Programs, policies and supporting structures
Australian and international initiatives to support and encourage participation and leadership in all aspects of sport.
Two key pieces of legislation provide an underpinning for government policies affecting people with a disability. The Disability Services Act 1986 and then the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 provide a legal framework.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 was passed by the Australian Parliament to enact the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).
Federal Government
Australian Human Rights Commission
The Australian Human Rights Commission can assist organisations with the development of a Disability Discrimination Act action plan.
Action Plans are made available on an online register. This allows organisations to cross reference other organisations' work and experience. It also enables people with disabilities to see what an organisation has committed itself to achieving.
A number of National Sporting Organisations have submitted their action plan to the register.
Australian Sports Commission
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is a Commonwealth entity within the Australian Government’s Department of Health portfolio.
- Inclusive sport toolkit – a section of this toolkit focuses on strategies to consciously include everyone and create an environment where people feel a sense of belonging.
- Sports Ability activity cards – designed for all levels of ability and to develop children's skills, confidence and motivation for sports-based activities. The cards outline what is required to plan and execute activities, as well as ways to modify elements of each activity (e.g. rules, equipment, techniques) to ensure that everyone can participate, have fun, and achieve success.
- Sporting Schools. Deaf Sports Australia and Special Olympics Australia have partnered with National Sporting Organisations to deliver programs for deaf or hard of hearing students and students with intellectual disability or autism in special education environments. A full list of participating sports is available on the Sporting Schools website.
- Previous programs
- Aussie Sports program – launched in 1986, the program included resources for primary school teachers to assist them in delivering physical education and sport programs for children with disability. More information about the legacy of the Aussie Sport program can be found in the Clearinghouse for Sport Aussie Sports topic.
- Willing and Able – launched in 1995 the program was designed to provide training for sport providers and included a comprehensive set of resource materials.
- NSOD recognition criteria. In 2024 the ASC finalised a new set of criteria for the recognition of National Sporting Organisations for people with Disabilities (NSODs). These criteria were developed to better suit the unique purpose and structure of NSODs within the sporting landscape and marked a departure from the previous process in which NSODs were assessed against the same criteria as NSOs.
Grants and funding
- Local Para Champions – provides financial assistance for coaches, officials, and competitors with disability aged 12-24 participating in state, national or international championships.
- Compensation Grant program – provides financial support to Paralympians whose Disability Support Pension (DSP) payments have been affected due to travelling outside Australia for training and/or competitions exceeding the general travel allowance of 28 days in a financial year.
- dAIS Athlete Grant – provides athletes with direct financial support to enable them to focus on training and competitions to achieve the strategy targets in Olympic, Paralympic and Commonwealth Games sports. Athletes must be nominated by their NSO.
Australian Sporting Alliance for People with a Disability (ASAPD)
The Australian Sporting Alliance for People with a Disability (ASAPD) works collaboratively to ensure that all Australians have an opportunity to engage in sport and physical activity in a welcoming and inclusive environment and to advocate and facilitate inclusive sport and physical activity for people with a disability, impairment or limitation. It aims to enhance the ability to communicate with one-voice on many issues and improve the capacity of governments at all levels to effectively and efficiently engage with the broader disability sporting sector.
In September 2017, the ASC brought together leaders from across the disability sport sector to co-design a shared vision for the future of disability sport in Australia. From this workshop, the NSOD Project was created, and an Oversight Committee was established to guide the delivery of 16 key recommendations for the sector.
The ASAPD launched in October 2020. It consists of eight core NSOD organisations whose participant numbers, members and volunteers involve millions of people across Australia:
- Blind Sports Australia
- Deaf Sports Australia
- Disability Sports Australia
- Disabled Wintersports Australia
- Riding for the Disabled Association Australia
- Special Olympics Australia
- Sport Inclusion Australia
- Transplant Australia
In December 2020, in partnership with the ASC the ASAPD lodged a joint submission to the National Disability Strategy to ensure that sport was included in the next 10-year plan. They also established four key groups to take their work forward, including: Government and Advocacy; Shared Services and Collaboration; Participation and Pathways; and Research and Innovation. A Project Manager was employed to co-ordinate the work of these groups and to enhance the ASAPD’s impact, shared resources, and efficiencies.
Education modules
ASAPD has partnered with Inclusive Sport Design to develop and provide online courses to help train those working in sport to better engage with people with disability, or those with clients, family, or friends with disability who would like to start engaging with sport and physical activity.
- Disability Inclusion Coaching Course, Australian Sporting Alliance for People with a Disability (ASAPD), (accessed 6 March 2024). Designed to provide basic skills, understanding and knowledge in a practical real-life framework so as you can be a more inclusive coach of people with a disability in sport and active recreation programs and activities. This free online course has been designed so you can learn at your own pace – anytime, anywhere, on any device. You will get practical tools and tips, hear valuable experiences and advice from individuals with disability and coaches providing confidence to support players and athletes to access sport and physical activity options and pathways. The course is available on the Australian Sports Commission’s Learning Centre.
- Teachers – Including Students with Disability in School Sport, Australian Sporting Alliance for People with a Disability (ASAPD), (accessed 6 March 2024). This course will inform you about the many options, benefits and impacts of sport and physical activity and how you can help students with disability get involved so that they can participate in the community, build their capacity, and reach their goals. You will get practical tools and tips hear valuable experiences and advice from individuals with disability and teachers providing confidence to support students to access sport and physical activity options and pathways.
- NDIS – Connecting individuals to physical activity, Australian Sporting Alliance for People with a Disability (ASAPD), (accessed 6 March 2024). This course will inform you about the many options, benefits and impacts of physical activity and how you can help individuals with disability get involved so that they can participate in the community, build their capacity and reach their goals. As part of this course, you will be given practical tools and tips plus you will hear valuable experiences and advice from individuals with disability and service providers.
Blind Sport Australia
Blind Sports Australia (BSA), formerly the ‘Australian Blind Sports Federation’, was formed in 1980. It is the recognised national governing body for blind and vision-impaired sport in Australia and the international representative to the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSA). BSA helps create pathways and opportunities for blind or vision impaired sports participation from grassroots community level to elite competition at national and international level.
- Blind and vision impaired sports include AFL Blind; Archery; Athletics; Blind bowls (lawn); Blind cricket; Blind football (soccer); Blind golf; Blind table tennis; Blind and low vision tennis; Blind tenpin bowling; Cycling; Goalball; Horse riding/equestrian; Judo; Rowing; Running (Achilles); Sailing; Shooting; Skiing; Swimming; Triathlon.
Community Sport Guide, (2023). Designed to help clubs, coaches, school and volunteers welcome and involve people who are blind or have a vision impairment to join and play sport.
ABF4ALL Handbook, (2023). The purpose of the ABF4ALL handbook is to empower aspiring blind football coaches, allowing them to gain a greater understanding of blind football. It will give them the skills to be able to deliver a positive coaching experience to all players, regardless of their ability, age or gender.
Blind Cricket Beginners Guide to Coaching, (2024). An invaluable resource for people wanting to coach blind cricket or incorporate into school activities or at club level.
Active Play Toolkit for BLV Kids, (2024). A toolkit of activity cards specially designed to assist educators and coaches working with children and young people to conduct a range of activities and games to help create equal access to sport. Available as a free resource online to download as a PDF or as and accessible word version.
Deaf Sports Australia
Deaf Sports Australia. Established in 1954 as the ‘Australian Deaf Sports Federation.’ Deaf Sport Australia is the national peak body responsible for supporting our membership, including 16 national and 6 state/territory deaf sport organisations. Deaf Sport Australia also provides advocacy, advice, services, support, and networking with sporting bodies at all levels, governments, businesses, community organisations, sporting bodies and the deaf and hard of hearing communities. Deaf Sports Australia programs include:
- Hosting the Australian Deaf Games. Started om 1964, the event includes 14-17 multi-sport each edition.
- High Performance opportunities for deaf and hard of hearing athletes can participate in national and international sport competitions such as the national deaf championships, Deaflympics, Asian Pacific Deaf Games, and World Championships.
- Active Deaf Programs. An initiative that includes supporting participation of young deaf and hard of hearing children in sport and supporting sport clubs with deafness awareness training and to be more inclusive.
- Sporting Schools - Deaf Sports Australia has partnered with National Sporting Organisations to deliver the Active Deaf Kids program for deaf or hard of hearing students as part of Sporting Schools. Sports include: Athletics; Basketball; Bowls; Cricket; Golf; Table Tennis; Tennis; and Touch Football.
Deaf Sport Australia launches an NAB AFL Auskick Deaf program in Perth, Deaf Sports Australia. The project aims are to develop and implement strategies, to change and improve AFL participation at all levels including playing footy, being a coach or official or a fan. Shortly, Deaf Sports Australia will trial an AFL Deaf 9’s competition to assess if this could be a pathway to the AFL Inclusion program in the future.
2024 Australian Deaf Games to be broadcast on FOX SPORTS, available on Foxtel and Kayo Sports, Deaf Sports Australia. DSA is thrilled to announce the Foxtel Group as the official broadcast partner of the 2024 Australian Deaf Games in Newcastle and Lake Macquarie. The announcement comes as a major boost to deaf sports in Australia, with highlights packages and athlete profiles to be broadcast on FOX SPORTS, available on Foxtel and Kayo Sports.
Disability Sports Australia
Disability Sports Australia (DSA). Formerly known as Australian Athletes with a Disability, DSA changed its name in 2013. It is Australia’s peak national body representing athletes with a physical disability. DSA performs the role of national coordinating body, providing a single point of contact between partner organisations (e.g. National Sports Organisations, Australian Sports Commission, and Paralympics Australia) and State and Territory members (e.g. Wheelchair Sports NSW, Wheelchair Sports Victoria, Sporting Wheelies Queensland and Disabled Association). Some key programs and resources include:
- National Referral Hub. An easy to use, self-service and referral hub to help all abilities athletes find the supports they need to participate and compete in sport and active recreation activities.
- Activate Inclusion Sports Days. Provide students with a disability the opportunity to try a range of sports.
- The Accessibility Champion Course. Identifies, upskills and supports Accessibility Champions to help grassroots sporting clubs and leisure providers start the accessibility journey.
- DSA Sports Incubator. Developed to support and provide expertise to national sport and recreation organisations and program providers to initiate, develop, and grow new sport and active recreation opportunities for people with disability. The Incubator brings together advice and expertise of key stakeholders in both the sport and disability sectors, while helping to promote initiatives and activities for growing sports.
- AusDBF Making Waves of Change, Disability Sports Australia, (22 August 2023). Disability Sports Australia (DSA) and Australian Dragon Boat Federation (AusDBF) are steering towards a journey of accessibility through a strategic collaboration under DSA's Sports Incubator program.
- Disability Sports Australia and National Rugby League announce partnership through Sports Incubator program, Disability Sports Australia, (4 April 2022). This partnership will focus on several key aspects that allow National Rugby League to progress participation and pathways across disability.
Disability Sports Australia and What Ability Announce Community Partnership, Disability Sports Australia, (8 September 2023). Disability Sports Australia (DSA) and What Ability, a leading National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider, are teaming up to support Australians with disabilities be active through a new community partnership.
Disability Sports Centre for Excellence Announced, Disability Sports Australia, (16 May 2022). Disability Sports Australia are pleased to announce a successful application through the NSW Office of Sport’s Centre of Excellence round one grant fund for a new facility to be built in partnership with Blacktown City Council on the Blacktown International Sports Park site in Western Sydney’s Rooty Hill.
Disable WinterSport Australia
Disabled WinterSport Australia (DWA). Established in 1979 as the ‘Australian Disabled Skiers Federation’ DWA is responsible for the development of disability winter sport in Australia. Through building the capability and capacity of a National Sport System, including accountability at the national level, we provide members with technically sound sports programs, policies and service.
DWA's website provides information on various programs and services that they provide, as well as additional information on volunteering with the organisation, especially as an adaptive snowsport guide.
Invictus Australia
Invictus Australia is owned and operated by Australian International Military Games, the not-for-profit responsible for organising Invictus Games Sydney 2018, and licensed from the Invictus Games Foundation. They carry on the legacy of the Games in local communities, as all veterans and their families can benefit from involvement with sporting communities, particularly ‘at risk’ veterans. As well as promoting the physical, social and emotional benefits of sport, they highlight the unique needs of younger veterans and the challenges they face as they transition from military to civilian life.
- Sporting Opportunities – Invictus Australia partner with major and national sporting organisations to deliver opportunities for veterans and their families across sport at a local level. We also work together on programs, initiatives and offers to encourage the Australian Defence community to become involved – and stay involved – with sport.
- Current sports include archery; biathlon; bowls; cycling; esports; indoor rowing; rugby league; rugby union; running and walking; sailing; surfing; wheelchair sports; and yoga.
- Adaptive Sport Program – working with the Australian Defence Force to deliver the national Program for veterans who are wounded, injured or ill – including supporting the Australian Invictus Games and Warrior Games teams. Invictus Australia is responsible for the former serving contingent.
- Case studies - be inspired by stories of the unconquered human spirit.
Paralympics Australia
Paralympics Australia was originally established in 1990 as the Australian Paralympic Federation to coordinate the Australian Paralympic Team. However, with the awarding of the 2000 Paralympic Games to Sydney the organisation accepted the role of preparing Paralympic athletes across all sports and changed their name to the Australian Paralympic Committee in 1998. In 2000 the APC managed the programs of all 18 sports in which Australia competed. In 2019 the organisation re-branded as Paralympics Australia. PA also works with our National Federation partners to help identify potential Paralympians and assist athletes to prepare for competition by providing funding for coaching, equipment and travel in the lead up to the Summer and Winter Paralympic Games.
PA plays a lead role in assisting the Oceania Paralympic Committee, made up of member nations: Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, Vanuatu, Papua New Guinea, New Zealand, and Australia. Since 2000, the Australian Government has provided PA with financial assistance to service its Paralympic commitments in the Oceania region.
PA provides support to sporting organisations and individuals with a disability through:
- A Universal Design Guide for creating Inclusive Sport in Australia, Paralympics Australia, (2024). This Guide can act as a valuable reference for sports representative bodies adopting inclusive practices, as well as sports clubs and venues that want to get started on the journey. It addresses structural, process and attitudinal barriers to inclusivity and universal design and comprises: Definitions of accessibility, inclusivity and universal design; How to adopt an inclusive mindset and language; Motivating case studies; Focus activities for universal design; Practical guides for: hosting a universal design kick-off meeting, developing inclusive strategy, producing accessible documentation, and designing accessible inclusive digital experiences. A ‘living document’, through user testing, the guide will be refined and updated as Paralympics Australia builds its presence and activity to make Australian sport accessible and inclusive.
- Classification. PA is responsible for implementing the International Paralympic Committee’s Athlete Classification Code, which details the relevant policies and procedures common across Paralympic sports. They work with National Sporting Organisation partners to create opportunities for athletes to access accurate and quality classification at the relevant point in their sporting pathway.
- Classification Fundamentals online course. Launched in 2022 in partnership with Sport Integrity Australia. Key topics include who can compete in Para-sport, how classification works, and the reasons why fairness and safety in classification is paramount.
- Get Involved in Para-sports. Participants can register to attend Para-sport Come and Try Days or register to Get Classified.
- Australian Paralympic Education Program provides free curriculum-linked resources for Australian school students along with ideas to support the Australian Paralympic Team. Includes resources for teachers, students and the 'Paralympians in schools' program.
- Indigenous PWD and Sport. This web-section provides information and resources to help reduce/prevent chronic disease and promote health and physical activity awareness and opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) people with disability.
- Paralympic Speakers Program. Paralympic athletes have powerful stories about how resilience, teamwork, and commitment can overcome adversity. This program allows Paralympic athletes to share their story and inspire others.
- Paralympic Workplace Diversity Program. Designed to help place past and present para-athletes into employment. Paralympic Employment Providers offer flexible work environments and meaningful career opportunities specific to the skills, experience and career goals of each participant.
- Building Employer Confidence program. Funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services and in collaboration with industry leaders, aims to encourage understanding and appreciation of athletes with disabilities in work environments. A comprehensive suite of valuable tools and resources has been developed to help employers build inclusive workplaces and to assist Para-athletes in finding meaningful employment.
- Australian Paralympic History Project. Aims to capture, manage, and preserve the history of the Paralympic movement in Australia in a way that is relevant, accessible and places the Paralympic movement within its broader social context.
- Australian Paralympic Hall of Fame. Established in 2011 to recognise the achievements of individuals who have made a significant contribution to Australian success at the Paralympic Games; enhanced the profile and understanding of Paralympic sport and Paralympic athletes in Australia; and promote the role of the Paralympic movement in the development of Australian sport and society.
- Para-sport Equipment Fund. A joint initiative of PA and the Australian Sports Commission designed to address one of the most significant challenges faced by para-athletes and programs – the costs associated with obtaining para-sport equipment, which in many cases must be customised for the participant. The primary focus is to support entry-level individuals and programs however, pathway para-athletes and programs may also be considered.
UQ partners with Paralympics Australia to put Brisbane on track for 2032 Gold, Paralympics Australia, (23 June 2023). Brisbane is set to become a hub for Paralympic sport with the announcement of a nationally significant partnership between The University of Queensland and Paralympics Australia.
Australian Government boosts Paralympic talent search for Brisbane 2032, Department of Health and Aged Care, (24 August 2023). To mark nine years until the 2032 Paralympic Games begin, $466,500 will be invested in Paralympic Australia’s Talent Identification and Pathway Entry program.
Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia
Riding for the Disabled Association of Australia. Formed in 1979 originally by agreement among five state riding associations, RDA Australia is a voluntary, nonprofit organisation. RDA Australia supports State and Associate Members to enable people living with disabilities or additional support needs to experience enjoyment, challenge, and a sense of achievement through equestrian activities.
- RDA Centres offer a Come and Try session so you can see if programs will meet your goals and expectations.
- RDA coaches are qualified through the RDA National Coach Training Program, recognised by the Australian Sports Commission. They have skills in horse management, safety, medical conditions, first aid, teaching and selection, and training of horses.
Short Statured Sport Australia
Short Statured Sport Australia (SSSA) is the official Sports Branch of the Short Statured People of Australia (SSPA). Short-statured people can participate and play in a number of sports taking into account the following factors:
- the type and nature of their condition of short stature
- their degree of mobility and flexibility
- their general fitness and lifestyle.
The SSSA will continue to promote and share the success of the Australia World Dwarf Games Team. Beyond the World Dwarf Games, the SSSA aims to enhance and grow the already successful sporting program within the SSPA.
Special Olympics Australia
Special Olympics Australia is part of a global inclusion movement using sport, health, education, and leadership programs every day around the world to end discrimination against and empower people with intellectual disabilities. Volunteers create accessible sports training, coaching, and competition opportunities which are offered in local communities throughout Australia. Some key programs and resources include:
- The Inclusive Sport in Schools program improves the health and wellbeing outcomes of students with an intellectual disability and autism through the delivery of inclusive sport and physical activity in a school setting. The program increases the skills of teachers, coaches, and volunteers to provide better programs for students, underpinned by the principles of physical literacy, creating meaningful experiences that demystify intellectual disability and promote lifelong participation in sport and physical activity.
- The Affiliate Program has been developed to support and acknowledge programs that strive to offer an inclusive environment for athletes with intellectual disabilities and/or autism. The program aims to build strong, long-term relationships between Special Olympics Australia and the sporting community by offering regular participation, competition pathways, training and skill-development for both athletes and coaches.
- The Inclusive Sport Academy online learning platform helps individuals to build their skills and abilities to deliver sporting programs for people with intellectual disabilities or autism. The platform provides a tailored, user-friendly learning experience for people with intellectual disabilities, teachers, coaches, tertiary students, and allied health professionals.
- Special Olympics Young Athletes is an early childhood play program for children with and without intellectual disabilities, ages 2 to 8 years old.
- Sporting Schools. Special Olympics Australia has partnered with national sporting organisations (NSOs) to deliver inclusive Sport Partner programs through Sporting Schools, creating meaningful experiences that promote lifelong participation in sport and physical activity. These Sport Partner programs are suitably adapted from mainstream Sporting Schools products for delivery to students with intellectual disability or autism and in special education environments.
- Sports include Australian football (NSW only); athletics; cricket; football; golf; gymnastics; rugby league; table tennis; tennis; and tenpin bowling.
Sport Inclusion Australia
Sport Inclusion Australia. Established in 1986 as AUSRAPID, Sport Inclusion Australia is a national sporting organisation (NSO) dedicated to the inclusion of people with an intellectual disability into the mainstream community, using sport as the medium. Sport Inclusion Australia works within the Australian sporting sector to assist sporting organisations and clubs with strategies that focus on ability and are based on social inclusion principles.
- Information on Sport Eligibility for Athletes with an Intellectual Impairment.
- Inclusion Organisations – Sport Inclusion Australia works with NSOs to address inclusive outcomes for the benefit of all athletes. NSOs who have developed Goals for Inclusion and become official members of SIA include Badminton Australia; Bowls Australia; Cricket Australia; Golf Australia; Gymnastics Australia; Motorsport Australia; Swimming Australia; Softball Australia; Table Tennis Australia; Tennis Australia; and Tenpin Bowling Australia.
- Inclusion resources – The following list of resources provide information about inclusion in sport.
Transplant Australia
Transplant Australia is a charity which supports transplant recipients and their families, people on the waiting list, donor families, living donors, healthcare professionals, and all those touched by organ and tissue donation. They lead programs which encourage physical activity to increase survival rates in transplant recipients including:
- Fit for Life! An award-winning initiative to get more transplant recipients more active, more often. Fit for Life! was introduced by the World Transplant Games Federation in 2016 with a long-term goal of improving health outcomes for transplant recipients through moderate, regular physical activity. The program was developed because studies show that exercise and physical activity is linked to longer survival rates in transplant recipients.
- The Australian Transplant Games are held every two years. The Games provide living proof of the success of transplantation and encourage all Australians to discuss organ and tissue donation with their families. The Games cover a multitude of sports and recreational activities, giving individuals the opportunity to try sports they have not participated in before. The spirit of the Australian Transplant Games is to encourage individuals to be involved in a sporting competition, and to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Many competitors previously may not have been able to engage in any sort of sporting activity due to their illness. The quality and determination of competitors has led to many participants being selected to represent Australia at the World Transplant Games.
- Transplant sports. As the governor of transplant sports in Australia and a partner of the Australian Sports Commission Transplant Australia's role is to provide transplant recipients with fun and accessible sporting options.
- Transplant Australia has partnered with Swimming Australia and Athletics Australia to recognise transplant recipients under the multi-class sports program. This means that transplant recipients can now compete at a high or elite level of sport in consideration of their transplant.
- Transplant Australia Football Club. Since 2015 we have organised the club to play against other football (soccer) clubs across Australia.
Other Australian organisations
The Inclusion Club
The Inclusion Club is a non-profit health promotion charity established 2010 in Australia and the UK committed to the inclusion of people with disability in all aspects of sport and active recreation. They publish articles, podcasts, and other resources to educate and inform people about the different aspects of inclusion. All Inclusion Club articles and materials can be reproduced or distributed for free under a CCBY license.
Dylan Alcott Foundation
Dylan Alcott Foundation. A charitable organization to help enrich the lives of young people with disabilities by eliminating the barriers of entry to getting involved in sport and study through mentoring, grants, and scholarships.
Sport Access Foundation
Sport Access Foundation. Raises money which is distributed in the form of grants to children with disability, so they can participate in sporting activities.
Sport4All. Giving community sport clubs and schools the support and skills to include people with disability when, where, and how they choose.
Sports Medicine Australia
Considerations for Athletes with a Disability. This workshop focuses on a range of considerations that should be made when working with athletes with a disability, both universal and specific for those with a physical, intellectual, or sensory disability.
AllPlay – an initiative of the Deakin University Child Study Centre – is a place where parents, teachers, coaches, carers, and health professionals can access strengths and evidence-based resources and information to support children who experience developmental challenges or disabilities to fully participate at school and in the community where they play, move, get active, and be creative.
- AllPlay Move: Footy for Parents/Carers. Find out about what parents and carers can do to encourage children of all abilities to participate in NAB AFL Auskick.
- All Play Move: Footy for Coaches and Clubs. These resources will help you learn how to be an inclusive coach so that all children and young people can play, regardless of ability. You can find tips and strategies on how to modify your program and approach to coaching to fit the children and young people you work with. There are many simple changes that coaches can make to enable inclusion which will greatly improve the experience for all children, their families and the whole community.
The Disability Resource
The Disability Resource is a La Trobe University resource website designed for volunteers and staff who are involved in facilitating sport and active recreation experiences to gain an understanding of working for people with disabilities. The website can also be used for training programs and as an ongoing resource and reference guide for volunteers and staff. The website is divided into a number of sections:
- An overview of the programing options and philosophies that drive the delivery of sport and active recreation programs for people with disabilities in Victoria.
- Explains the skills required to work and volunteer in this field and the various responsibilities leaders will experience in providing sport and active recreation programs for people with disabilities.
- A summary of the major disabilities that leaders may encounter when working or volunteering in this area. For each disability there is a brief explanation of the causes and issues associated with having the disability and some information on programing constraints and other issues.
- Covers generic volunteer and staff management issues related to sport and active recreation programs.
- Provides a list of activities and resources available to volunteers to use.
- Outlines volunteer management for staff followed by further information sources and reference information.
Be Prepared! Sport and Active Recreation Programs for People with a Disability, Kappelides P, La Trobe University, (2014). This resource kit has been written for volunteers and staff who provide sport and active recreation programs for people with disabilities. It was developed with the support of Sport and Recreation Victoria.
State and Territory
State and territory
Australian Capital Territory (ACT)
Sport and Recreation
Sport and Recreation assists local sport and recreation providers and clubs to increase their capacity to provide participation opportunities for people with a disability. They help with the planning process, linking facilities with program partners, promoting good practices, identifying professional development opportunities, providing funding, and supporting grant recipients when required.
- Inclusive Participation Funding Program (accessed 3 December 2021). The primary objective of the IPFP is to increase participation opportunities in sport and recreation for the identified target populations, including people with a Disability. Funds can be used to implement new or improve existing sport programs; provide relevant training and education opportunities for employees; or purchase specialised equipment to increase sport and active recreation opportunities.
Sport and Recreation have Sports Ability kits available for schools, disability service providers and sport organisations in the ACT to borrow.
State and territory
New South Wales (NSW)
NSW Office of Sport
The Office of Sport provides information and resources to help support clubs to develop opportunities for people with disability to be involved in an inclusive environment.
Sport NSW
Sport NSW is an independent not-for-profit organisation, representing NSW sporting organisations as The Voice of Sport to raise and respond to issues that impact on all levels of sport and to foster the future development of sport in New South Wales.
- Active Abilities series, Sport NSW, (accessed 3 December 2021). Sport NSW is delighted to announce the launch of the Active Abilities Series – by people with a disability, for people with a disability. During the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sport NSW, identified the scarcity of specific online exercise content for people with a disability – despite the increasing options for able-bodied people. Sport NSW collaborated with Rachelle Sultana, Head Exercise Physiologist at Healthstin, seven incredible NSW and Australian representative athletes from across the physical, sensory and intellectual disability spectrum, and the team from Hustle Media to create workout sessions for people with disabilities. The Program features three levels: 10-minute introductory, 15-minute intermediate and 30-minute sport participant exercises that are designed for the range of disabilities
- Activate Inclusion Sports Days, Sport NSW/Variety - the children's charity NSW, (accessed 3 December 2021). Activate Inclusion Sports Days are designed to promote the pathways for inclusion programs in the Local Council area and encourage students to continue participating in sport and active recreation on a regular basis.
NSW Department of Education
- Disability and inclusion, School Sport Unit, (accessed 8 March 2022). Opportunities for students with disabilities to get involved in sports are available at various levels throughout the school sport structure, from participation to elite. The participatory (or provisional) level does not require classification, however, if an athlete wishes to compete at a regional, state, national or international level, they will need to gain classification through the appropriate sporting organisation.
State and territory
Northern Territory (NT)
Sport and Recreation
Sport and active recreation invests in and facilitates the development of sport and active recreation across the Northern Territory.
Total Recreation
Total Recreation was established in 1991 to acknowledge the major part that leisure plays in people's lives. People with a disability have the right to the same opportunities as other members of society to participate in sport and recreation activities.
State and territory
Queensland (QLD)
Queensland Government
Getting active. The Queensland Government provides a range of programs and activities that encourage people with disability to get involved in sport and physical activity.
Wanted: Innovative solutions to help people with disabilities to achieve their sporting potential. Small-to-medium sized innovation businesses are being challenged to develop new ways to improve sport participation rates and performance for people with disabilities.
Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association
Sporting Wheelies and Disabled Association. The mission of Sporting Wheelies is to engage, empower and develop people with a disability to live a more healthy, active and fulfilled life of their choosing. They run a variety of sports
programs, Exercise therapy, Inclusive school sports, and a peer support leadership program (Raising the bar - Game changers).
State and territory
South Australia (SA)
Office for Recreation, Sport and Racing
The Office of Recreation, Sport and Racing believes that an inclusive environment is one where everyone feels welcome and supported to participate and make a valued contribution. The Office manages grant funding and provides a range of initiatives to increase opportunities for people with disabilities to participate in sport.
Active Inclusion
Active Inclusion: Inclusive Sport SA. For over forty years, Active Inclusion has been a leading disability and inclusion support body in South Australia. Our mission is to continue supporting the South Australian community, individuals and families by delivering best practice inclusion and diversity programs and advice to local government, peak body organisations, businesses, local sporting clubs and recreation groups. Our aim is to create effective engagement opportunities and strategies between organisations, marginalised groups and the community to ensure a welcoming and inclusive environment for all.
- How inclusive are SA sport clubs? A study into the attitudes and behaviours of members from South Australian mainstream sporting clubs, Katrina Ranford, Inclusive Sport SA, (June 2019). In 2018 Inclusive Sport SA was successful in securing a two-year Information Linkages and Capacity Building Project funded by the National Disability Insurance Agency, with the agenda to increase capability of the sector and grow active participation of people with disability (PWD) in mainstream sporting clubs and associations. A pillar of this project saw the consultation with Sport bodies and their members to understand the current landscape with regard to inclusive practices and in particular including people with disability in mainstream sporting clubs. Some key findings include:
- While most sporting clubs have a good level of facilities for those with physical disabilities, less than 30 percent of local clubs are involved with “inclusion” related activities such as Inclusion Come N Try events or teams for PWD.
- Almost 60 percent of participants believe their club would have no idea where to start actively engaging PWD into their teams and club roles, with 88 percent wanting additional training for coaches and volunteers.
- It is clear that clubs do not know how to cater for PWD, 86 percent of respondents would see value in their club and SSO’s arranging more training for coaches and volunteers around inclusion.
- While three quarters of respondents support the participation of PWD in their sports’ competition, when asked if including a PWD in a game would negatively affect the quality of a club game, an alarming 43 percent noted that it would in some regard. This suggests that inclusion in principal is highly regarded and communicated, however when ‘inclusion’ joins ‘your’ team it becomes a different story all together.
- If we want inclusion in sport and society to grow a three-point journey to success is recommended. This includes spending time looking at education and training for deliverers of sport and recreation; for the sector to take accountability of delivering an inclusive environment; and an increase in visibility of people with a disability fulfilling roles in our mainstream clubs. Only then will we shift the perception of PWD participating in mainstream club land from inspirational or odd to everyday, ordinary sporting life.
State and territory
Tasmania (TAS)
Active Tasmania
The Tasmanian Government Active Tasmania supports the sport and recreation sector to provide opportunities for people with disability to participate.
ParaQuad Tasmania
ParaQuad Tasmania. Physical disABILITY Sports Tasmania is a state-wide sport and recreation program facilitated by ParaQuad Tasmania. The program is specifically designed for people with spinal cord injury and physical disability and we welcome
all ages and abilities. Activities include: Wheelchair Aussie Rules, Wheelchair Basketball, Boccia, Putt Putt 18 mini golf, Wheelchair Sports in Schools, Powerchair sports, K -Sport, a program designed specifically for young people.
New Horizons Tasmania
New Horizons Tasmania has provided sport, recreational and social opportunities for local people with disability since 1986. Whether you’d like to try something different at your own pace, meet new people or even follow an elite sporting
pathway, New Horizons can help YOU reap all the vital benefits that an active lifestyle brings! Membership is open to people with any disability (intellectual, physical, spectrum disorders, anxiety disorders and more), from ages 5 and up and their families.
State and territory
Victoria (VIC)
Sport and Recreation
Access for All Abilities is a Victorian Government initiative coordinated by Sport and Recreation Victoria. The program supports and develops inclusive sport and recreation opportunities for people with a disability throughout Victoria. The program funds organisations to work at a community level to develop inclusive sport and recreation opportunities for people of all abilities. Clubs working in partnership with the Program can increase membership numbers and participation, and sporting competitions can enjoy more diversity. This promotes greater levels of inclusiveness, livability, improved health outcomes and a stronger sense of belonging in local communities.
The Victorian Government has also developed a series of resources and guidelines promoting Universal Design principles. The concept of Universal Design is to simplify life for everyone by making the built environment more usable to as many users as possible. It is separate from accessible design as Universal Design is based on the equitable use of a facility and social inclusion and not the measurement of accessible design features and meeting minimum legislative requirements. Applied holistically to a building without an alternative for different groups, Universal Design addresses issues of having a different approach for different users, which not only improves and simplifies the way a facility is used but also eliminates user segregation to maximise participation by users of all abilities.
- Design for Everyone Guide, Sport and Recreation Victoria, (2017). A practical resource to assist the planning, design and development of inclusive sport and recreation facilities.
Vicsport are the peak body for sport and active recreation in Victoria and work closely with the Victorian Government to promote the many benefits sport has to offer. Vicsport has developed a suite of new resources specifically designed to help SSA CEOs, Presidents and Board Members understand the importance of creating a sporting environment that is welcoming for people with disabilities. The resources have been divided into three digital platforms that are easily accessible and available to download for your reference.
- Are You On Board? Universal Design, Vicsport, (2016). Vicsport’s Are You On Board? campaign makes the case for Victorian sport organisations to do more to be inclusive of people with a disability. Universal Design is a design philosophy that ensures that products, buildings, environments and experiences are innately accessible to as many people as possible, regardless of their age, level of ability, cultural background, or any other differentiating factors that contribute to the diversity of our communities.
- Are You On Board? Call to Action, Vicsport, (2016). Are you ready to act? First, do your homework; help your staff and members learn too; talk about disability inclusion and keep talking; make inclusion part of your core business; get support and give support.
- Are You On Board? - Accessible Sport Programs, Vicsport, YouTube, (1 February 2018). How sporting organisations can implement systems and procedures to welcome people with disabilities.
Access for all Abilities
Access for All Abilities (AAA Play), Reclink Australia, (accessed 29 November 2021). Provides a dedicated referral and connection service for people with a disability to sports and recreational opportunities in Victoria.
Disability Sport and Recreation
Disability Sport and Recreation is an organisation that supports Victorians living with disability be active by providing greater choice, access and participation. Some key resources include:
- NDIS Sports Guide, (accessed 26 November 2021). Have you been approved for the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)? Are you waiting for your planning meeting or reviewing your NDIS plan? Would you like to include sport or recreational activities in your plan? The following steps will guide you through the things you need to think about when preparing for your planning meeting.
- Seeing Capability Before Disability: a guide for employers in sport to attract and retain women with disability, (2019). Sport and recreation organisations looking to provide employment and leadership opportunities for women with disability can sometimes find it difficult to know where to start.
State and territory
Western Australia (WA)
Sport and Recreation
The Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries, Sport and Recreation works to ensure organisations can meet the needs of people with disability, their families and carers. They provide funding and consultancy services to support the modification of programs so that everyone can participate.
- The Targeted Participation Program (TPP) provides funding for organisations to promote participation and active engagement of Western Australian communities in sport and active recreation. The focus is on evidence-based low participation groups including people with disability.
Department of Communities
A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030. On 3 December 2020, the State Government launched a 10-year whole-of-community vision to protect, uphold and advance the rights of people with disability living in Western Australia. The Strategy) sets the foundation for building a more inclusive Western Australia, empowering people with disability to participate meaningfully in all parts of society and to have the resources to do so.
- Sport and recreation are highlighted as a strategic priority under the Inclusive Communities pillar. Through the Strategy, community groups and organisations will be supported to be more inclusive of people with disability by creating more opportunities for everyone to participate in activities and events alongside each other. The aim is to move beyond participation, which may involve separate teams or clubs for people with disability, to integration and inclusion, where everyone has the opportunity to be involved, can choose how they participate and can progress into any skill appropriate team regardless of disability.
WA Disabled Sports Association
WADSA empowers people living with a disability through meaningful participation in sport, recreation and a range of fun disability services across WA.
International competitions
At the Stoke Mandeville Hospital in England, Dr Ludwig Guttmann encouraged sport as a vehicle to assist in the rehabilitation of soldiers with spinal cord injuries. It wasn’t long before the desire for formalised competition led to the first annual Stoke Mandeville Games in 1948. The Stoke Mandeville Games grew to include international teams from 1952 onward, and in 1960 they were moved from England to Rome, Italy and held following the Olympic Games. These Games became recognised as the first Paralympic Games.
During a visit to Perth in 1956, Guttmann challenged the head of Australia’s first spinal unit, George Bedbrook, to bring an Australian team to the Stoke Mandeville Games. Bedbrook, who is credited as the father of Paralympic sport in Australia, accepted the challenge and in 1957 the first Australian Team of athletes with a disability competed overseas. All team members except one came from the Royal Perth Hospital’s spinal injuries unit.
Australian athletes attended the first Paralympic Games in Rome in 1960, establishing a tradition of unbroken Paralympic participation by Australia. The 1962 Commonwealth Paraplegic Games in Perth became the first multi-sport international disability games held in Australia. The event raised the profile of people with disabilities and their achievements through sport. A biennial Australian Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Games was established in 1960 as the first domestic multi-sport competition to provide opportunities for interstate competition and serve as a vehicle for selection onto teams for the Paralympic Games and the Commonwealth Paraplegic Games.
In 1975, the FESPIC Games for countries in Asia and the Pacific replaced the defunct Commonwealth Paraplegic Games for Australian athletes. In 1977 the Australian Paraplegic and Quadriplegic Sports Federation hosted the FESPIC Games in Sydney. This was the last major international multi-sport event for athletes with a disability held in Australia until the 2000 Paralympic Games.
The second Paralympic Games were held in Tokyo in 1964 following the Olympic Games, but the Paralympic Games were not conducted in the Olympic Games host city again until 1988 in Seoul. During this period the Paralympic Games grew from wheelchair athletes to include vision impaired athletes and amputees (1976), and athletes with cerebral palsy (1980). The Paralympic Winter Games were also introduced in 1976.
By 2020 the Paralympic Games had grown to more than 4,400 athletes and the same organisational structure was being used for both the Olympics and the Paralympics. With the growth of the Paralympic Games, a range of Paralympic and non-Paralympic sports were adapted for people with disabilities and new events and sports developed.

The Commonwealth Games Federation is responsible for the direction and control of the Commonwealth Games and Commonwealth Youth Games, and for delivering on the vision of the Commonwealth Sports Movement: to build peaceful, sustainable and prosperous communities globally by inspiring Commonwealth Athletes to drive the impact and ambition of all Commonwealth Citizens through Sport.
Events for Athletes with a Disability were first included on the Commonwealth Games programme as an exhibition sport at the 1994 Victoria Commonwealth Games in Canada. At the 2002 Commonwealth Games in Manchester, para-athletes were fully integrated into their national teams, making them the first fully inclusive international multi-sport Games.
Unlike other major sporting events, the para-sport programme at the Commonwealth Games is fully integrated. This means there is no separate event or ticket for para-sport events, and a medal won by a para-athlete in the Men's T54 Wheelchair 1500m, contributes to a nation's medal tally in exactly the same way as the Men's 1500m.
Currently, the sport programme of the Commonwealth Games must, at a minimum, consist of the following compulsory para-sports (disciplines) – Aquatics (Swimming Para), Athletics (Para), Lawn Bowls (Para) and Powerlifting (Para).
Commonwealth Games Australia is a member-based organisation (members are the NSOs representing the sports participating in Commonwealth Games) affiliated with the CGF. It administers, controls and coordinates the participation of program sports and their respective athletes and officials in the Commonwealth Games.
The International Committee of Sports for the Deaf (ICSD) is the main governing body responsible for the organization of Deaflympics and other World Deaf Championships.
Founded in 1924 and known as the CISS (Comité International des Sports des Sourds), the ICSD is now approaching the century mark of being the organization behind the building, evolving and fortifying the tradition of inviting deaf/hard of hearing elite athletes from all of the world to come together not only to compete in their respective sports, but to also develop comradeships between their countries.
Deaf Sports Australia is affiliated with the ICSD, and recognised as the national peak body responsible for providing advice, services, support and network with other governments, businesses, sporting bodies and the communities surrounding deaf and mainstream sports involving its deaf and hard of hearing athletes in Australia.
Invictus Games Foundation through the Invictus Games uses the power of sport to inspire recovery, support rehabilitation and generate a wider understanding and respect for wounded, injured and sick Servicemen and women.
The Invictus Games Foundation was established following the success of the Invictus Games 2014. HRH The Duke of Sussex and the organising committee of the London Games always hoped that they would be the beginning of the ‘Invictus’ story and that other cities and countries around the world would take up the challenge. The Invictus Games Foundation is the owner of the brand and the selector of future Host Cities. It exists to ensure that the Invictus Games continue to adhere to the high standards that have been set. It is responsible for sport and competition management, rules and categorisations and branding. The Foundation is also the final arbiter on the inclusion of additional sports and Participating Nations.
The inaugural Invictus Games created a blueprint for inspiring many more ‘wounded warriors’ on their journey of recovery. For every competitor that took part in 2014 there are many more who would benefit from having the same opportunity.
Invictus Australia is affiliated with the Invictus Games Foundation and works to carry on the legacy of the 2018 Sydney Invictus Games every day in local communities, as all veterans and their families can benefit from involvement with sporting communities, particularly ‘at risk’ veterans.
Special Olympics International is a global movement of people creating a new world of inclusion and community for person with intellectual disability, where every single person is accepted and welcomed. Intellectual disabilities happen in all cultures, races and countries. The goal of Special Olympics is to reach out to the almost 200 million people in the world with intellectual disability through sports.
Since the first Special Olympics International Games in 1968, the world has transcended the boundaries of geography, nationality, political philosophy, gender, age, culture, and religion to come together every two years for the Special Olympics World Games. Alternating between summer and winter, the World Games have become the flagship event of the Special Olympics movement and have grown to be an international demonstration of inclusion, acceptance, and unity.
Special Olympics also provides year-round sports training and athletic competition in a variety of Olympic-type sports for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. These events provide continuing opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy, and participate in a sharing of gifts, skills, and friendship with the world.
- Unified Schools Resources. These resources aim to support students, educators, coaches, and other members of our globally community in furthering inclusion in education through Unified Schools programming.
- Youth Leadership Resources. These resources aim to support Special Olympics Youth Leaders, adult mentors, and other members of our global community in leading the way for a more inclusive future
- Briefs and Case Studies. The Global Center for Inclusion in Education publishes research and policy briefs that illuminate our work on inclusion in education, along with case studies showcasing the exemplary work of Special Olympics staff, coaches, volunteers, athletes, and youth.
- Spread the Word. Find all of the tools you need to host year-round your own Spread the Word Inclusion event.
Special Olympics Australia is part of the global sporting community for people with an intellectual disability recognised as the national peak body working to create accessible sports training, coaching and competition opportunities which are offered week-in and week-out in local communities throughout Australia.
The Virtus Global Games is the pinnacle event for athletes with an intellectual impairment, to compete in elite sports. It is specifically designed to be conducted every four years, in the preceding year to the Paralympics.
Formed in 1986, Virtus (formerly INAS) has grown from 14 members to a membership of more 500,000 athletes from more than 90 nations across the world throughout Europe, Africa, Asia, North and South/Central America and Oceania.
In 2020, the Virtus sports programme included 15 annual events across both summer and winter sports with more than 7,000 athletes registered to compete at an international level.
Virtus is the recognised International Organisation of Sport for people with a Disability (IOSD), governing the eligibility of athletes with an intellectual impairment, elite competition and sport development. Over the next decade to 2030, Virtus is committed to advocating inclusion in sport, and building elite pathways for more athletes with an intellectual impairment to compete at the highest levels of international sport.
Sport Inclusion Australia is affiliated with the Virtus, and recognised as the national peak body assisting the inclusion of people with an intellectual disability into the mainstream community using sport as the medium.
World Abilitysport was formed after the merger of the International Wheelchair and Amputee Sports Federation (IWAS) and the Cerebral Palsy International Sports and Recreation Association (CPISRA).
A biennial event featuring multiple sports, the Games aim to give aspiring athletes their first taste of international competition and older athletes the chance to continue competing.
Athletes can compete in under 23, open and Masters (over 40 years) categories.
All World Abilitysport Games are individually tailored to each Local Organising Committee objectives and resources and can include all or a selection of the traditional Games sports: archery, athletics, powerlifting, shooting, swimming, table tennis, wheelchair fencing, wheelchair rugby, and volleyball.
All of the sports are well established on the Paralympic Games programme, offering athletes the chance to experience international competition before they face their peers on the biggest stage of them all.
Established in 1978, the World Transplant Games Federation is a worldwide organisation with representation from more than 60 countries that celebrates successful transplantation and the gift of life through unique and inspiring events – namely the Summer and Winter World Transplant Games. Through various initiatives they aim to highlight the importance of physical activity and healthy lifestyle in the long term management and well being of transplant recipients.
The World Transplant Games give recipients the motivation to strive towards full rehabilitation through exercise, camaraderie and healthy living. They also provide them with a way of saying ‘thank you’ to those who made it all possible – the donors, their families, health professionals, researchers and carers… Without them, there would be nobody on the starting line.
Transplant Australia is affiliated with the World Transport Games, and recognised as the national peak body encouraging physical activity and sporting options to increase survival rates in transplant recipients including: Fit for Life! and the Australian Transplant Games. The 23rd World Transplant Games are due to take place in Perth, Western Australia, 15 - 21 April 2023.
Diversity and Inclusion, Athletics Australia, (accessed 7 December 2021). Has information and resources for participants with physical impairments; deaf and hard of hearing; blind and low vision; and intellectual impairment or autism.
- New partnership to boost Australian para-athletics, Athletics Australia, (4 May 2021). A new partnership between Athletics Australia (AA) and Australia’s national disability sporting organisations is set to help athletes with a disability maximise sporting opportunities available across the country. The Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) will see the formation of the Athletics Australia Disability Inclusion Group, comprising of AA and the following sporting organisations: Paralympics Australia; Sport Inclusion Australia; Special Olympics Australia; Disability Sports Australia; Short Statured Sport Australia; Blind Sports Australia; Deaf Sports Australia.
RaceRunning Australia (RROZ) is the not for profit organisation established through Disability Sports Australia (DSA) to promote, coordinate and build the disability athletics sport of Frame Running in Australia. RaceRunning is a sport for people with cerebral palsy, arthritis affected and amputees. RaceRunning gives disabled people who otherwise can only get around in an electric wheelchair, a manual wheelchair or in a walker the ability to move by themselves. With a RaceRunner, even people with heavy disabilities may experience the feeling of running. The RaceRunner was invented in Denmark in 1991. Now there are currently 30 countries internationally with registered RaceRunning participants. Australia is currently in the third wave of countries developing RaceRunning.
- RaceRunning: the fleet-of-foot sport that’s helping kids with cerebral palsy, University of South Australia, (22 November 2021). Every 20 hours, an Australian child is born with cerebral palsy (CP), a neurodevelopmental disability that affects their motor movements, such as the ability to walk, run and maintain balance. A lifelong condition with no known cure, children with cerebral palsy can find it difficult to participate in sports and physical activities with their school peers, which can affect their confidence and self-esteem. Now, a new study from the University of South Australia is exploring the potential of a unique sport – RaceRunning – to help children with CP improve their movement, social connections, and mental health.
- Race Running,, YouTube, (21 June 2019). Meet Arran, a young man living with cerebral palsy who wants to run and compete like any child his age. RaceRunning has allowed Arran to move from being a spectator in athletics to being an athlete, a competitor, a winner.
Achilles Australia facilitate training and participation in running and walking events in a supportive social environment where people with disabilities can achieve life changing goals.
Australian Football
Disability Inclusion programs, Australian Football League. Work to ensure people with disability across the country have the opportunity to participate in Australian Football. Whether that be learning how to play through NAB AFL Auskick, playing community football with your mates or representing your state or territory at a National Carnival.
The AFL National Inclusion Carnival is an annual representative carnival for athletes with an intellectual disability, with every state and territory represented. The carnival not only provides Australia’s most talented footballers the chance to represent their State/Territory, but is also an opportunity to showcase the significant abilities of footballers with an intellectual disability to the broader community.
AllPlay Footy Is a joint initiative between the AFL and Deakin University where we have developed resources with the aim to see more kids with disabilities participating in NAB AFL Auskick, through changing the communities attitude towards participation of children with disability.
AFL Blind. AFL Blind is an adapted version of Australian Football that enables people with blindness or low vision to play our great game. The game is played indoors to support players who rely on their hearing to track the ball, where the ball is equipped with speakers which push out a continuous sound. Goal umpires use rattle shakers when the football enters the scoring zone so players can identify the location of the goal.
AFL Deaf. Partnering with Deaf Sports Australia to test and develop a modified version of our game, specifically for people who are deaf and hard of hearing. We’re working with the community to design the game they want, with a key focus on developing communication cues to support player and umpire interactions.
AFL Wheelchair. AFL Wheelchair was created in partnership with Disability Sports Australia and the Australian Defence Force to provide footballers the opportunity to play a competitive game of football, with or without a disability. Games are played between two teams of five in wheelchairs, plus interchange players. It’s played on a rectangular indoor court divided into thirds (like netball), with goal posts at either end.
Deaf Sport Australia launches an NAB AFL Auskick Deaf program in Perth, Deaf Sports Australia. The project aims are to develop and implement strategies, to change and improve AFL participation at all levels including playing footy, being a coach or official or a fan. Shortly, Deaf Sports Australia will trial an AFL Deaf 9’s competition to assess if this could be a pathway to the AFL Inclusion program in the future.
Starkick. Western Australian Football Commission program all-abilities Australian football program that caters for boys and girls 5 to 17 years of age. Children who by circumstance or choice, who may be unable or unwilling to participate in a traditional sporting team environment, are provided the support and resources they require to enable them to participate and most importantly - have fun! Starkick aims to cater for all disabilities, and runs with the simple mantra - 'if you want to play, we'll find a way'.
The all-inclusive AFL Blind is giving the vision impaired an opportunity to play the game they love, Julie Dickson, ABC News, (25 December 2022). Bridget Jolley has always loved watching AFL and has always wanted to play, but — up until four years ago — she had never had the opportunity.
Para-Badminton. Is a sport which can be played by both men and women of any age with a physical impairment. It is a growing sport that is attracting more and more participants every year both competitively and socially.
Athletes are classified into "Sport Classes" to ensure fairness in competition. Para-Badminton classifies athletes into 6 sporting classes.
- Wheelchair Sport Classes – WH1 and WH2
- Standing Sport Classes – SL3, SL4 and SU5
- Short Stature Sport Class – SS6
Preamble/Statement of commitment, Baseball Australia. The Australian Baseball Federation supports the right of people with disabilities to be involved in all facets of baseball, including full and equitable participation in grass roots to elite level baseball, in both a playing and non-playing role.
Wheelchair basketball. An initiated in the late 1940’s when basketball players returned from World War II to the U.S.A unable to play able-bodied basketball adapted the rules to enable it to be played in wheelchairs. Wheelchair basketball is currently hailed as the fastest-growing sport for athletes with a disability.
- Coaching Wheelchair Basketball, Basketball Australia, (2018).
Wheelchair leagues Tournament. The Wheelchair Leagues Tournament was modeled after Basketball Australia’s (BA) successful National Championships model, where all teams travel to one location to compete in the Championships. The model allows BA to create a festival around wheelchair basketball, bringing clubs around the country to one place to battle for the Championships. All clubs will compete in the group phase and qualify for a chance to claim the title.
Suncoast Spinners Wheelchair Basketball (QLD). Provides inclusive wheelchair sport to the Sunshine Coast community and greater region. Caters for physically disabled and able-bodied athletes in the sport of Wheelchair Basketball and Wheelchair Rugby. Reverse Inclusion aims to deliver a truly inclusive sporting opportunity where people of all abilities can play sport together on an equal playing field (court). The importance of access to sport and the benefits of inclusion practices within the wider community are major awareness.
HoopNow (VIC). Runs Group and 1 on 1 Programs across Victoria. It aims is to create a safe and supportive environment that allows for children with developmental challenges to participate to the best of their ability. We designed a program that works to develop both the skills and social engagement of the participants, allowing them to thrive.
- A new program is helping young people with special needs to play basketball, Denis Curnow, SBS News, (25 October 2020). In just a few months, Melbourne’s HoopNow has signed up more than 35 families and five special needs schools. Its co-founder tells SBS News there’s more to the project than learning to play sport.
WBA Launches New Era of Wheelchair Basketball, Basketball Australia, (15 March 2024). Wheelchair Basketball Australia to drive growth of the National Wheelchair Basketball League (NWBL) and the Women's National Wheelchair Basketball League (WNWBL).
Boccia Australia. Is recognised by BISFed (Boccia International Sports Federation) and the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) as the organisation responsible for Boccia in Australia. The sport made it's debut as a Paralympic sport in 1984. Originally played by athletes with cerebal palsy, Boccia now includes athletes with other disabilities which affect motor skills. Boccia is also widely played as an educational and recreational game, particularly in schools. At Paralympic level, Boccia is one of only two sports which do not have an Olympic counterpart (Goalball being the other).
Inclusion, Bowls Australia. Participation in sport and recreation provides positive physical, mental and social health outcomes for all people, and is equally as beneficial for those with a physical and/or intellectual impairment. Provides links to various resources to help build inclusive clubs and organisations, as well as quick video case studies.
- World Bowls Champs adds para events to programme, Bowls Australia, (10 March 2022). World Bowls (WB), in conjunction with Bowls Australia (BA), will incorporate the same para events that will be held at the 2022 Commonwealth Games in Birmingham for next year’s tournament. The announcement further enhances the diversity and inclusion of bowls, and continues to place bowls in the top echelon of inclusive sports across the globe.
Open Bowls, Bowls Australia. Open Bowls is defined as a competition that does not discriminate based on gender, age, religion, race, culture, disability or any other trait. For example, where a competition allows for both genders to participate in an event concurrently, open competition does not need to be staged.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Strategy, Bowls Australia. Connecting more people to bowls - in more ways - more often.
Blind Bowls Australia. The Australian Blind Bowlers Association (ABBA) is the National peak body for the administration of the Sport of Lawn Bowls for Blind & Vision Impaired Bowlers.
- Blind and Low Vision Lawn Bowls beginners guide to coaching and directing, Blind Sports Australia, (2024). Created by Blind Sports Australia, in collaboration with Australian Blind Bowls Association (ABBA) and Bowls Australia (BA) this resource will assist potential coaches, clubs, and directors to learn more about BLV Bowls and how to get involved and support potential and existing bowlers to participate in the sport at various levels.
Diversity and Inclusion: Disability, Cricket Australia. Cricket Australia are committed to using education to create a safe environment for people with a disability to watch and play cricket. Through partnerships with Inclusion Solutions, Deaf Sport Australia, Deaf Cricket Australia, Sport Inclusion Australia and Blind Cricket Australia, we are focused on continuing to develop strategies and commit to actions to ensure inclusion and belonging are the first feelings experienced by anyone connecting with the game of cricket for the first time.
- National Cricket Inclusion Championships. Annually in January Cricket Australia hosts the National Cricket Inclusion Championships that brings together State teams across three divisions – Blind and Low Vision, Deaf and Hard of Hearing and Cricketers with an Intellectual Disability.
- Inclusion solutions. As a trusted inclusion partner for Cricket Australia, Inclusion Solutions deliver workshops and mentoring to community and premier cricket clubs across Australia.
Autism in Cricket. The Autism in Cricket program is for everyone who is passionate about inclusion in sport. The program is designed to break down barriers to participation and support individuals with Autism to get involved in their local cricket club. The team at the Autism Association are here to support you to join and be a player in your local club or to become a part of your club community in other roles.
Blind Cricket. The game of Blind Cricket in Australia is administered and controlled at a National level by Blind Cricket Australia (BCA) and at a State level by respective State BCA affiliate members. A side is made up of four totally blind (B1's), three partially blind (B2's) and four partially sighted (B3's). Each sight category has a 12th person (14 players in total).
- Blind Cricket Beginners Guide to Coaching, Blind Sports Australia, (2024). An invaluable resource for people wanting to coach blind cricket or incorporate into school activities or at club level.
Deaf Cricket. Is the oldest deaf sport in Australian Deaf History, the first interstate cricket match was taken place with Victoria and South Australia in 1894. Deaf Cricket Australia (formerly named Australian Deaf Cricket Association) is the one of the longest Deaf sport organisations in Australia. We provide National and International cricket matches, we provide support for the Australia Team and we are a non profit organisation.
- What about deaf women? How one mum changed cricket, Adam Burnett,, (23 September 2021). Through passion, perseverance and an unwavering dedication, Melissa Hale has made Australia's summer sport more inclusive for deaf women and girls all across the country.
Other programs
- Cricket’s for everyone at Blowfly Cricket Club, Good Sports, (13 January 2022). Blowfly Cricket Club is based in Hornsby, north of Sydney. They make it their mission for everyone to be able to participate in an Aussie favourite game. Blowfly Cricket is designed with players with intellectual disabilities in mind. When Mark and the team started the Blowfly program, all the players got their own whistle so that they could make noise and have a good time. When it was each child’s turn to bowl, they’d blow a whistle to get everyone’s attention. Then as they came through, they had to try to swat the blowfly stencil that was printed out on the stumps. “So, you’ve got the visual, audio and tactile elements. Everything’s for a reason. I firmly believe, you got to make it a lot of fun. It’s the noisiest sports game you’ve ever heard. It’s organised chaos!” laughs Mark.
Para-cycling. Para-cycling/handcycling uses traditional cycling rules. The only difference relates to equipment regulations. Cyclists are allocated a specific bike depending on their level of functionality.
There are 4 types of bikes.
- Tandems: used by athletes who are visually impaired.
- Handcycles: used by quadriplegics, paraplegics or amputees of one or both lower limbs.
- Tricycles: used by athletes with a brain injury who need more stability due to their limitation.
- Standard bikes: used by athletes with a mild brain injury, amputation or any other form of disability of their upper or lower limbs.
Adaptive Mountain Biking. Off-road handcycling is one form of Adaptive Mountain Biking. It is focused on riders who have limitations riding a standard, up-right, leg powered mountain bike.
Dance Sport
Para (wheelchair) Dance Sport. Participants can compete combi style, dancing with an able bodied (standing) partner, or duo dance for two wheelchair users together. Group dance involves wheelchair users only or together with able-bodied partners whereas single dance sees a wheelchair user dance alone.
Dragon Boat
Paradragons. Paradragons are dragon boat paddlers who are living with some form of physical, psychological, neurological, sensory, developmental, or intellectual impairment.
AusDBF Making Waves of Change, Disability Sports Australia, (22 August 2023). Disability Sports Australia (DSA) and Australian Dragon Boat Federation (AusDBF) are steering towards a journey of accessibility. The strategic collaboration falls under DSA's Sports Incubator program, designed to empower sporting organisations to enhance inclusive pathways for individuals with disability.
Para-Equestrian. Para-Equestrian is Equestrian Sport for people with a classifiable physical or visual impairment. Para-Dressage and Para-Driving are recognised sports by the FEI. Para-Jumping and Para-Reining are gaining momentum in Europe, the USA and UK.
Riding for Disabled Associated Australia (RDAA). RDA Australia the peak body for equestrian sport for people with disabilities. RDA Programs cater to participants living with a wide range of intellectual and physical disabilities, starting from 3 years of age.
Parafencing. Parafencing is a dynamic and exciting adaptive form of the sport, using a frame attached to the piste for wheelchair stability and to provide a fixed distance between fencers.
Inclusion, This page aims to help connect people living with a physical and/or intellectual disability with the game and encourage active participation. Simply select your region from options below to learn about how you can experience the World Game.
Australian Blind Football. Australian Blind Football is an initiative of Blind Sports Australia and is working with Football Federation Australia (FFA) to be the recognised national pathway by for people who are blind or vision impaired to play football for Australia. There are two versions of the game of blind football. Blind football (B1 or 5 a side football) is played by athletes who are totally blind. Vision impaired futsal (partially sighted futsal) is played by athletes who are vision impaired.
- Australian Blind Football 4 All, or ABF4ALL aims to increase grassroots participation in football by people who are blind or partially sighted, regardless of age, gender or ability. In 2021 Australian Blind Football is partnering with community football clubs and State Football Federations in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney, with the aim to expand its reach over the coming years into other areas, including Tasmania, Northern Territory, Canberra, Northern New South Wales and North Queensland.
- Resources including ABF4ALL Handbook, coaching manuals, rules, classification and videos.
Australian Powerchair Football Association (APFA). The Australian Powerchair Football Association was established in 2010 and provides access to the team sport of Powerchair Football. Powerchair football is a modified version of soccer for electric wheelchair users. It is played in a gymnasium on a regulation basketball court. There are two teams of four players (including the goal keeper). The objective is to score more goals than the opposing team. In providing this access, we allow athletes the opportunity to take their sport to higher levels of competition from local events to regional, state, national and international events.
Deaf Football Australia. Deaf Football Australia (DFA) are the peak body for Deaf and Hearing Impaired Football in Australia.
7-A-Side Football. Originally called Cerebral Palsy football the sport now includes athletes with other brain injuries and similar conditions. In Australia the sport began in 1998 with the Cerebral Palsy Australian Sport & Recreation Federation (CPASRF) and Paralympics Australia (then Australian Paralympic Committee) decided to for a 7-aside football team to compete at the Sydney 2000 Paralympics.
Wheelchair Football (VIC). Wheelchair Football is a modified version of the beautiful game that allows anyone the opportunity to play in a friendly, supportive and inclusive environment. It provides people with physical and multiple disabilities the opportunity to compete in a team sport, and is open to anyone who uses a wheelchair – electric or manual, independently or assisted. Players are able to have support on court if needed to push their chair, and can use their feet to kick the ball or their chair to propel the ball.
Futsal Fives (ACT). ‘Futsal Fives’ introduces everyone to the five-a-side indoor version of football in a fun, fast-paced and friendly environment. Futsal Fives runs for seven weeks and is open to players with para and/or intellectual disability and requires no previous experience. Participants take part in skills, activities and games.
All Abilities League (VIC). The All Abilities League is designed for players with a disability, enabling them to play football in a safe and inclusive environment.
Goalball. Is the premier team sport for athletes with a vision impairment, with the pinnacle of the Paralympic Games. Goalball Australia is the national sporting organisation for the sport in Australia recognised by Blind Sports Australia, Paralympics Australia and the International Blind Sports Federation (IBSF). A national goalball competition has been held in Australia annually since 1981 for senior men and senior women. A junior/youth division was added in 1993, though not included every year due to lack of numbers.
Disability Inclusion, Golf Australia. In collaboration with the PGA of Australia, Golf Australia continue to strive to make the game of golf more inclusive, with a focus on disability inclusion.
- Modified Rules for Players with a Disability, Golf Australia, (accessed 7 December 2021). As part of their governance of the game through writing and interpreting the Rules of Golf, the USGA and The R&A (in consultation with Golf Australia) have authorized a set of ‘Modified Rules for Players with Disabilities’. The goal of these Modified Rules is to allow a player with a disability to play fairly with players who have no disabilities, the same disability or different types of disabilities. The USGA and The R&A have received valuable input from the community of players with disabilities, disability organizations and other sources to identify modifications that are fair and appropriate from all perspectives. From a practical standpoint, players with certain disabilities often have the same or similar needs. Four such categories of disability have been identified:
- Players who are blind,
- Players who are amputees,
- Players who use assistive mobility devices, and
- Players with intellectual disabilities.
MyGolf All Abilities. Australia’s introductory golf program designed for kids with physical, sensory or intellectual disabilities who may not feel supported in mainstream MyGolf programs.
Get Into Golf All Abilities. Australia’s introductory golf program designed for adults with physical, sensory or intellectual disabilities who may not feel supported in mainstream programs.
Blind Golf Australia (BGA). Formerly Australian Blind Golf Australia (ABGA) was formed in 1993 with four (4) State Association members: Western Australia, New South Wales, Victoria and South Australia. The goal of BGA is to promote the game of golf amongst blind and vision impaired people and to co-ordinate blind golf between the states of Australia. BGA is also a founding member of the International Blind Golf Association (IBGA). The organisation aims to represent Australian blind golf internationally and to create and maintain registers of blind golf events throughout Australia with lists of players, sight classifications and handicaps. In this website you will find links to Australian and International Blind Golf organisations and a calendar of events.
All Abilities Sand Greens Championship of WA. New on the schedule for 2023, the All Abilities Sand Greens Championship of WA is believed to be the world’s first sand greens tournament for All Abilities golfers.
Record field for Australian Deaf Golf Championships 2023, Golf Australia, (4 September 2023). A record number of players were in the field for the 26th Australian Deaf Golf Championships at Royal Pines RACV Golf Resort on the Gold Coast.
Record turnout for Special Olympics National Tournament, Golf Australia, (26 October 2023). A record field of 62 athletes took part in either 18-hole, nine-hole or alternate-shot competition in the first Special Olympics Australia national golf tournament to be held outside of Special Olympics qualifying.
GymAbility. Offers more specific programs to suit all levels of physical and mental ability. Gymnastics Australia seeks to offer a quality experience of gymnastics that is safe, enjoyable and enables every participant to reach their potential.
Special Olympics. The Special Olympics gymnastics program gives people with intellectual disabilities - of all ages and abilities - the opportunity to develop physical fitness, strength, balance, flexibility, coordination, confidence and friendships. Gymnastics is a fantastic community based activity for everybody to enjoy.
Electric wheelchair hockey. A modified version of ice hockey for electric wheelchair users, commonly known as “Powerhockey”. The sport is played on an indoor basketball court. There are two teams of five players.
To be eligible to play electric wheelchair hockey the athlete must use an electric wheelchair for daily mobility. Participants include persons with quadriplegia, multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, cerebral palsy, hand trauma, stroke, spinal cord injury and other disabilities.
Adaptive Judo. Offers people with diverse and special needs the opportunity to participate as productive and respected members of the Judo Australia community.
Diversity & Inclusion, FIA. We encourage diversity across the board and are building better and more accessible pathways into Motor Sport and Mobility alike. We foster gender equality, inclusivity in motoring and tourism, and access to motor racing.
Marie Little Shield, Netball Australia, (accessed 29 April 2024). The Marie Little Shield (MLS) is a netball competition for women with an intellectual disability, giving these athletes the chance to represent their state at a national level. It was introduced back in 2013, and has become a highlight of the annual Australia Post One Netball calendar. The MLS was named after Marie Little (OAM), a netballer who dedicated her life to those with an intellectual disability. It’s one of several diversity and inclusions programs we run. The message is that anyone, regardless of background or ability, is welcome in netball.
No Limits Netball Program, Netball Western Australia, (accessed 29 April 2024). The Netball WA No Limits Netball Program is a participation-based program for individuals aged over 12 years old with an intellectual disability. Each No Limits Netball Program site delivers weekly training programs and/or competitions to advance social and physical skills as well as drive overall mental wellbeing.
ParaNetball Strategy 2018-2021, England Netball, (2018). This strategy has been published following extensive research and development pulling on an evidence base from across all sport. It signals a new commitment in deaf and disabled women supporting not just players but also coaches and officials by England Netball.
Powerlifting is the ultimate test of upper body strength. Athletes with a disability compete in the bench press. Competition is open to men and women of all ages and sizes. Powerlifting follows the same rules as able-bodied bench press.
Rugby League
Wheelchair Rugby League Australia (WRLA). Wheelchair Rugby League is an inclusive sport, and is a variation of the running game that allows athletes with disabilities to compete with and against able-bodied people.
NRL launches partnership with Special Olympics Australia, Chris Kennedy,, (3 December 2021). The NRL has partnered with Special Olympics Australia in a move that will help the game broaden its own inclusive sports offerings while providing Special Olympics with access to the reach of the NRL.
Physical Disability Rugby League (NSW). NSW Physical Disability Rugby League Association is affiliated with NSWRL and is the trading name of Physical Disability Rugby League Australia (PDRLA). Its mission is to provide children and adults with a physical disability the opportunity to participate in a fun, inclusive sport and be a part of the Rugby League family. The rules and competition are true to the game but have been modified to cater for those with a physical disability that affects their strength, speed or coordination.
Wheelaroos to play USA in Las Vegas, Brad Walter,, (31 August 2023). The Australian Wheelaroos are set to make history by playing a three Test series against the United States in Las Vegas ahead of the NRL's opening round fixture at Allegiant Stadium in March.
Learning Disability RL. A welcoming and enjoyable environment. Initially at a community or foundation club level, players will vary in ability and a fun mixed level of activities will take place. Training sessions would be weekly.
Leagueability, Gold Coast Titans, (accessed 29 August 2024). An inclusive modified game of rugby league designed to allow people of all abilities to play, volunteer and coach. Program is held weekly where players learn the skills and fundamentals of rugby league. The program works on coordination and teamwork in a fun and supportive environment. Players are given the chance to play games across the Gold Coast and Northern Rivers, including matches at Cbus Super Stadium. Since 2018, the program has grown into three teams – Physical Disability, Intellectual Disability and All Abilities.
- Titans launch Pathway to Play to further grow Leagueability success, Gold Coast Titans, (27 August 2024). This pioneering initiative is designed to empower local sports coaches and volunteers with the skills and knowledge needed to establish and enhance Leagueability programs, making rugby league even more accessible to people with disabilities across Queensland.
Disability Sports Australia and National Rugby League announce partnership through Sports Incubator program, Disability Sports Australia, (4 April 2022). Disability Sports Australia are pleased to announce our working partnership across disability sport with National Rugby League. This partnership will focus on several key aspects that allow National Rugby League to progress participation and pathways across disability.
Rugby Union
Modified Rugby Program (MRP) was set up through the GingerCloud Foundation in 2014 with support from Queensland Rugby Union. Their goal is to encourage more children and young adults with learning and perceptual disabilities to play Rugby through their touch-only format. Each boy and girl with a learning and perceptual disability has their own club PlayerMentor on the field supporting them. The program provides weekly training sessions and seasonal MRP Competitions within an existing Club environment, where teenage PlayerMentors are supporting MRP Players on the field every week. From 1 team of 16 participants at Brothers in 2014, the MRP community in 2019 comprises 281 participants across 23 teams, and operates in 17 clubs across Queensland and the ACT. In 2017, Rugby Australia (RA) endorsed the MRP as a new division of rugby in Australia.
Australian Deaf Rugby. Rugby Australia is a proud supporter of the team whose motto is ‘’inclusiveness’’ and prove that no matter what your level of hearing is you can pick up a Rugby ball and have some fun. In April 2018 Australia hosted the World Deaf Rugby 7s tournament which attracted more than 180 athletes from all corners of the world including England, Ghana, Japan and Wales. It was also the first International Deaf Women’s tournament ever staged with three female teams battling it out in Sydney. The Australian Deaf Rugby team participates in annual tournaments across the world.
Rugby Australia Partners with What Ability to Put Happiness First, Rugby Australia, (27 October 2023). Rugby Australia and What Ability, a leading National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider, will unite to put happiness first for people living with disabilities across the country.
Rebels to celebrate All Abilities, Melbourne Rebels, (22 May 2023). The Melbourne Rebels are thrilled to announce it will host its first annual All Abilities Match when it takes on the Western Force on Friday Night at AAMI Park.
Resources launched as part of World Autism Day and Autism Awareness Month, Australian Sailing, (6 April 2023). In recognition of World Autism Day and Autism Awareness month this April, Australian Sailing has teamed up with AMAZE - the peak body for Autism in Victoria - to produce resources for instructors and clubs to help ensure children with Autism have a quality experience when trying sailing for the first time.
Making Waves Foundation is an Australian registered not-for-profit charitable organisation. We provide unique on-water experiences for young people with disabilities or young adults experiencing disadvantage. Programs include :
- The Winds of Joy program provides a unique opportunity for young people with disability to sail a large racing yacht that has been modified to ensure easy accessibility and accommodate wheelchair users.
- The Winds of Change program has been created for young people displaying challenging behaviours, diverse learning abilities and is tailored for those ‘at-risk’.
- Winds of Care program offers half a day of respite, relaxation, networking, and celebration of the invaluable care that they provide. It is offered as a 2-3 hour sail on Sydney Harbour on a Saturday or Sunday. The time is negotiable and subject to availability. Please get in touch with the Sydney office to find out if your community group can join.
Para Inclusive Strategy 2024-2029, World Sailing, (June 2024). World Sailing is targeting a return to the Paralympic Games after publishing its first Para Inclusive Strategy which will guide the growth of the sport through to 2029.
New campaign launched for athletes with intellectual impairment to be added to 2026 Winter Paralympics, Inside the Games, (5 June 2023). Virtus, the International Sports Federation for athletes with an intellectual impairment, has renewed its efforts to get Nordic skiing on the programme for the 2026 Winter Paralympic Games in Milan and Cortina d'Ampezzo.
Sport For All. Sport for All is a movement promoting the Olympic ideal that sport is a human right for all individuals regardless of race, social class and gender. Sport for All encourages all people to live the Olympic Movement’s values by practicing sports activities that give them regular exercise and the health and social benefits that come from sports participation.
Disability, Shooting Australia. Smallbore and Air Rifle shooting is also enjoyed by disabled shooters and is called Para-shooting. Shooters are classified according to their level of disability. Target Rifle Australia is committed to ensuring that people with a disability are encouraged to participate at the highest level.
Sport Climbing
Adaptive Climbing Victoria (ACV). Started in 2018 as a Special Project of Sport Climbing Victoria (SCV), ACV came to life as the team saw a need to promote awareness around including people with disability within the climbing community. ACV is aiming to create pathways for people with disabilities to participate in rock climbing, while at the same time educating the existing climbing community about how they can help. ACV are helping to grow the adaptive community of climbers through a number of events and projects.
Para-Squash, Squash Australia, (accessed 7 December 2021). Squash Australia are committed to ensuring the availability and the practice of the sport to all and are working in conjunction with the World Squash Federation to see Para-Squash accepted by the IPC framework.
- Wheelchair Squash is a fast paced, fun and engaging activity. Upon trials at the National Squash Centre, we experimented with the types of racquets and balls used. The players found that normal length racquets were best for reach, but opted for a racquetball style ball with higher bounce. They also adapted to allow two bounces per rally similar to wheelchair tennis.
- Squash for the Hearing Impaired has no major differences in regards to the physical game play. The main difference is in the scoring with scorers using flip boards to display the score or signing the numbers to the players.
- Squash Australia are in the process of trialling more para-squash events, including - Squash for the Visually Impaired, Squash for Amputees, and Squash for those with mental disabilities - to see what would work best to ensure that the sport is inclusive and accessible for everyone.
Surf Life Saving
Inclusive Beaches program, Surf Life Saving Australia, (accessed 7 December 2021). People with a disability are encouraged to get involved in SLS activities and SLSA supports individuals to participate and obtain skills and qualifications. The content and resources available aim to assist Surf Life Saving clubs to support the inclusion of people of different abilities and backgrounds to join their local club and learn to be safe and confident at the beach.
- In 2021/22 SLSA offered Inclusive Beaches Equipment Grants to clubs around Australia. $6,000 total funding for all grants was available to support clubs offering disability inclusion programs.
Athletes of all abilities join in the excitement of Aussies at inaugural Adaptive Events, Surf Life Saving Australia, (23 April 2024). In 2024 over 40 athletes took part in the first Australian Surf Life Saving Championships, Adaptive Competition. Michael Woods from Inclusive Sport Design has worked with SLSA to develop the program designed to support athletes. “There are a whole bunch of inclusive practices that have been put into the Aussies, some of them are infrastructure things like beach mats on the sand for wheelchair access, we have sensory/quiet areas for people who might need that and we’ve also helped educate officials,” he said.
Matt Formston Elected First Surfing Australia Para-Surfing Council Chair Person, Surfing Australia, (8 September 2021). The Para-Surfing Council was created to not only foster input from the Para-Surfing community but to identify priority initiatives and actions that will best contribute to the Para-Surfing movement and culture in Australia. It will encourage policymakers, program facilitators, designers and deliverers to work collaboratively with community members to implement agreed initiatives.
Adaptive Surfers of Australia (ASA) was created for all adaptive surfers, both competitive and non competitive as a means of unifying the movement in Australia.
Northern Beaches Para Surfing Boardriders Club, Surfing NSW, (31 January 2024). Para Surfing, also known as adaptive surfing, is a rapidly growing sport that provides individuals with physical disabilities the opportunity to experience the thrill of riding a wave. A club that’s grassroots, community focused and inclusive experience to adaptive/para surfers of all abilities and whose subject is to turn challenges into opportunities and adversity into adventure, NBPSB is back for 2024 and are making a difference.
Blind Swimming Guidelines, Blind Sports Victoria, (2021). This guide has been produced to help aquatic sport and recreation providers, including aquatic facility staff, swimming teachers, club coaches, school teachers and volunteers, to overcome some of the challenges involved in effectively including people with vision loss. The guidelines cover:
- Understanding blindness and vision loss.
- Understanding the benefits of swimming for people with vision loss.
- Ways to ensure your facility is accessible.
- Ways to ensure you are being an inclusive service.
- Sighted guide principles.
- Different water way environments
Inclusive Swimming Framework 2020-2022, Swimming Australia, (December 2020). While swimming has a long and proud egalitarian history with many positive outcomes for inclusion already achieved, there is more work to do. 39 Paralympic gold medals since 2008, however only 1% are swimmer members with a disability. The Inclusive Swimming Framework is intended to provide guidance and support beyond the institution of SA so that a more consistent national direction may be fostered. Additionally, SA will maintain an inclusion ‘influencers’ network that will see responsibility for inclusion outcomes embedded across the whole swimming community.
Table Tennis
Partnership with Special Olympics Australia, Table Tennis Australia, (accessed 8 December 2021). Table Tennis Australia (TTA) 's latest partnership with Special Olympics Australia will help people with an intellectual impairment to maximise their participation opportunities. Affiliated clubs and associations can now link in with SOA through their free affiliation program to offer a participation pathway at the local, state and national level.
Get Involved in Para Table Tennis, Table Tennis Australia, (accessed 8 December 2021). Athletes from all physical and intellectual impairment groups can play table tennis, however, only eligible standing, sitting and intellectual impairment classes can compete at the Paralympic Games.
TTA launches new para e-learning platform, Table Tennis Australia, (14 December 2020). TTA’s E-Learning Platform is an introductory online program for new coaches and Allied Health Professionals looking to get involved in coaching players with a disability. While Para-table tennis continues to grow across the world, player development models have stayed relatively the same from the grassroots level, up, with coaches relying on experiential knowledge and communication with other coaches. TTA’s new platform includes online tutorial videos and activity cards for lesson plans as well as a 45-page Para Coaching Manual which all ultimately aim to streamline information, making it easier for club coaches and Allied Health Professionals to gain access to best practise methods. The E-Learning Platform is aimed at Allied Health Professionals and club coaches who are starting up a Para program, and also supports the Solutions Grant programs that have been newly established within rehabilitation centres, disability organisations and hospitals.
Para Taekwondo video series, Australian Taekwondo, Vimeo, (April 2020). Introduces Para Taekwondo for participants and people already engaged in taekwondo.
Inclusion and diversity, Tennis Australia, (accessed 29 November 2021). Inclusion and diversity programs and pathways for tennis in Australia include:
- Blind and low vision
- Deaf and hard of hearing
- Intellectual disability or autism
- Wheelchair
- Coaching All Abilities
AO Community Grants. Australian Open ‘AO’ Community Grants support projects that use tennis as the vehicle to improve community connectedness and the health and wellbeing of people from underrepresented groups, including but not limited to people with disability, multicultural communities, Indigenous Australians and those who identify as LGBTI.
Tennis Australia partners with Special Olympics Australia to increase access, Tennis Australia, (22 October 2021). Proud to be a sport for all, Tennis Australia has partnered with Special Olympics Australia to make tennis more accessible for players with intellectual disabilities and autism.
Action Audio. Action Audio works by turning spatial data from real time ball monitoring into 3D sound. The system emphasises ball movements and augments critical moments to allow blind and low vision audiences to follow the game without seeing the ball.
Tenpin Bowling
People with disability resources, Tenpin Bowling Australia, (accessed 26 November 2021). Tenpin Bowling leads the way in actively including all participants in play. Whether it’s the first time in a bowling centre, using portable lanes in school/community setting or representing your state at the National Disability Championships – we aim to support each individual’s opportunity to bowl.
- For children of Primary-school age we recommend our national junior learn to bowl program Bowl Patrol.
- For teens and adults with a disability, check out Bowl Abilities.
- Start with Bowl @ Home videos to learn the basics, then head along to your local centre to join a program. Both programs utilise inclusive elements in addition to physical modifications (ramps, bumpers, pushers) we offer communication assistance (WordBoard, social story, visual schedule) and a pathway through to league and representative competitions.
Tenpin Bowling Case Study, Special Olympics Australia, (6 October 2021). At Special Olympics Australia, we rely on the dedication and efforts of our volunteers to provide opportunities for our athletes to play sport. Calvin Jenkins is one such volunteer. We shared Calvin’s story during National Volunteer Week. He is the driving force behind Special Olympics Tenpin Bowling in Tasmania and has been able to grow participation by leveraging a relationship with Tenpin Bowling Tasmania and their associated bowling leagues.
Blind Tenpin Bowling. Tenpin Bowling is a sport that can be played for recreation or competition, which can usually be enjoyed by the blind and the sighted on an equal basis. Blind or vision impaired bowlers can usually bowl in most bowling centres, the same as sighted bowlers, many bowlers who have no or little sight, may need sighted guidance or use a guide rail to help them in their deliveries.
Blind and Vision Impaired Tenpin Bowling (BVIT) are a member of Blind Sports Australia and can connect you to opportunities to compete, both locally and nationally. BVIT run phantom leagues across Australia, where people are able to bowl at a local bowling centre and share their scores to compete against others across the country. BVIT run National Championships every 2 years, with the location of the nationals rotating between state, in 2020, the BVIT nationals were held in Brisbane.
Inaugural TBA National Inclusion Masters To Be Hosted In Orange, Tenpin Bowling Australia, (23 August 2022). TBA National Inclusions Masters is an open grade national event for the identification of our advanced to elite inclusion athletes from each of the four classifications listed above.
Para Bowling World Cup Legacy To Provide Even More Inclusion Opportunities, Tenpin Bowling Australia, (27 January 2023). The successful delivery of last year’s International Bowling Federation (IBF) World Cup and Para Bowling World Cups on Australian soil was a major coup for the sport of Tenpin Bowling in this country and the Sunshine Coast region. Pleasingly, the legacy of the events will roll on in 2023 with more opportunities for people with a disability to bowl.
Touch Football
All Abilities Touch Football, Touch Football Australia, (accessed 8 December 2021). A completely inclusive program that provides opportunity for people with intellectual and/or physical impairments to learn Touch skills and play the sport with their family members, carers, friends, elite footy players and the wider community.
Inclusion, Volleyball Australia, (accessed 7 December 2021). Volleyball is one of the top participated sports worldwide that everyone can enjoy through welcoming, inclusive, and safe practices. Volleyball Australia is committed to providing opportunities for people of all abilities and backgrounds to participate in inclusive volleyball. Inclusive Volleyball Opportunities Aims To: Develop collaborative partnerships; Educate and understand the barriers;
Engage the whole community; Reduce the barriers through modified and inclusive equipment and training; Promote inclusive practices.
- Sitting volleyball follows mostly the same rules and structure as mainstream volleyball, but is played on a smaller court, with a lower net. The players, who have various levels and types of physical impairment, must move around the court in a seated position on the floor. Sitting volleyball can be played indoors or on the beach.
- Standing beach volleyball is much the same as mainstream beach volleyball, but the players have various types and levels of physical impairment. Standing beach volleyball is played on a sandy court surface, either indoors or on the beach, with three players per team, one of whom may be a 'minimal disability' player.
Water Ski
Disabled Water Ski Australia (DWSA) provides information, participation and competitive pathways for water skiing for people with physical disabilities and vision impairments. The primary focus is on providing sporting opportunities for people with disabilities to take them from a social skier and into competition. Athletes can compete in their own category, and/or against able-bodied athletes.
- Most skiers with a disability ski in mainstream three-event tournaments (i.e. slalom, trick, and jump). These include state and national titles and many local competitions. Some states also run Come and Try days especially for people who want to learn how to ski. Coaching and advice on adaptive equipment is also available.
- In addition, DWSA sends a national team to the World Disabled Water Ski Championships which are held every two years. People who have a range of disabilities including vision impairment, arm/leg amputees, paraplegia, and quadriplegia can all compete in the event subject to meeting certain criteria and team size limitations.
Wheelchair Rugby
Wheelchair Rugby Australia. Wheelchair rugby is a fast paced, full contact team sport for male and female quadriplegics (tetraplegics) looking to get involved in a team sport.
Suncoast Spinners Wheelchair Rugby. Provides inclusive wheelchair sport to the Sunshine Coast community and greater region. Caters for physically disabled and able-bodied athletes in the sport of Wheelchair Basketball and Wheelchair Rugby. Reverse Inclusion aims to deliver a truly inclusive sporting opportunity where people of all abilities can play sport together on an equal playing field (court). The importance of access to sport and the benefits of inclusion practices within the wider community are major awareness.
International practice
International practice
International Paralympic Committee (IPC)
International Paralympic Committee (IPC) is the global governing body of the Paralympic Movement founded on 22 September 1989. The IPC’s primary responsibilities are to support their 200 plus members develop Para sport and advocate social inclusion, ensure the successful delivery and organisation of the Paralympic Games and act as the international federation for 10 Para sports.
- Accessibility Guide, International Paralympic Committee, (October 2020). designed to assist Organising Committees (OCOG) and host city authorities in the successful planning and delivery of the Games. Inside the publication are a combination of supporting information, guidelines, recommendations, construction building codes and previous Games examples to help OCOGs and their partners deliver an inclusive sporting event. Furthermore, the document has been created with a wider audience in mind to assist similar organisers and hosts across the globe in creating a more accessible and inclusive environment. The Guide features details on a wide range of areas including accommodation, transportation, venue layout, access to information and services, along with best practices for disability and awareness training.
- The Agitos Foundation is the development arm of the IPC and take our name from the Paralympic Symbol – the Agitos – which is derived from the Latin verb "to move". They deliver programmes to support the IPC’s vision ‘to make for an inclusive world through sport’. Programmes are delivered within four priority themes: pathways; awareness; representation; and, ambassadors.
- IPC launches PARA SPORT programme to grow awareness and participation in Para sport, International Paralympic Committee, (11 May 2022). The International Paralympic Committee (IPC), in its capacity as the governing body of Para sport and the international federation for multiple Para sports, has created a new grassroots-to-high performance programme called PARA SPORT. It aims to support National Paralympic Committees (NPCs) and International Federations, bringing together events, activities and organisations to help change the story around persons with disabilities.
- Allianz creates inclusive Training Series for young people with disabilities, International Paralympic Committee, (15 November 2022). Together with the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), Allianz has developed an inclusive training series with workout videos by Paralympic athletes as part of their MoveNow programme. The insurer wants to encourage young people with disabilities to get involved in sports and prepare them to believe in a better future by overcoming that “day one”.
International practice
Policy on Sport for Persons with a Disability, Government of Canada, Sport Canada, (2006). This Policy provides a framework for engaging partners and stakeholders in initiating changes that aim to reduce and ultimately eliminate sport-specific barriers that prevent persons with a disability from participating in sport. At the same time, the Policy addresses some of the environmental, structural, systemic, social and personal barriers that keep many persons with a disability from being full participants in Canadian society. The Policy envisions the full and active participation of persons with a disability in Canadian sport at all levels and in all forms, to the extent of their abilities and interests.
Canadian Disability Participation Project: Sport and Exercise, (accessed 30 April 2024). Our goal is to develop, test and implement evidence-based best-practices to increase the number of people with disabilities who participate in sport and exercise, and to improve the quality of their participation experiences. These practices might be directed toward coaches, parents, sport and exercise program administrators, facility managers, or individuals looking to become more physically active. The CDPP Sport and Exercise team have produced a large number of projects, resources, publications, toolkits, knowledge translation bulletins, and more, including:
- Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children, Youth, and Adults with a Disability, Canadian Disability Participation Project, University of British Columbia, (version 1.1 January 2020). This blueprint document has been created for program builders, including administrators, coaches, and policy makers. It introduces key concepts that underpin quality participation, and provides tools for building quality participation in sport programs for children, youth, and adults with a disability. The Building Blocks of Quality Experience and Participation identified are: Belonging, Autonomy, Mastery, Challenge, Engagement and, Meaning. These six building blocks, layered on top of a supportive foundation, lead to positive, enjoyable sport experiences. Repeated and sustained exposure to these quality experiences should contribute to lasting quality participation. The Quality Participation Checklist links these building blocks with the foundational environmental strategies that support them.
- Evidence-Based Strategies for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children, Youth, and Adults with a Disability, Veronica Allan, Canadian Disability Participation Project, University of British Columbia, (March 2018). This report was developed as a supplement to The Blueprint for Building Quality Participation in Sport for Children, Youth and Adults with a Disability and summarises the evidence supporting the 25 strategies for building quality participation outlined in the Blueprint.
- National approaches to promote sports and physical activity in adults with disabilities: examples from the Netherlands and Canada, Femke Hoekstra, Lynn Roberts, Caroline van Lindert,, Disability and Rehabilitation, Volume 41(10), pp.1217-1226, (2019). Both governments promote high performance sports in similar ways, but use different strategies to promote recreational sports and physical activities. The Dutch approach is characterized by using time-limited programs focusing on enhancement of sports infrastructure and inter-sector collaboration in which municipalities have key roles. The Canadian government promotes recreational sports in disabled populations by supporting programs via bilateral agreements with provinces and territories. Furthermore, the level of integration of disability sports into mainstream sports differs between countries. The findings of this study may inspire policy makers from different countries to learn from one another’s policies in order to optimize national approaches to promote disability sports and PA on all levels.
- Canadian Physical Activity Report Card for Children & Adolescents with Disabilities, Canadian Disability Participation Project, (November 2022). The Disability Report Card is Canada's first-ever comprehensive summary of physical activity data for children and adolescents with disabilities. This Disability Report Card resource suite presents several resources that highlight Canada’s grades and the grading process, as well as recommendations to improve the accessibility and inclusivity of physical activity experiences for children and adolescents with disabilities.
- Policy Governing Sport and Exercise for People with Disabilities in Canada, Canadian Disability Participation Project, (June 2018). The Canadian Disability Policy Alliiance in collaboration with the Sport & Exercise Team, conducted a comprehensive survey of policy related to sport and exercise for people with disabilities in 14 jurisdictions in Canada – federal, provincial and territorial.
International practice
European Union (EU)
Fragmented, complex and cumbersome: A study of disability sport policy and provision in Europe, Thomas N and Guett M, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, Volume 6(3), pp.389-406, (2014). This article examines the provision of disability sport in 19 European countries. The authors conclude that the organisation and structure of disability sport in many European countries is fragmented, complex and cumbersome and exists within a policy climate characterised by a largely uncoordinated commitment to disability sport. In many countries, mainstreaming was a dominant (though largely rhetorical) policy objective. Only limited progress has been made towards achieving this objective because of the reluctance of various sports organisations to relinquish their existing roles and accept new responsibilities for disability sport.
Structure and Organization of Sport for People With Intellectual Disabilities Across Europe, Marin-Urquiza A; Burns J; et al., Adapted Physical Activity Quarterly, Volume 41(1), pp.126-152, (10 Aug 2023). This study addressed the current knowledge on how sport for people with ID is organized and the relationships between the major sport organizations for people with ID across 10 European countries. The participants were 29 national sport organizations for people with ID. Data were collected using semistructured interviews with representatives from the key organizations and analyzed thematically.
International practice
Promoting Physical Activity Among Children and Adolescents With Disabilities: The Translation of Policy to Practice Internationally, Sit C; Aubert S; et al., Journal of Physical Activity and Health, Volume 19(11), pps.758-768, (22 October 2022). Physical inactivity among children and adolescents with disabilities (CAWD) is a global public health issue. Policy efforts to promote physical activity (PA) among CAWD have increased. This study summarizes the international policy trend for promoting PA among CAWD, with behavioral and policy insights specific to CAWD from country/regional indicators from the Active Healthy Kids Global Alliance Matrix on Physical Activity for Children and Adolescents to determine policy translation into practice.
Special Issue: Global Matrix of 2022 Para Report Cards on Physical Activity of Children and Adolescents With Disabilities. Ng K.W. ,Volume 40(3), (July 2023)
International practice
New Zealand
Sport New Zealand. The '2019 Disability Plan' guides our commitment to working in partnership, investing, and building a system-wide capability to deliver better outcomes for disabled people.
- Disability Plan, Sport NZ, (October 2019). Improving the wellbeing of disabled New Zealanders by addressing inequalities in play, active recreation and sport.
- Disability Review, Lumin for Sport NZ, (December 2018). This Summary Report and Recommendations is intended for the whole of the disability active recreation and sport, and disability sectors to adopt and implement. The recommendations are intended to guide the actions of Sport NZ as the lead agency
- Spotlight on Disability, Sport NZ, (December 2018). This spotlight report focuses on understanding the impact of impairments on participation by highlighting the differences and similarities between disabled and non-disabled people’s participation. One of the key findings is overall, disabled people are less likely to participate weekly in play, active recreation or sport. The gap for young people occurs between ages 5 and 7. Weekly participation is matched between ages 8 and 24. From age 25-plus, disabled adults’ participation is lower than for non-disabled adults. Participation continues to decline with increasing age, in contrast with a relatively stable picture for non-disabled adults up until 75-plus.
- Disabled young people with one impairment are just as likely to participate weekly as non-disabled young people, whereas disabled adults with one impairment are less likely to participate weekly than non-disabled adults. Weekly participation for young people and adults drops with two or more impairments.
- Disabled people are less likely to participate competitively. This is particularly the case between ages 8 and 14 and from 35-plus.
- When participating in PE, disabled young people are less likely to enjoy the experience than non-disabled young people. Sixty-seven per cent of disabled young people enjoy PE, compared with 81 per cent of non-disabled young people.
- Motivation: Disabled young people are more likely to participate for fitness or health and less likely to participate for fun, compared with non-disabled young people. There is no difference in the rank order of participation motivations between disabled and non - disabled adults. Disabled adults are more likely to participate to meet people or be part of a group than nondisabled. This is particularly the case between ages 25 and 34 when participation among disabled adults begins to decline.
- Barriers: Disabled people share the top two barriers to participation: lack of time and low levels of motivation. Although, in comparison with non-disabled people, time is less of a barrier for disabled people, and poor motivation is more of a barrier.
- Physical literacy: Disabled people have poorer results than non-disabled people in all six domains of physical literacy, with the biggest gap for disabled people on confidence, competence and opportunity to take part in activities of their choice, compared with non-disabled. There are differences in physical literacy by age and impairment. The widest gap in physical literacy among disabled young people is between ages 8 and 11 and disabled people with a communication, mixing with others and socialising impairment.
- Benefits: Disabled people who participate in play, active recreation and sport score more favourably on all health and wellbeing indicators.
Paralympics New Zealand. New Zealand’s first participation in international sports events for people with disabilities was in 1962. The New Zealand Paraplegic and Physically Disabled Federation was formed in 1968. The organisation became ParaFed New Zealand in the early 1990’s and then became Paralympics New Zealand in 1998. The organisation manages elite and development programs as part of the Paralympic movement.
An historical analysis of disability sport policy in Aotearoa New Zealand, Catriona McBean, Robert Townsend, Kirsten Petrie, International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, (14 March 2022). In this paper, drawing on archival data we outline the evolution of disability sport policy, highlighting key initiatives of government sport agencies from 1937 to the contemporary disability sport policy landscape. Evolving with the rise of the social model of disability, these policies are considered a necessary response to an historical invisibility of disabled people in sport. We highlight a landscape that is complicated by significant diffusion of power between government and ‘not-for-profit’ organisations responsible for the provision of sport for disabled people. Within this contested landscape and with the historical weight of policy, disabled people in NZ continue to report exclusion, marginalisation and lower levels of participation, suggesting a disconnect between policy and its enactment. We introduce the concept of ‘enlightened ableism’ to illustrate that while progressive ideals are embedded in disability policy, there are still challenges for achieving true inclusive practice. Furthermore, lessons learned from previous policy failures suggest that while the future of disability sport in NZ looks well placed to facilitate increased participation, it is worth questioning the extent to which ableism is structured into the fabric of disability sport.
New research: Paralympic sport key to driving NZ’s inclusion of disabled people. Paralympics New Zealand (PNZ) has released new research ahead of International Day of Disabled Persons this Sunday 3 December. The findings show that 84% of New Zealander’s believe we should have a society that is truly inclusive of disabled people, yet half believe that we are achieving this desired level of inclusion.
International practice
United Kingdom (UK)
New guidelines to support disabled children to be more active, UK Government, (16 February 2022). UK's Chief Medical Officers publish first ever guidelines on physical activity for disabled children and young people. Specific benefits that disabled children and young people can gain from physical activity include improved confidence and concentration, meeting new people and stronger muscles and improved motor strength.
- Physical activity guidelines: disabled children and disabled young people, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and Department of Health and Social Care, (February 2022). Infographic explaining the physical activity needed for general health benefits for disabled children and disabled young people.
- Physical activity in disabled children and disabled young people: evidence review, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and Department of Health and Social Care, (February 2022). Findings of a rapid evidence review into the health benefits and potential risks of physical activity for children and young people who have disabilities.
- Physical activity guidelines for disabled children and disabled young people: methodology, Office for Health Improvement and Disparities and Department of Health and Social Care, (February 2022). A summary of the main findings of the scientific evidence review, the methodology for co-producing the infographic, and further detail on physical activity opportunities.
Mapping Disability, Sport England, (2016). We know that almost one in five people in England have a long-standing limiting disability or illness, and that compared to other groups, disabled people are much less likely to take part in sport or physical activity. To better understand this population group, and to support people who work in the sport and activity sector to reach and engage disabled people, we’ve created a suite of resources – Mapping Disability.
- Mapping Disability - engaging disabled people the guide: a practical guide for organisers of grassroots community sport, Sport England, (March 2016). This guide supports you to communicate and engage more effectively with audiences that include disabled people. It contains hints and suggestions on how you can motivate disabled people and how you can reassure them that their needs will be met.
- Mapping Disability - engaging disabled people: the research, Sport England, (March 2016). The objectives of the project were: To understand the communication channels disabled people access, and which they trust, to establish which are most effective for communications encouraging physical activity or advertising specific clubs, sessions or facilities. To establish what information would be required from such communications to enable disabled people to decide if the opportunity is suitable for them, with their specific needs. To build on previous work regarding the types of messaging, language and imagery which resonates with disabled people and encourages them to look into the opportunity further.
- Mapping Disability: the facts, Sport England, (January 2016). This research breaks down individual impairments and reveals fascinating insights into disability, from regional variations to age and gender differences. But if you need a starting point, here are the standout findings. Almost 1 in 5 people in England have a long standing limiting disability or illness; almost 70% of disabled people are aged over 50 years; there are slightly more disabled females than males in England; almost 75% of disabled people have more than one impairment.
Scottish Disability Sport (SDS). Scottish Disability Sport (formerly known as the Scottish Sports Association for Disabled People) was formed in 1962 to encourage the development of sport and physical recreation for disabled people throughout Scotland. During its early years the organisation was a branch of the British Sports Association for the Disabled. SDS became a company limited by guarantee in 2003. SDS is Scotland‘s governing and coordinating body for sports that service persons with a physical, sensory or learning disability.
Activity Alliance: disability, inclusion, sport. The national charity and leading voice for disabled people in sport and activity. Previously known as the English Federation of Disability Sport (EFDS). Website provides a wide variety of programs, research and resources. Some key resources and reports include:
- Taking part with disabled people: Non-disabled people’s perceptions, Elliott Johnson, Activity Alliance, (May 2019). Activity Alliance, with support from Sport England commissioned this project. It is the result of an online survey conducted with more than 2,000 non-disabled people. Focused on the concept of inclusive activity, in which disabled and non-disabled people take part together, it examined respondents' perceptions and experiences. The findings present a varied picture, indicating non-disabled people's perceptions could be preventing them from taking part in a mixed setting.
- who says? campaign. Launched on 15 July 2019, the first phase of who says? gave positive evidence, resources and guidance to replace these negative ideas. The campaign films focused on six key perceptions from the charity's recent research. Each film provides upbeat insight from a mixture of disabled and non-disabled people.
- Talk to me, Activity Alliance, (October 2014). Talk to Me used a collaborative approach, working with providers and participants. The aim was to understand the needs, wants and desires of disabled people in sport and physical activity. Also, how to create activities and communications to be more appealing and attractive.
PAWB. The Welsh word PAWB translates to ‘everyone’, which is the identity of our EDI Programme and represents our ambition to make ‘Football for Everyone, Everywhere in Wales’. The PAWB Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy 2021-26 sets out our Vision, Objectives and Actions to become a truly inclusive and representative governing body leading to visible change across the FAW and Welsh football.
International practice
United Nations (UN)
Disability and Sports, United Nations, (accessed 14 December 2021). The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is the first legally binding international instrument to address the rights of persons with disabilities and sport. Article 30 of the Convention addresses both mainstream and disability-specific sport and stipulates that “States Parties shall take appropriate measures to encourage and promote the participation, to the fullest extent possible, of persons with disabilities in mainstream sporting activities at all levels”. It also calls upon Governments, States party to the Convention, to ensure that persons with disabilities have access to sport and recreational venues — as spectators and as active participants. This also requires that children with disabilities be included in physical education within the school system “to the fullest extent possible” and enjoy equal access to “play, recreation and leisure and sporting activities”.
- Article 30 - Participation in cultural life, recreation, leisure and sport, United Nations (2006).
- Sport as a means to promote education, health, development and peace (A/RES/69/6). Resolution adopted by the General Assembly 31 October 2014.
- Panel Discussion on Sports for Inclusive Development: Sports, Disability and Development: Key to empowerment of persons with disabilities and their communities, United Nations Headquarters, New York, 27 June 2011.
International practice
United States of America (USA)
Move United uses sports to push what's possible so everyone, regardless of ability, has equal access to sports and recreation in their community. Established in 1956, Move United is an Affiliate of the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic Committee.
- The Inclusive Playbook is a free, 24 page, interactive workbook created for children in pre-K through 6th grade and focuses on disability awareness and adaptive sport. It is accompanied by a two page interactive Inclusive Playmat for early understanding and learning.
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