community. They may also fail to engage many people with disability who don’t feel that elite athletes with disability are representative of their own lives and lived experience. 45, 46, 47
Individuals and organisations at all levels can help to improve the ways we talk about disability and help create a more inclusive sport sector and broader society. Some actions that can be taken include, increasing education and training for deliverers of sport and recreation, being accountable for delivering an inclusive environment – not just inclusive rhetoric, and increasing positive representations of people with disability in all aspects of sport. 5, 22, 35, 48
- How a vision-impaired gold medallist will help Australians get the full picture at Paralympics, Hannah Hammoud, The Age, (27 August 2024). When Australian Paralympic gold medallist Felicity Johnson steps into the commentary box to call the para-cycling events in Paris, she will not be relying on her eyes to deliver the coverage.
- Episode 63: Reverse integration – doing disability sport differently, Lesley Evans Ogden, Mosaic/The Inclusion Club, (accessed 27 February 2024). In Canada, wheelchair basketball brings people together regardless of their abilities. Lesley Evans Ogden asks whether this kind of integration could help dispel stigma, discrimination and misconceptions about disability more widely.
- Paralympics TikTok account under fire for being 'insensitive' and 'mocking' athletes, Michelle Elias, The Feed, (25 April 2023). The official Paralympics TikTok account is, however, going viral, with people online accusing the account of being “insensitive” and “mocking” disabled athletes. The videos, which have millions of views, have been called “evil”, “vile” and “disgusting” – and they've provoked such a strong reaction that other users are creating their own videos condemning the content.
- Equality vs Equity graphics, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, (November 2022). If a picture is worth 1,000 words, having the right picture is worth even more. When conveying a concept as nuanced as the difference between equality and equity, developing a visual that effectively engages diverse audiences and helps generate meaningful conversations can take time and a great deal of input, thought, and care.
- Including Children and Youth with Disabilities in the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, Veronica Allan, York University, SIRC, (3 December 2019). Engaging in regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, and limiting time spent inactive are well known and evidence-based prescriptions for the promotion of overall health and well-being. The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth (ages 5-17) — which consolidate the evidence-based daily requirements for physical activity and inactivity, as well as sleep, into a single comprehensive resource — use the tagline Sweat, Step, Sleep, Sit and a logo in the shape of a “4” to represent a “new movement paradigm that emphasizes the integration of all movement behaviours occurring over a whole day” – moderate to vigorous physical activity (“sweat”), light physical activity (“step”), sleep, and sedentary behaviours (“sit”). But what about the kids and teens who cannot stand, step, or sweat? The Guidelines do not include any evidence-based recommendations for children and youth with a disability. To address this gap, a team of researchers from Queen’s University and the University of British Columbia set out to learn more about the potential inclusivity of the “sweat, step, sleep, sit” guidelines, and how the resource can be adapted for kids and teens of all abilities.
- Disability, sport and social activism: Para athlete activism, Damian Haslett, Brett Smith, Athlete Activism, pp.65-76, (2021). While there has been a recent rise in academic research focused on athlete activism, little attention has been given specifically to para-athletes as ‘activists’. This chapter will provide an overview of the latest developments in para-athlete activism research. First, we frame Paralympic sport and disability activism within an historical context. Following this we focus on athlete activism for parasport improvement. Here we will highlight literature concerned with how and where para-athletes advocate for various areas of social change within parasport contexts. Next attention turns to para-athlete activism for broader social good. Here we will discuss research that seeks to understand the various contributions that para-athletes make, or don’t make, towards disability activism in wider society (i.e. equality, diversity and inclusion). The next section concerns a critique of athlete activism from parasport contexts. In particular, here we will highlight research that problematizes the International Paralympic Committee’s new plan to promote para-athletes as ‘activists’. We close the chapter with a set of future directions for para-athlete activism research.
- Disabled athlete activism: Using an emancipatory theological approach to promote the use of disabled athletes in disability activism in the U.K., Stuart Braye, Tom Gibbons, Athlete Activism, pp.77-87, (2021). In this chapter, the practical theological perspectives of Paulo Freire (1993) and Gustavo Gutiérrez (2001) are utilised alongside Michael Oliver’s (1983) social model of disability to highlight the currently low involvement of disabled athletes in disability activism in the UK. Freire’s work on the emancipation of oppressed groups and Gutiérrez’s theology of liberation have not previously been applied to disabled athlete activism. Freire (1944-1986) first published The Pedagogy of the Oppressed in 1968. Freire’s (1993) educational philosophy towards illiterate adults in the Third World can readily be applied to other oppressed groups, such as disabled people. Gutiérrez (born 1928) first published A Theology of Liberation in 1971. Gutiérrez (2001) asserts that true freedom is liberation from every impediment that disempowers vulnerable people. He argues that emancipation is often considered in abstract terms rather than as real freedom. We advocate using an emancipatory theological approach for studying the role of disabled athletes in disability activism in the UK. We end by arguing that since the objective of both the Paralympic Movement and the Disabled People’s Movement are to enhance equality for disabled people, it would be in their shared interests to encourage disabled athletes to be involved in disability activism.
- Disability, the Media and the Paralympic Games, Carolyn Jackson-Brown, Routledge, (2020). This book focuses on the ground-breaking coverage of the London 2012 Paralympic Games by the UK’s publicly owned but commercially funded Channel 4 network, coverage which seemed to deliver a transformational shift in attitudes towards people with disabilities. It sheds important new light on our understanding of media production and its complex interactions with sport and wider society. Drawing on political economy and cultural studies, the book explores why and how a marginalised group was brought into the mainstream by the media, and the key influencing factors and decision-making processes. Featuring interviews with key people involved in the television and digital production structures, as well as organisational archives, it helps us to understand the interplay between creativity and commerce, between editorial and marketing workflows, and about the making of meaning. The book also looks at coverage of the Rio Paralympics, and ahead to the Tokyo Games, and at changing global perceptions of disability through sport.
- Paralympic sport key to driving NZ’s inclusion of disabled people, Paralympics New Zealand (December 2023). A nationwide poll conducted by market research firm Ipsos shows 84% of Kiwis believe the country should be inclusive of disabled people, but only half that number, 42%, feel Aotearoa New Zealand is inclusive of disabled people. Sport can help bridge the gap: 75% of Kiwis say Paralympic sport increases pride in New Zealand, and 55% want to see more coverage of it.
- An evidence review of the current barriers and facilitators of disabled people’s engagement with gyms, fitness and leisure centres, UK active, (2022). A narrative review presents available evidence under the three Everyone Can agenda themes: ‘information and communication’; ‘facilities and the environment’; ‘customer service and the workforce’. The evidence suggests key improvements that can be implemented to support and provide encouragement for disabled people to participate in activity in safe, welcoming and inclusive gyms, fitness and leisure centres. Amongst non-disabled people the review found there is a fear of offending or being misinterpreted by disabled people. However, there were ableist perceptions and statements suggesting non-disabled people may choose to attend other facilities because of disabled people and that inclusion should not come at the expense of non-disabled members. Additional ableist perceptions and statements included discussing the severity of the disability and the need for a carer and if disabled people could exercise independently. There was an assumption disabled people would exercise in the day and not during peak times. non-disabled people felt they should not be obliged or delay their own exercise by helping those with disabilities with certain exercises. And finally, that it is ‘easier’ to tolerate physical disabilities compared to cognitive or
mental disabilities making it harder to follow the code for 'normal' interpersonal behaviour. - How inclusive are SA sport clubs? A study into the attitudes and behaviours of members from South Australian mainstream sporting clubs, Katrina Ranford, Inclusive Sport SA, (June 2019). In 2018 Inclusive Sport SA was successful in securing a two-year Information Linkages and Capacity Building Project funded by the National Disability Insurance Agency, with the agenda to increase capability of the sector and grow active participation of people with disability (PWD) in mainstream sporting clubs and associations. A pillar of this project saw the consultation with Sport bodies and their members to understand the current landscape with regard to inclusive practices and in particular including people with disability in mainstream sporting clubs. Some key findings include:
- While most sporting clubs have a good level of facilities for those with physical disabilities, less than 30 percent of local clubs are involved with “inclusion” related activities such as Inclusion Come N Try events or teams for PWD.
- Almost 60% of participants believe their club would have no idea where to start actively engaging PWD into their teams and club roles, with 88% wanting additional training for coaches and volunteers. It is clear that clubs do not know how to cater for PWD and are keen for additional training in this space to change these figures.
- While three quarters of respondents support the participation of PWD in their sports’ competition, when asked if including a PWD in a game would negatively affect the quality of a club game, an alarming 43 percent noted that it would in some regard. This suggests that inclusion in principle is highly regarded and communicated, however when ‘inclusion’ joins ‘your’ team it becomes a different story all together.
- If we want inclusion in sport and society to grow a three-point journey to success is recommended. This includes spending time looking at education and training for deliverers of sport and recreation; for the sector to take accountability of delivering an inclusive environment; and an increase in visibility of people with a disability fulfilling roles in our mainstream clubs. Only then will we shift the perception of PWD participating in mainstream club land from inspirational or odd to everyday, ordinary sporting life.
- Identity in elite level disability sport: a systematic review and meta-study of qualitative research, William Crossen, Nick Wadsworth, Noora Ronkainen, et al., International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, (4 July 2023). This meta-study evaluated qualitative identity literature within elite disabled sport. Following a systematic search of EBSCO SPORTDiscus, MEDLINE, PsycINFO, and Web of Science, nine articles met the inclusion criteria. The meta-study examined how identity was framed from participant or author perspectives, employing narrative analysis to understand the participant stories and broader storylines crafted by authors. Two distinct narratives were co-constructed; Re-birth: characterising athlete identity experiences and how overcoming career challenges developed traits necessary for elite athlete status, and Tragedy: how authors’ interpretations indicated that although athletes achieved personal sporting success, the ‘bigger battle’ of how disability was presented within society remained. The Re-birth and Tragedy narratives update the prospective gap between how elite disability athletes story their experiences and their framing within society.
- ‘A small leap for disabled man’: the athlete-led evolution of the sports wheelchair and adaptive sports, Samuel Brady, Sport in History, Volume 43(1), pp.103-127, (2023). The history of the sporting wheelchair demonstrates that wheelchair athletes and non-disabled medical professionals – two distinct social groups as defined by the Social Construction of Technology – held different interpretations of wheelchair sport and technology, and their purpose. Originating as a form of rehabilitation, wheelchairs and wheelchair sport were once interpreted solely within the medical realm, resulting in restricted technical development for sporting wheelchairs due to concerns around user safety. Wheelchair athletes, however, adapted their equipment in resistance of medicalised rules, based on their reinterpretation of the technology and desire to advance wheelchair-based sports beyond the institution, legitimising technical innovation as a site of agency for disabled athletes. In doing so, the functionality and form of wheelchairs evolved, facilitating the creation of specialised, sport-specific wheelchairs, such as the basketball wheelchair and racing wheelchair. In response to this, the rules of these sports were altered, stabilising the athletes’ interpretation of wheelchair technology as sporting devices, and wheelchair sport as elite competition.
- Elite athletes with disabilities marketability and branding strategies: professional agents’ perspectives, Tiao Hu, Nina Siegfried, Minseok Cho, et al., European Sport Management Quarterly, Volume 23(6), pp.1643-1665, (2023). The study aims to explore agents’ motives and strategies in presenting elite athletes with disabilities (EAwD). Our findings indicated that agents are motivated by the business opportunity, marketability of the athlete, and their personal mission. They utilise storytelling, social media, and advocacy as strategies to market their athletes. Agents value the marketable lifestyle (e.g. life story) as the most salient dimension in building athlete brand image. Additionally, social media was seen as a critical tool to elevate athlete brand. Findings show positive environments in elite athletes with disabilities branding with need to combat barriers that long existed in disability sport marketing.
- An historical analysis of disability sport policy in Aotearoa New Zealand, Catriona McBean, Robert Townsend, Kirsten Petrie, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 14(3), pp.419-434, (March 2022). Drawing on archival data we outline the evolution of disability sport policy, highlighting key initiatives of government sport agencies from 1937 to the contemporary disability sport policy landscape. Evolving with the rise of the social model of disability, these policies are considered a necessary response to an historical invisibility of disabled people in sport. We highlight a landscape that is complicated by significant diffusion of power between government and ‘not-for-profit’ organisations responsible for the provision of sport for disabled people. Within this contested landscape and with the historical weight of policy, disabled people in NZ continue to report exclusion, marginalisation and lower levels of participation, suggesting a disconnect between policy and its enactment. We introduce the concept of ‘enlightened ableism’ to illustrate that while progressive ideals are embedded in disability policy, there are still challenges for achieving true inclusive practice. Furthermore, lessons learned from previous policy failures suggest that while the future of disability sport in NZ looks well placed to facilitate increased participation, it is worth questioning the extent to which ableism is structured into the fabric of disability sport.
- Advancing sport opportunities for people with disabilities: from grassroots to elite, David Legg, Mary Dubon, Nick Webborn, et al., British Journal of Sports Medicine, Volume 56(22), pp.1266-1267 (2022). The proportion of individuals experiencing disabilities who can and have benefitted from sport and recreation opportunities, however, continues to lag in comparison to the general population. Several barriers preclude equitable participation. As one example, while there are 206 IOC members there are only 184 National Paralympic Committee members. How can we elevate the profile of para sports locally if equity does not exist on the world stage? Images and stories presented in the media often influence public perceptions. Historically, athletes with disabilities are under-represented in the media, and when they are portrayed, they are often represented as ‘objects of pity, charity or medical treatment that have to overcome a tragic and disabling condition or conversely, presented as superheroes who have accomplished great feats, so as to inspire the non-disabled’.4 Several recent initiatives have advanced the authentic and inclusive representation of people with disabilities in the public media. One example is Channel 4 in the UK which for the 2022 Paralympic Games was the first to have an entire presenting team composed of people with disabilities. After broadcasting the 2012 Paralympic Games in London, Channel 4 also developed a Disability Code of Portrayal that provides guidelines on disability representation across all their platforms. Recent global trends suggest, however, that change is coming and that we are on the cusp of significant innovation that will enable more inclusive and equitable opportunities for sport participation for all. This editorial highlights these movements and provides several ways the sport and exercise medicine (SEM) community can engage to advance inclusion and accessibility.
- About inclusive participation in sport: cultural desirability and technical obstacles, Alexy Valet, Sport in Society, Volume 21(1), pp.137-151, (2018). What does it mean full participation of people with disabilities in ‘sports for all’? Beyond the right of access, the right of sharing can enrich the quality of participation in sport, overcoming segregation. But how can be guaranteed an ‘inclusive participation’ that avoids the double risk of ‘normalizing’ integration or ‘charitable’ integration? Beyond 'being among the others' or even 'doing with the others', people with disabilities should also have the possibility to ‘be valued by the others’ through the real recognition of their participation in this shared sport experience. This is not only a cultural shift, but also a technical challenge, especially to fill the persistent gap between the inclusive rhetoric and the inclusive practices really available to the people. We will explore then the key issue of the technicality of inclusive participation in sport, showing the interest of applying the principles of design for all to the architecture of sports rules.
- Disability Models: Explaining and Understanding Disability Sport in Different Ways, Brett Smith, Andrea Bundon, in ’The Palgrave Handbook of Paralympic Studies’, Ian Brittain, Aaron Beacom (eds), Springer, pp.15-34, (2018). How we explain and understand disability matters. In this chapter, we examine one way of explaining and understanding disability through a models approach. Two traditional models are first critically attended to. These are the medical model and then the social model. Having problematised these models, the next two more recent models are described, that is, the social relational model and the human rights model of disability. Throughout examples of research using models from sport are noted. We close with a set of future directions for understanding disability, sport, and physical activity. The directions offered for consideration include a focus on critical disability studies, disablism, and ableism.
- The fiddle of using the Paralympic Games as a vehicle for expanding [dis]ability sport participation, P. David Howe, Carla Filomena Silva, Sport in Society, Volume 21(1), pp.125-136, (2018). In this paper, we highlight the need to explore the excessive significance given to the Paralympic Games as a vehicle for the encouragement of participation of people with a disability within sport. The media spectacle around the games that the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) has worked tirelessly to develop has become, for policy-makers and the public alike, a sufficient outlet for disability sport provision. The honourable goals of the IPC articulated through the ethos of Paralympism have been assumed to be valid for all people with a disability, yet in terms of widening participation, their utility is limited. This paper first illuminates the relationship between the International Olympic Committee and the IPC before we turn our attention to the ethos of Paralympism. Highlighting the necessity for ‘sport for all’, we use a human rights lens, aided by a capabilities approach to facilitate better ways to educate the public about the need for equality of access to sporting participation opportunities.
- Elite athletes or superstars? Media representation of para-athletes at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, McPherson G, O’Donnell H, McGillivray D,, Disability and Society, Volume 31(5), pp.659-675, (2016). This paper analyses media representations of para-athletes before, during and after the Glasgow Commonwealth Games in 2014. The authors consider the importance of the media-sport cultural complex in influencing public attitudes towards disability. They conclude that whilst the importance of media exposure cannot be underestimated, change at the level of lived experience will only flow from carefully designed and executed political and policy initiatives rather than directly from changes in the media presentation or visibility of individual athletes.
- Paralympic Legacy: Exploring the Impact of the Games on the Perceptions of Young People With Disabilities, Janine Coates and Philip Vickerman, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 33(4(, pp.338-357, (2016). The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games aimed to deliver a legacy to citizens of the United Kingdom, which included inspiring a generation of young people to participate in sport. This study aimed to understand the legacy of the Paralympic Games for children with disabilities. Eight adolescents (11–16 yr) with physical disabilities were interviewed about their perceptions of the Paralympic Games. Thematic analysis found 3 key themes that further our understanding of the Paralympic legacy. These were Paralympians as role models, changing perceptions of disability, and the motivating nature of the Paralympics. Findings demonstrate that the Games were inspirational for children with disabilities, improving their self-perceptions. This is discussed in relation to previous literature, and core recommendations are made.
- Public attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities after viewing Olympic or Paralympic performance, Ferrara K, Burns J, Mills, H, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 32(1), pp.19-33, (2015). One of the aspirations of the 2012 Paralympic Games was to influence the public’s attitudes toward people with disabilities. The aim of this study was to investigate whether stimuli depicting people with intellectual disability performing at Paralympic level would change public attitudes. A mixed randomised comparison design was employed, comparing two groups; one group who viewed Paralympic-level sport footage of athletes with intellectually disability and another group who viewed Olympic footage of athletes. This study found that implicit (subconscious) attitudes significantly changed in a positive direction for both groups. Despite some limitations to this study, it seems that media coverage of the Paralympic and Olympic Games has the potential to change attitudes toward people with intellectual disability and disabilities in general in a positive direction.
- Empower, inspire, achieve: (dis)empowerment and the Paralympic Games, David Purdue, P. David Howe, Disability and Society, (December 2012). Through interviewing past and current Paralympians and other disability stakeholders the authors findings suggest Paralympians are most likely to gain empowerment from the Paralympic Games, yet their specific impairment, athletic lifestyles and failure to identify as ‘disabled’ were identified as potentially limiting the ability of the Paralympic Games to empower others.
- Cyborg and Supercrip: The Paralympics Technology and the (Dis)empowerment of Disabled Athletes, Howe, D.P, Sociology, Volume 45(5), pp.868-882, (2011). Technology has created a divide between different impairment groups with the Paralympic movement and also amongst ‘developed’ and ‘developing’ nations. This article questions whether the advances in technology are actually empowering disabled athletes.
- Disability A-Z, Disability Australia Hub, (accessed 14 May 2024). Provides links to disability knowledge, advocacy and information resources.
- A Universal Design Guide for creating Inclusive Sport in Australia, Paralympics Australia, (2024). This Guide can act as a valuable reference for sports representative bodies adopting inclusive practices, as well as sports clubs and venues that want to get started on the journey. It addresses structural, process and attitudinal barriers to inclusivity and universal design and comprises: Definitions of accessibility, inclusivity and universal design; How to adopt an inclusive mindset and language; Motivating case studies; Focus activities for universal design; Practical guides for: hosting a universal design kick-off meeting, developing inclusive strategy, producing accessible documentation, and designing accessible inclusive digital experiences. A ‘living document’, through user testing, the guide will be refined and updated as Paralympics Australia builds its presence and activity to make Australian sport accessible and inclusive.
- Inclusive communications factsheets, Activity Alliance, (accessed 13 March 2024). A series of inclusive communications factsheets to support sport and activity providers to be more accessible and inclusive in their communications. The factsheets cover a range of communication topics, channels, tools, and platforms.
- Disability Code of Portrayal, Channel 4, (2022). Developed by the UK's Channel 4 these guidelines aim to deliver a step change in both the quality and quantity of on screen representation of disabled people. The principles outline how it intends to dial up representation of disability across all its content.
- PWDA Language Guide: A guide to language about disability, People with Disability Australia, (August 2021). This guide unpacks some of the key factors which influence disability-related language; provides advice for media workers around reporting on disability-related content; identifies commonly misused terms and recommends suitable alternatives.
- Media Guide: Reporting on disabled people in sport, Activity Alliance, (August 2016). In August 2016, Activity Alliance released a new media research report about the public's desire to see more disability sport in the media. Among the key findings, the report concluded that journalists and sports providers need more support and guidance on appropriate reporting. So, we created the Media Guide: Reporting on disabled people in sport. The guide provides better practice guidance on six key areas - tailoring content, story type, style and placement, language, media formats, and ambassadors.
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Limited data availability has a significant impact on the quality of research or policy development that can be done.
Factors that impact
Research and data
The limited data available on sport or physical activity participation for people with disability has a significant impact on the quality of research or policy development that can be done, especially for specific groups. 13, 30, 31, 32
- The United Nations ‘Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities’ (2006) Article 31 states that parties (i.e. governments) undertake to collect appropriate information, including statistical and research data, to enable them to formulate and implement policies giving effect to the rights of people with disability. 30, 33
- In 2022, fourteen countries contributed to the first ‘Global Matrix of Para Report Cards on physical activity of children and adolescent with disabilities’. Even among those 14 motivated and engaged countries, only 11 (79%) could provide a grade for overall physical activity, and less than half (45%) of the Report Card indicators could be graded overall. 34
- Between 1999 and 2019, less than 5% of all articles published in the five highest-impact medical journals focused on people with disability, and less than 7% of these addressed physical activity or health. 30
When researching specific populations, it is important to remember the maxim of ‘nothing about us, without us’. Using partnership-based approaches to engage with the users who will benefit or apply the research throughout the process will help to produce findings that are relevant, useful, and useable. 30, 35
There is enormous scope to improve the quality of data and research by, for, and about persons with disability, and therefore the impact and scope of research, policy and program development that can be done to improve participation, health, and wellbeing outcomes for people of all abilities. 16, 31, 35
- Making STEM More Inclusive of People with Disabilities, Sara Frueh, National Academies, (25 July 2023). As she grew up navigating life in a wheelchair, Anjali Forber-Pratt encountered obstacles both in the physical world and in other people’s mindsets. Forber-Pratt was among the speakers at a summit hosted by the National Academies — the first of a series of events in June that examined how ableism in STEM can keep people with disabilities from engaging and thriving in these fields, and explored how to advance STEM by creating more inclusive environments.
- Including Children and Youth with Disabilities in the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, Veronica Allan, York University, SIRC, (3 December 2019). Engaging in regular physical activity, getting enough sleep, and limiting time spent inactive are well known and evidence-based prescriptions for the promotion of overall health and well-being. The Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines for Children and Youth (ages 5-17) — which consolidate the evidence-based daily requirements for physical activity and inactivity, as well as sleep, into a single comprehensive resource — use the tagline Sweat, Step, Sleep, Sit and a logo in the shape of a “4” to represent a “new movement paradigm that emphasizes the integration of all movement behaviours occurring over a whole day” – moderate to vigorous physical activity (“sweat”), light physical activity (“step”), sleep, and sedentary behaviours (“sit”). But what about the kids and teens who cannot stand, step, or sweat? The Guidelines do not include any evidence-based recommendations for children and youth with a disability. To address this gap, a team of researchers from Queen’s University and the University of British Columbia set out to learn more about the potential inclusivity of the “sweat, step, sleep, sit” guidelines, and how the resource can be adapted for kids and teens of all abilities.
- Female athletes with ADHD: time to level the playing field, Collins K, British Journal of Sports Medicine, (30 April 2024). The significance of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in athlete populations has received much attention over the last decade. ADHD is the most commonly diagnosed neurodevelopmental disorder, with a global prevalence of 5.9%–7.1% in adolescents and a male predominance ranging from 1.8 to 3.5:1. The prevalence may be even higher in athlete populations, at 7%–8%, with a similar sex ratio (7%–8% males vs 4% females).3 Certain ADHD traits that are well suited to the sporting context, such as quick movements, reactive decision-making, a tendency towards hyperfocus on enjoyable activities and a positive effect of physical activity on ADHD symptoms, may explain the apparent preponderance of ADHD in athletes. However, no studies have evaluated ADHD and how it specifically or directly affects the female athlete. ADHD can impact recovery from concussion, be influenced by hormonal fluctuations and affect mental health and social relationships, particularly in females. The purpose of this editorial is to raise awareness of the often-overlooked topic of ADHD in female athletes and encourage more investigation in this field.
- The Future of Para Report Cards on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities—A Global Call for Engagement, Data, and Advocacy, Mark S. Tremblay, et al. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 41(1), pp.1-8, (2024). The Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance (AHKGA) is an international not-for-profit organization of researchers, health professionals, and stakeholders working together to advance the physical activity of children and adolescents around the world. The dominant effort of the AHKGA has been the Global Matrix initiative [which] involves the collaboration of multiple countries/jurisdictions working together to produce Report Cards on the physical activity of children and adolescents. Throughout the development of Global Matrices 1.0–4.0, there has always been an interest and intent to include children and adolescents with a disability (CAWD). However, the effort was rather passive and demonstrably ineffective. The Para Report Card initiative was a major contribution to the global knowledge of physical activity for CAWD, where 14 participating countries/jurisdictions followed harmonized but adapted procedures from the Global Matrix 4.0 to grade the same 10 physical activity indicators. This allowed useful international comparisons and also illustrated the scale of the global problems of both physical activity levels and physical activity surveillance in CAWD. Even among those 14 countries/jurisdictions with Para Report Cards, 45% of the Report Card indicators could not be graded as there was insufficient evidence, and 11/14 (79%) countries/jurisdictions were able to grade the key indicator of Overall Physical Activity for CAWD. The 2022 Global Matrix of Para Report Cards on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities provided a substantial leap forward for raising awareness about gaps in research, services, opportunities, and policies for this underserved population.
- Global Matrix of Para Report Cards on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities, Kwok Ng, Cindy Sit, Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos, et al., Adapted Physical Ability Quarterly, Volume 40(3), pp.409-430, (2023). This is an overview of the results from 14 countries or jurisdictions in a Global Matrix of Para Report Cards on physical activity (PA) of children and adolescents with disabilities. The methodology was based on the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance’s Global Matrix 4.0. Data were aligned with 10 indicators (Overall PA, Organized Sport, Active Play, Active Transport, Physical Fitness, Sedentary Behavior, Family & Peers, Schools, Community & Environment, and Government) to produce Para Report Cards. Subsequently, there were 139 grades; 45% were incomplete, particularly for Active Play, Physical Fitness, and Family & Peers. Collectively, Overall PA was graded the lowest (F), with Schools and Government the highest (C). Disability-specific surveillance and research gaps in PA were apparent in 14 countries or jurisdictions around the world. More coverage of PA data in Para Report Cards is needed to serve as an advocacy tool to promote PA among children and adolescents with disabilities.
- Optimising health equity through para sport, Kristina Fagher, Stephanie DeLuca, Wayne Derman, et al., British Journal of Sports Medicine, Volume 57(3), pp.131-132, (2023). Nearly one in five of the world’s population lives with a disability. While physical activity, including sports participation, is important for all, people with disabilities are at inherent risk for low engagement with a consequential increased risk for chronic disease related to a sedentary lifestyle. Barriers to sports participation include poor knowledge of para sport (eg, which sports are available, how to find opportunities or train), lack of social support, poor accessibility to training facilities, lack of equipment and the devaluation of para sport across society4 (figure 1). An additional concern is the inequity in financial support for para sport, especially in low-resourced environments. Even in high-income countries, para sport is often underfunded in comparison to elite sport for athletes with no disability, and data have shown that Paralympic athletes do not have the same opportunities as Olympic athletes.5 This inequity begins early in life given that children with a disability are often excluded from physical education sessions or marginalised within the school sports system. To achieve this, more opportunities for people with disabilities are needed within healthcare, the education sector and sports organisations. Some potential solutions to promote health through para sport include: Prioritise research that focuses on athletes with disabilities; Educate healthcare professionals, physical education teachers, sports administrators and coaches about para sport, including how to train individuals with a disability; Inform policy-makers and advocates about the health benefits of para sport as well as ongoing barriers to participation that might be addressed through legislative solutions (eg, required inclusion of students with disabilities in school-based sports); Ensure that para athletes have the same financial support as athletes with no disability, providing equitable opportunities to participate in both recreational and competitive sport. Improving health equity for people with disabilities through physical activity and sport has the potential to enhance health among the 15% of people living with disabilities. This should be an urgent global health priority.
- “WOT” Do We Know and Do About Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities? A SWOT-Oriented Synthesis of Para Report Cards, Yeshayahu Hutzler, Sharon Barak, Salome Aubert, et al., Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 40(3), pp.431-455, (2023). The purpose was to synthesize information gathered from the interpretation and conclusion sections of the Global Matrix of Para Report Cards on the physical activity of children and adolescents with disabilities. The synthesis was based on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats framework. The procedure consisted of three stages: (a) the application of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health as the theoretical framework; (b) identifying and aligning Global Matrix indicators and benchmarks with the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health components through a Delphi approach; and (c) using content analysis to identify themes from specific report cards. Outcomes reveal that further attention toward including children and adolescents with disabilities in fitness assessments is needed as well as adapted assessment methods. Program availability, equipment and facilities, and professional training emerged as strengths but need further development to overcome weaknesses. Paralympic inspiration was an opportunity, whereas extreme weather conditions presented potential threats to physical activity participation among children and adolescents with disabilities.
- Advancing sport opportunities for people with disabilities: from grassroots to elite, David Legg, Mary Dubon, Nick Webborn, et al., British Journal of Sports Medicine, Volume 56(22), pp.1266-1267 (2022). Sport, physical activity and recreation are important for everyone, but perhaps more so for the approximately 15% of the world’s population that experiences disability. The United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities clearly states that the benefits of sport are relevant at every level of participation. This includes experiences from grassroots community-led clubs to school-based adaptive or inclusive sports opportunities, to high performance events including the Deaflympics, Special Olympics and Paralympic Games. The proportion of individuals experiencing disabilities who can and have benefitted from sport and recreation opportunities, however, continues to lag in comparison to the general population. The Sport and Exercise Medicine (SEM) community has an important role to play in ensuring that people with disabilities have opportunities to engage in physical activity and sport for health. Some ways in which SEM professionals can contribute to this global movement include:
- Include people with disabilities in your research or clinical team to ensure that the disability lived experience is recognised in all aspects of your work.
- If you are a researcher, ensure that your study design is inclusive of people with disabilities—this should include considerations for participant recruitment, outcome measure selection, data analysis and dissemination.
- If you are a clinician, learn about the unique medical conditions commonly impacting athletes with disabilities and how these may intersect with common sports-related injury and illness.
- Participation of people living with disabilities in physical activity: a global perspective, Kathleen Martin Ginis, Hidde P van der Ploeg, Charlie Foster, et al., The Lancet, Volume 398(10298), pp.443-455, (July 2021). Approximately 1·5 billion people worldwide live with a physical, mental, sensory, or intellectual disability, about 80% of which are in low-income and middle-income countries. This Series paper provides a global overview of the prevalence, benefits, and promotion policies for physical activity for people living with disabilities (PLWD). PLWD are 16–62% less likely to meet physical activity guidelines and are at higher risk of serious health problems related to inactivity than people without disabilities. Meta-analyses have shown that physical activity has beneficial effects on cardiovascular fitness (average standardised mean difference [SMD] 0·69 [95% CI 0·31–1·01]), musculoskeletal fitness (0·59 [0·31–0·87]), cardiometabolic risk factors (0·39 [0·04–0·75]), and brain and mental health outcomes (0·47 [0·21–0·73]). These meta-analyses also show that health benefits can be achieved even with less than 150 min of physical activity per week, and suggest that some physical activity is better than none. Meta-analyses of interventions to increase physical activity for PLWD have reported effect sizes ranging from SMD 0·29 (95% CI 0·17–0·41, k=10) to 1·00 (0·46–1·53, k=10). There is increasing awareness among policy makers of the needs of PLWD for full participation in physical activity. Physical activity action plans worldwide must be adequately resourced, monitored, and enforced to truly advance the fundamental rights of PLWD to fully participate in physical activity.
- A global perspective on disparity of gender and disability for deaf female athletes, Becky Clark, Johanna Mesch, Sport in Society , Volume 21(1), pp.64-75, (2018). Although the significance of gender and disability issues has gradually increased in the global society during the past three decades, there are only few studies with regard to the deaf community and sport. This article examines the level of Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing women’s participation in sports and the factors for their continued underrepresentation. The Women Sport International’s Task Force on Deaf and Hard of Hearing Girls and Women in Sport conducted a world-wide survey to determine and assess the needs of deaf and hard of hearing girls and women in sport. A snapshot of the results and issues and future aspirations are provided.
- SPARTAN Sports and recreation for people with disabilities, University of Sydney/FMH Networks, YouTube, (13 March 2024). A series of short talks and a panel discussion about sport and physical recreation for people with disabilities.
- Presentation 1 - Sport and Recreation for People with Disability, Craig Carscadden PLY, World Abilitysport.
- Presentation 2 - The effects of sport and physical recreation for adults with physical or intellectual disabilities: a review of the evidence, Leanne Hassett, A/Profesor, School of Health Sciences, University of Sydney.
- Presentation 3 - Development of Physical Disability Rules in Rugby League - from Inception to NRL Affiliation: "Triumphs and Tears", Dr Che Fornusek, EXSS, School of Health.
- Presentation 4 - Talking about research projects 'Sport for Children with Disabilities: Evidence and Systems' and 'A Systems Thinking Approach to the Inclusion of Children with Disabilities in Little Athletics in Australia', Kerry West PhD student, Institute for Musculoskeletal Health
- Panel Discussion - Dr Phil Hamdorf, Heather Berry, and Rae Anderson PLY in addition to speakers, Criag Carscadden, Leanne Hassett, Kerry West.
Access to resources
Where possible, direct links to full-text and online resources are provided. However, where links are not available, you may be able to access documents directly by searching our licenced full-text databases (note: user access restrictions apply). Alternatively, you can ask your institutional, university, or local library for assistance—or purchase documents directly from the publisher. You may also find the information you’re seeking by searching Google Scholar.
- How to create a more equitable future for women with a disability in sport, Georgia Munro-Cook, Siren Sport/ABC, (26 April 2023).
- Annual Disability and Activity Survey 2022-23, Activity Alliance (UK), (June 2023).
- Managing disability sport: from athletes with disabilities to inclusive organisational perspectives, Misener L, Sport Management Review, Volume 17(1), pp.1-7, (2014).
- AusPlay data portal: Non-playing roles, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 1 May 2024).
- An historical analysis of disability sport policy in Aotearoa New Zealand, Catriona McBean, Robert C. Townsend, Kirsten Petrie, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 14(3), pp.419-434, (March 2022)
- An evidence review of the current barriers and facilitators of disabled people’s engagement with gyms, fitness and leisure centres, UK active, (2022).
- Managing sport volunteers with a disability: Human resource management implications, Pam Kappelides, Jennifer Spoor, Sport Management Review, Volume 22(5), pp.694-707, (2019).
- Workplace Experiences of Women With Disability in Sport Organizations, Clare Hanlon, Tracy Taylor, Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, Volume 4, (January 2022).
- Disability, Ageing and Carers, Australia: Summary of Findings, Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), (4 July 2024).
- FTEM Framework, Australian Sports Commission, (accessed 8 May 2024).
- Design Principles: A guide to designing modern coaching and officiating development frameworks, Australian Sports Commission, (2024)
- Mapping the coaching pipeline: Women in high performance coaching, Australian Institute of Sport, (2023).
- Including Children and Youth with Disabilities in the 24-Hour Movement Guidelines, Veronica Allan, York University, SIRC, (3 December 2019).
- Talent Development in Paralympic Sport, Nima Dehghansai, Ross Pinder, Joe Baker (eds.), Routledge, (2022).
- National Paralympic sport policies influencing a country’s Paralympic success, Aurelie Pankowiak, Camilla Brockett, Veerle De Bosscher, et al., International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 15(3), pp.435-455, (2023).
- Optimising health equity through para sport, Kristina Fagher, Stephanie DeLuca, Wayne Derman, et al., British Journal of Sports Medicine, Volume 57(3), pp.131-132, (2023).
- Parents in the parasport pathway: Parental experiences of facilitating their child’s engagement in competitive disability sport, Janine Coates. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, Volume 35(6), pp.1050-1071, (2023).
- Game Changers: A participatory action research project for/with students with disabilities in school sport settings, Daniel Robinson, Sebastian Harenberg, William Walters, et al., Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, Volume 5, (April 2023).
- Disability inclusion in beach precincts: beach for all abilities – a community development approach through a social relational model of disability lens, Simon Darcy, Hazel Maxwell, Melissa Edwards, et al., Sport Management Review, Volume 36(1), pp.1-23, (2023).
- Coach and Athlete Perspectives on Talent Transfer in Paralympic Sport, Nima Dehghansai, Alia Mazhar, Joseph Baker, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 40(2), pp.280-302, (2023).
- Spotlight on Disability, Sport NZ, (December 2018).
- How inclusive are SA sport clubs? A study into the attitudes and behaviours of members from South Australian mainstream sporting clubs, Katrina Ranford, Inclusive Sport SA, (June 2019).
- Managing parasport: An investigation of sport policy factors and stakeholders influencing para-athletes’ career pathways, Jacqueline Martins Patatas, Veerle De Bosscher, Inge Derom,, Sport Management Review, Volume 23(5), pp.937-951, (January 2020).
- Developing participation opportunities for young people with disabilities? Policy enactment and social inclusion in Australian junior sport, Ruth Jeanes, Ramón Spaaij, Jonathan Magee, et al., in The Potential of Community Sport for Social Inclusion: Exploring Cases Across the Globe, Hebe Schaillée, Reinhard Haudenhuyse, Lieve Bradt (eds.), Routledge, (2022).
- Participation-performance tension and gender affect recreational sports clubs’ engagement with children and young people with diverse backgrounds and abilities, Spaaij R, Lusher D, Jeanes R,, PLoS ONE, 14(4): e0214537, (2019).
- Episode 63: Reverse integration – doing disability sport differently, Lesley Evans Ogden, Mosaic/The Inclusion Club, (accessed 27 February 2024).
- The Inclusion Spectrum, planning sport activities for everyone, Michael Woods, Inclusive Sport Design, (July 2017).
- Sport Participation for People with Disabilities: Exploring the Potential of Reverse Integration and Inclusion through Wheelchair Basketball, Rebecca Ramsden, Rick Hayman, Paul Potrac, et al., International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Volume 20(3), 2491, (January 2023).
- Suncoast Spinners Reverse Inclusion, Suncoast Spinners, YouTube, (13 November 2018).
- Participation of people living with disabilities in physical activity: a global perspective, Kathleen Martin Ginis, Hidde P van der Ploeg, Charlie Foster, et al., The Lancet, Volume 398(10298), pp.443-455, (July 2021).
- The Future of Para Report Cards on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities—A Global Call for Engagement, Data, and Advocacy, Mark S. Tremblay, et al. Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 41(1), pp.1-8, (2024).
- A global perspective on disparity of gender and disability for deaf female athletes, Becky Clark, Johanna Mesch, Sport in Society, Volume 21(1), pp.64-75, (2018).
- Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, United Nations, (December 2006).
- Global Matrix of Para Report Cards on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities, Kwok Ng, Cindy Sit, Kelly Arbour-Nicitopoulos, et al., Adapted Physical Ability Quarterly, Volume 40(3), pp.409-430, (2023).
- Advancing sport opportunities for people with disabilities: from grassroots to elite, David Legg, Mary Dubon, Nick Webborn, et al., British Journal of Sports Medicine, Volume 56(22), pp.1266-1267 (2022).
- PWDA Language Guide: A guide to language about disability, People with Disability Australia, (August 2021).
- Disability Models: Explaining and Understanding Disability Sport in Different Ways, Brett Smith, Andrea Bundon, in ’The Palgrave Handbook of Paralympic Studies’, Ian Brittain, Aaron Beacom (eds), Springer, pp.15-34, (2018).
- Elite athletes or superstars? Media representation of para-athletes at the Glasgow 2014 Commonwealth Games, McPherson G, O’Donnell H, McGillivray D, et al., Disability and Society , Volume 31(5), pp.659-675, (2016).
- Paralympic Legacy: Exploring the Impact of the Games on the Perceptions of Young People With Disabilities, Janine Coates, Philip Vickerman, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 33(4(, pp.338-357, (2016).
- Public attitudes toward people with intellectual disabilities after viewing Olympic or Paralympic performance, Ferrara K, Burns J, Mills, H, Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 32(1), pp.19-33, (2015).
- Paralympic sport key to driving NZ’s inclusion of disabled people, Paralympics New Zealand (December 2023).
- Report Finds Australian Paralympic Team Among Nation’s Most Popular, David Sygall, Paralympics Australia, (25 November 2021).
- 2012 Paralympic Games - Are they Superhuman? The Inclusion Club, Episode 31, (2012).
- Identity in elite level disability sport: a systematic review and meta-study of qualitative research, William Crossen, Nick Wadsworth, Noora Ronkainen, et al., International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology, (4 July 2023).
- Empower, inspire, achieve: (dis)empowerment and the Paralympic Games, David Purdue, P. David Howe, Disability and Society, (December 2012).
- Cyborg and Supercrip: The Paralympics Technology and the (Dis)empowerment of Disabled Athletes, Howe, D.P, Sociology, Volume 45(5), pp.868-882, (2011).
- The fiddle of using the Paralympic Games as a vehicle for expanding [dis]ability sport participation, P. David Howe, Carla Filomena Silva, Sport in Society, Volume 21(1), pp.125-136, (2018).
- About inclusive participation in sport: cultural desirability and technical obstacles, Alexy Valet, Sport in Society, Volume 21(1), pp.137-151, (2018).
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